Marc Ecko''s Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure Published by: DiscGolfDiver on 2006-03-23 Page Views: 2710 Rating: 10/10
I'm not a graffiti artist, but I do think this is the most authentic interactive experience to make you feel like one. You play as Trane, a kid looking for fame in the fictitious city of New Radius. Trane has to battle rival crews and the tyrannical police force known as the CCK. Trane abandons his search for fame and takes a stand against the corrupt government with a message of freedom and a call for change. The game-play is varied, it has 4 styles, Navigation, Combat, Stealth and Graff. Each component is fun and inventive, especially the graffiti, Trane can use a variety of tools to spread his message, markers, posters, stencils, spray paint pieces, wheatpaste, and roller blockbusters.
Trane doesn't have access to all of these in the beginning, but by the middle of the game, he is introduced to these tools by Legends, real life graffiti artists that teach you techniques or styles. The graff itself also expands as you play the game, it really shows off his evolution as an artist and a political activist. The characters and story really pulled me in, I really wanted to complete the game because Trane's story is a compelling one.
The world of New Radius was gritty and realistic, the character models looked great for current gen and the cinematic work was top notch. The music is really note worthy, I don't think I've ever heard such a rich mix of styles, yet it all works together, much like a Q.T. movie. If you have the money, spend the extra 10 bucks on the Limited Edition, the making of DVD, soundtrack, blackbook and Sharpie pen make a really nice package. What can I say, I played this game all the way through in one long setting 14 hours, and loved it. Highly recommended.
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