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EvolutionX(EVOX) for Dummies

Published by The-dude on 2003-05-31
Category: Beginners | Page Views: 189,462

Tutorial Written by: The-dude


You no longer need to MANUALLY install evox.. Download and burn the Auto Installer Deluxe (http://www.aideluxe.com) to a DVD-R or CDRW and boot in your modded xbox.. With HQ Auto Installer Deluxe (AID) you can choose to install over 60+ Dashboards, Emulators and other xbox apps including EVOX DASHBOARD directly to your Xbox HDD from the AID CDR/DVD.

The HQ Autoinstaller Deluxe also supports all sized hdd's and can format a brand new hdd for use in your modchipped xbox..


*Special Note: DO NOT go to #EvolutionX and make any kind of requests for software, not only is this forbidden, but may result in a permanent ban from the channel. #EvolutionX is a channel created to help people with legitimate problems and should be used only if tutorials or forums fail to help your situation. The EvolutionX team does not condone any kind of piracy of XBOX copywrited material, and discourages any type of conversation relating to piracy in channel or in forum posts.

* The EvolutionX team and the @s or +'s of #EvolutionX Efnet cannot be held resposible for any damage caused to your XBOX as a result of installing or using this software. You proceed at your own risk. It is recommended before starting that the user have some knowledge of basic networking, knowledge of common ftp software, and understand how to use a PC burner. Strong general computer knowledge is also a must. If you lack knowledge of any of the above mentioned prerequisits please do not attempt to modify your xbox, as your chances of permanetly damaging your XBOX are severely increased. Once again the EvolutionX team or anyone associated can and will not be held responsible for any damage caused to your XBOX by attempting to install this software. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

-=Installing EvolutionX on your xbox hdd and connecting your xbox to the network=-

Alright, the reason why you are here is you have an xbox, with a chip, you want to set up EvolutionX on your xbox. But you're clueless as to what to do. Someone in #EvolutionX probably sent you to read this tutorial, and if your not a lazy person, you will actually follow this step by step, rather than ask 400 stupid newb questions in channel that every @ and + have heard over and over again. PLEASE READ THROUGH THIS ENTITE TURORIAL ONE TIME BEFORE ACTUALLY FOLLOWING THE STEPS. You may realize that you might have to modify the evox.ini or customize certain aspects of your boot disc before actually making your boot disc. So HERE WE GO!

* Note: If you are planning on connecting your xbox to your network using a hub or router, you will most likely have to modify your evox.ini to accomidate your customized network. Please read through section 5 "Editing the evox.ini" so you can edit before you make your iso. Also for those of you newbs doing your first evox install, you will most likely be using your original xbox hdd. The evox.ini is set up for items to be exectuted from the f: partition that you will not have with an original hdd. It may be wise for you change all fields in the evox.ini from f: to e: before you pack the evox.ini into an iso. Although it is not neccessary if you do not plan on running any apps or games right away, but recommended you do this now.

1. Making an EvolutionX ISO

First things first, you need to make an EvolutionX (EvoX) Boot disc from EvolutionX_beta_V1.8.3752.rar provided by the good people of the EvoX team. Unrar EvolutionX_beta_V1.8.3752.rar and you will find 3 Files and two folders. (evoxdash.xbe [rename it to default.xbe], evox.ini, EvolutionX beta V1.8.3752.nfo, a Skin folder, a bios folder). You will need to secure xISO to make an XBOX ISO of four of these files and folders. (default.xbe, evox.ini, Skin folder, bios folder) It is also recommended to add some dummy space to your ISO. Some XBOX dvdrom drives have trouble booting such a small ISO, so adding dummy space in the beggining will save you a lot of trouble. What is dummy space? Its a big file you dumbass. Just pick any file on your computer, about 50 megabytes, rename to abc.dat and include in your ISO. Put the four files mentioned in a folder called EvoX and include your dummy space in that folder as well. Open up xISO, go to tools, then make iso. Browse to the EvoX folder you just put all your files in, name the ISO Evox_v1.8.3752.iso, and hit save.

