Morrowind - Cheats |
Morrowind - Cheats Published by: Jeff McCloy on 2005-11-01 Page Views: 2731 Rating: 4/10
Keep Your Bound Items Forever
Create a spell, with bound "insert item" for 2 seconds on self, and also add
this effect to the SAME spell, and soultrap on target. Cast that ONE spell you
created. Your item will now be there forever, but you can't drop it. You are
able to unequip the item.
Weapon Stat Increase Code
To increase your weapon stat beyond 100, drop all your weapons except one, and
summon a bound weapon of the type you want to increase (Bound Longsword for
long sword, etc.). Then hold down R and X to switch between your
one weapon and the Bound Weapon. Each time you equip the bound weapon, your
stat in it will go up by 10.
The Fiend Katana, which can be acquired by killing Ra'Talle in Balmora, is ideal
for this. Note that if you raise your stat above 100, you'll no longer
be able to train in it, and if it's one of your major/minor skills, you won't
gain any levels from raising it like this.

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