2. Burning the ISO

You will want to use either a CDRW, DVDR or DVDRW. CDR WILL NOT WORK! Yes, Yes, you've heard that there is a miracle xbox out there than one of your friend's friend's had that would boot CDR media, but trust me YOURS WILL NOT or just assume IT WILL NOT and save yourself a big pain in the ass. Media compatability differs from xbox to xbox. I use Memorex 4X CDRW's and i have not found an XBOX that will not boot them. There are many different types of software you can burn with, i prefer Nero. Nero is very strait forward. Open up nero, go to file, then Burn Image, then select all file types at the bottom of the browser box, then browse for the iso you just made. Burn as slow as possible, not only is this good for the xbox, but good practice whenever burning an ISO.

3. Installing EvolutionX

Alright people, here's the moment of truth, weather or not you insalled you chip correctly. Power up your XBOX, open the dvdrom tray, insert your newly created boot disc, close the tray, and power down. Now power back up your XBOX and if your disc was burned correctly and your chip functioning properly, you should see the EvolutionX Dashboard on your TV. Sometimes depending on the setting of the evox.ini it may ask you to set the clock first if your xbox has been unplugged for a long time. If that is the case, set the clock, and reboot. Remember to always cold boot (power off then power on) whenever using the boot disc for best results.

Now that you are booted to the EvoX dashboard you will see a few menu items. MS Dashboard (appears in red to be explained laster), Reboot (duuuuhhhh), Power Off (duuuuhhhh), System Utils, and launch Menu.(Pic Dashboard_Root.bmp) Your's probably looks a bit different as this one is customized, as you will be cutomizing your own later, but you get what it is supposed to look like. System Utils is what you will concern yourself with now, don't worry about anything else at this point. Now you want to install EvoX on your XBOX hdd, this is the easy part.....

You must now connect your XBOX to your network. I recomend installing a Second NIC (Network Interface Card/Ethernet Card) into your computer and using a CROSSOVER cable. A 100mbit capable NIC will run you $15 at your local computer store and the cable another $10, so don't be cheap. This elimiates the hassle of configuring a router or hub to connect the xbox to. Once again you will need a CROSSOVER cable witch is completely different than a "patch" cable that would run from your modem to your computer. If you don't know what you have, i can almost guarantee you have a patch cable. This is one of the biggest newb mistakes thinking you have a crossover cable, and you don't. If you do prefer to use a hub or modem and a patch cable to connect your XBOX to your network you will have to reset the default ip address assigned to the XBOX by EvoX to your current network configuration. The default ip address setting for the XBOX in the evox.ini is If you are using a NIC/Crossover combination you simply have to set your NIC with this setting: IP - 192.168.0.* (* means any number from 1-254 excluding 3) and the subnet mask must be (If this is too difficult for you to understand, i'm sure there are plenty of web sites that you can learn basic networking from.)

Now, if you have the proper equipment, and set everything up properly, it is time to connect to your xbox. Open up your ftp browser software, I recomend flashfxp, but any type of ftp browser software will do. Use these settings to connect: Port 21 Login:xbox Password:xbox Now you will see a screen that looks similar to this (Pic Evox_FTP.bmp). You will see C: D: E: F: X: Y: and Z:. The only two Partitions that you have to worry about now is C: and D:. Open up D: and you will see the contents of your boot disc. Copy default.xbe, EvoX.ini, a Bios folder and a Skins Folder to a folder in your computer. As you can see from the last pic, I made a folder called EvolutionX in which i copied those contents to (Pic Evox_FTP_D.bmp). Now that you have the files from your boot disc on your PC open up C: on the XBOX. Now go to your PC and rename the default.xbe file to xboxdash.xbe. Now in C: of your XBOX rename xboxdash.xbe to msxboxdash.xbe. Now from your PC upload to C: on the XBOX, xboxdash.xbe, evox.ini, Skins, and Bios. Your C: will now look like this (Pic Evox_FTP_C.bmp) Eject the EvoX boot disc from your XBOX and reboot, you should now see the EvolutionX Dashboard as your default Dashboard now. Guess what kiddies, YOU'RE DONE. Now you have EvolutionX installed on your XBOX HDD, now its time to have a little fun.

4. Getting to know your EvolutionX Dashboard

First of all you need to know a few basics about your XBOX. Partitions are as so: C:=system files D:=DVDROM E:=GameSaves F:=Storage X:,Y:, & Z:=Game data caching - F: not used with original HDD. Pretend that X, Y, and Z are not there and never ask another question about them again. F: will only be used if you install a larger hdd to your XBOX. E: is where you will store everything for now, till your broke ass can afford a larger hdd. The E: partition is a little smaller than 5gigs and does not allow for a whole lot, so you have to be wise about what you will put on it. TDATA and UDATA should be left alone, these are your game saves, tampering with these Directories or the contents will most likely result in loss of your game saves, or if missing may result in your XBOX not working correctly. Do not tamper with any files or folders in the C: partition with exception of evox.ini, BIOS or SKINS. Deleting or changing any other files or folders will result in your XBOX not working.

Now that you know what the partitions are all about its time to learn about the Evox Dashboard, and what it can do for you. The appearance of your EvolutionX Dashboard and the menu items that you see are all dependant on the evox.ini file. At this point in time you will be able to modify the certain areas of the evox.ini through the EvoX dashboard. You will not be able to modify your menu appearance, but through System Utils, you can modify the xbox Settings. At the root of the Evox dashboard menu go to System Utils and you will see a few more options: Settings, Flash Bios, Backup, Skins, Install Menu. Please DO NOT use Flash Bios or Install Menu, these are more advanced features and should only be used by experienced Evox users. Some Featurs of Install Menu will be explained later. Your two main buttons are A and Back. A to select highlighted menu item and Back to back up to the previous menu.

-=Evox System utils=-


Go to Settings and you will see a screen that looks similar to this (Pic Evox_Settings.bmp). As you can see my settings are most likely different than yours, only because i have changed them. Scroll down and check them all out, there are much more than are displayed in that pic. To change any of these settings simply highlight the the item you want to change, hit the A button, and make your changes. After making any changes you must scroll all the way to the bottom, and hit "Save and Exit"

Here is a list of the settings and what they do:


Setup Network - Allows you to connect to the xbox and assign the xbox and IP. Yes is Default, No will disable xbox network
Use Static IP - Allows you to set a static ip for the xbox. Yes is Default, if No is selected, Evox will search for a DHCP server to assign itself an ip address
IP - Your IP Address Stupid
Subnet mask - Your Subnet mask Stupid
Default Gateway - If xbox is set up in a complicated network it is sometimes neccessary to set a default gateway. 99% of users will not have to
DNS - To input a DNS ip if one is neccessary, if you don't know what DNS stands for, don't worry about it
DNS - To input an alternate DNS server

Nothing you can do with this, just gives you information about current free space on your xbox partitions

Again, nothing to set here, just gives information about your current bios version and your kernel version

Enable - Enables evox to run the ftp you connect to your xbox with, Yes is default, No will shut it off and you will not be able to connect via ftp to your xbox.
Password - Allows you to change the password you use to login to your xbox, xbox is default.
In Game Reset - A nice feature of version 3752 allows you to reset your xbox from your game controller (to be explained later)

Enable - Enable Telnet server, Yes is default (Don't worry about this one kiddies, if you're reading a newb tutorial, you don't want to mess with telnet.)

Just leave this one alone kids

Jump To Ms Dash - If xbox has been unplugged for a long enough time the clock will reset, this feature will tell evox to jump to the ms dashboard so you can reset the time, No is default
Jump If No Link -
24 Hour - Clock is 24 hour military type time, Yes is default, No will set clock on 12 hour AMPM type time
SwapDate - Date is set day/month-year, Yes is default, No will set to month/day-Year
SNTP Server - Default is set to

Fahrenheit - Set to Yes this will measuer cpu and mobo tempurature in Fahrenheit, Set to No Celcius, No is default
Auto Launch Games - Set to yes this will launch your games menu at evox launch, rather than the root menu, No is default
Auto Launch DVD - Set to yes this will launch and game or dvd in dvdrom track rthat than Evox dashboard, No is default
Auto Launch Audio - Set to yes this will launch audio cd's in the dvdrom tray, Yes is default
Use F Drive - Default is Yes, when using a larger hdd, when using F: for storage, selecting No will tell evoX not to look at the F: partion
In Game Reset - Default is Yes, While in a game hold buttons L-Trig+R-Trig+Start+Back all at the same time and will reboot the xbox, Setting to No will disable this feature. With 3752 you are able to change which buttons control the igr through the evox.ini file.
Use Items.txt - Don't worry about this one kiddies, allows for use of custom settings in items.txt file
Screen Saver - The number specified here is the ammount of minutes when you are idle before the screen saver starts working. 0 is off 1-? is how ever many minutes before you want it to work.
Shade Level - Adjusts the transparency level of the screen saver.

Save and Exit - Saves all changed settings and Exits to EvoX dashboard
Exit - Exits to EvoX dashboard, no changes are saved


Very Simple, These are the skins that are located in C:SKINS that you uploaded to your xbox, you can select from many different types or go find or make your own. I prefer the "Info" dash and i recomend you use it. It is the most informative and very easy on the eyes. There are others to choose from, chose whatever you like, and later on, if you get really good, you can find some tools to make your own. (The Writer of this Tutorial is still waiting for an Anna Kornicova Skin HINT HINT HINT)

5. Editing the Evox.ini

Alright people, this is perhaps the most simple thing you will ever do when it comes to EvolutionX. All you really need to do is open up the evox.ini look at the [Menu] Section and visualize what your evox menu looks like when you start your XBOX. I feel very strongly about this subject because i believe that any one that does not know how to open a VERY basic .ini file and modify, obviously lacks the general computer knowledge someone should need to modify their xbox in this way. Now if you do not have a below average IQ, please stop reading and open your evox.ini with a text editor and get modifying. If you're a complete Dipshit, read on.

Looking at the top of the evox.ini you will notice something very familiar. Everything we just covered in the Settings section is the entire top portion of the evox.ini till you reach the [Menu] Section. Instead of making changes to the evox.ini through settings on the evox dashboard, you can make the changes your self by manually typing fields. The entire top portion of the evox.ini can not be any more self explanitory than this. If you cannot figure this out you should probably go play with a loaded shotgun.

There are a few built in commands to the default.xbe that you see designated by the ID_(command name) or the original @ still work.

ID_Flash_Bios or @1 = Flash the BIOS
ID_MS_Dash aka or @3 = Launch the Original Dashboard if named msxboxdash.xbe
ID_Quick_Reboot or @5 = Reboot Xbox
ID_Settings or @9 = Go to the EvoX Dashboard Settings
ID_Power_Off or @10 = Turn the Power Off
ID_Backup or @11 = Backup the settings to C:Backup on the Xbox
ID_Skins or @13 = Skins
ID_Launch_DVD or @14 = Launch disc in dvdrom tray
@2 = Custom User Actions as in @210 to do action 10

This is what your menu section looks like....

Section "Root"
Item "Launch DVD",ID_Launch_DVD
Item "MS Dashboard",ID_MS_Dash
Item "Reboot",ID_Quick_Reboot
Item "Power Off",ID_Power_Off
# Item "Flash Evox BIOS","c:biosd6.bin",ID_Flash_Bios_File

Section "System Utils"
Item "Settings",ID_Settings
Item "Flash BIOS",ID_Flash_Bios
Item "Backup",ID_Backup
Item "Skins",ID_Skins
Section "Launch Menu"
Section "Games"
AutoAddItem "e:games"
AutoAddItem "f:games"
Section "Apps"
AutoAddItem "e:apps"
AutoAddItem "f:apps"





You have two different type of entries, Section and Item

Section = Selectable option in menu, ability to add sub sections and/or Items, but does not execute any xbox functions.
Any new sections will have a { to designate the bigging of a section and a } to designate the end of a section.

Item = Selectable option in menu, this is what executes an xbox games, apps, or functions
Any Item you will add with have the following structure: Item "Item name","path to item"
Item "DVDX","f:applicationsdvdxdefault.xbe"
This means your executable app, game, etc will be located in f:applicationsdvdx and default.xbe is the executable file
(default.xbe is ALWAYS the executable file in any app or game)

You will also see under the apps section and Games section: SortStart, AutoAddItem, SortEnd, SortAll. This will Automatically sort and alphabetize items found in the directory specified AutoAddItem "f:games" so you do not have to add each item in that directory manually.

Section "Root" - Root meaning your opening screen.

This is what you see at root when you start your xbox

Launch DVD - Item - Launches an xbox game, DVD movie, music cd, etc.
MS Dashboard - Item - Launches the default MS dashboard
Reboot - Item - Reboots your xbox
Power Off - Item - Powers off your xbox
System Utils - Section - Opens up system utils Items and sub sections
Launch Menu - Section - Opens up Launch Menu Items and sub sections

Now compare the ini structure to the root sections and items. As you can see all of them line up directly even with eachother, as do sub sections and items that appear in the same sub section. As this .ini is written imagine a tree as it branches off.

Launch DVD - Item - Root Item
MS Dashboard - Item - Root Item
Reboot - Item - Root Item
Power off - Item - Root Item
System Utils - Section - Root Section
Settings - Item - Sub Item of Section System Utils
Flash Bios - Item - Sub Item of Section System Utils
Backup - Item - Sub Item of Section System Utils
Skins - Item - Sub Item of Section System Utils
Install Menu - Section - Sub Section of Section System Utils
Install 4034 - Item - Sub Item of Sub Section Install Menu
Action 11 - Item - Sub Item of Sub Section Install Menu
Action 12 - Item - Sub Item of Sub Section Install Menu
Launch Menu - Section - Root Section
Games - Section - Sub Section of Section Launch Menu
Invaders - Item - Sub Item of Sub Section Games
Apps - Section - Sub Section of Section Launch Menu
DVDX - Item - Sub Item of Sub Section Apps

Hopefully this diagram helps to establish what the .ini structure should look like. Now what we will do is show you how to add and item and a section to the evox.ini and we will use just the Launch Menu Portion of the .ini to demonstrate.

This is the Default Launch Menu Section....

Section "Launch Menu"
Section "Games"
Line "- Auto Items -",2
AutoAddItem "f:games"
Section "Apps"
Item "DVDX","f:Applicationsdvdxdefault.xbe"
AutoAddItem "f:applications"

*Appears as such

Launch Menu - Section - Root Section
Games - Section - Sub Section of Section Launch Menu
Invaders - Item - Sub Item of Sub Section Games
Apps - Section - Sub Section of Section Launch Menu
DVDX - Item - Sub Item of Sub Section Apps

Now you want to add an item to appear in the "Apps" sub section of launch menu, we will use Media Player 2.0 as an example.
First you will upload all neccessary files to f:applications in a folder called XBMP2. Now you must add the Item path to Section "Apps" in the evox.ini ..... Item "Media Player 2.0","f:applicationsXBMPdefault.xbe"

Your evox.ini will now look like this....

Section "Launch Menu"
Section "Games"
Line "- Auto Items -",2
AutoAddItem "f:games"
Section "Apps"
Item "DVDX","f:Applicationsdvdxdefault.xbe"
Item "Media Player 2.0","f:ApplicationsXBMP2default.xbe"
AutoAddItem "f:applications"

That's it kids, if you still don't get it, I don't think there is anything anyone can do for you. Your only option is to let someone else do it for you. Hope everyone was able to follow along ok, any suggestions to help improve this tutorial can be given in #EvolutionX on efnet. Please once again, do not ask questions in #EvolutionX unless you have done all your research first.

Related URL: EvoX Official Website
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