Since Steam will take a long time to finish reviewing my game, before it can go live there, and since the demo is finished, I don't see a reason for not releasing it, so you all can enjoy this new demo and have a sneak peek of what awaits you on the full game, which is coming, finally, in December 2021.
This demo can be downloaded from, Game Jolt and IndieDB:
Please download, play, leave a feedback and wishlist my game, as it helps me too much!
About the Demo:
This brand new and updated demo of Fursan al-Aqsa: The Knights of the Al-Aqsa Mosque® contains 3 Game Modes (Campaign, Challenges and Multiplayer), alongside 6 Maps, so you can all enjoy it and have a sneak peek of what awaits you on the full game, which is coming, finally, in December 2021.
In this demo, for the sake of making things easier for the players, all the missions are opened by default, but on the final game you need to accomplish the previous mission to be able to play the next mission of the Campaign.
The first Campaign mission is basically a tutorial for players to understand the basic game mechanics, specially the Bullet Time, which I, personally love it, as I made it very similar to Max Payne. The second Campaign mission, is where the action begins. Retro shooters, specially Goldeneye 007 fans out there, will find too much similarities to the game, which ARE NOT MERELY COINCIDENTAL
The Challenges mode, I made something very similar to, let's say, Metal Gear Solid VR Missions, on which the player must complete some specific tasks to earn a ranking badge according to his performance. The Challenges mode will keep people entertained playing Fursan al-Aqsa, even after finishing the game's Campaign, because the player will have to conquer all badges, and, something very cool, is that, both the Campaign mode and Challenges mode, will have FULL SUPPORT TO STEAM ACHIEVEMENTS!
About the Multiplayer mode, this is something I am very proud of it, because I think it revives the Golden Era of Split-Screen Multiplayer! Due to technical limitations I won't be able to add Online Multiplayer support for Fursan al-Aqsa, so it will be Offline Multiplayer.
This Multiplayer mode makes more sense for the console version of Fursan al-Aqsa: The Knights of the Al-Aqsa Mosque®, but even the Steam version does support local multiplayer. However, you must have 2 Xbox360 USB Controllers connected to your PC, before starting the game. But ANY USB GAMEPAD will work if you use the Xbox 360 Controller Emulator, which can be downloaded for free from their official website (
By the way, I will release, in December, 9 Campaign Missions, with full Steam Achievements Support, and some Multiplayer Maps.
In the first FREE update for my game, I will release the Challenges Mode, with many missions. I will use the same Campaign Maps with many variations, and some new Maps. Also ALL the Challenges missions will have FULL Steam Achievements support, and by the way, the Challenges missions achievements will be HARD to unlock
In the second FREE update for my game, I will release some new Campaign missions, alongside some new Challenges missions, all of them with FULL Steam Achievements support.
As these new updates will take a lot of time for making, so, after I finish these updates, I will still decide if I make more free updates, or some cheap paid DLC's for my game, with brand new content. I plan to make some new missions, real missions and battles which indeed did happen in Palestine, real missions from the Palestinian Resistance, not fictional missions like these I am making now.
My final words:
After many years of intense work, dedication, too much love, passion and sleepless nights, finally, my journey with Fursan al-Aqsa is coming to it's peak.
It has been indeed a long life journey, which began, here, on this piece of paper, the first sketch I made for a game about Palestinian Resistance there in 2009, the game of my dreams, the game which, since childhood, I dreamed to make, and today, praise be to Allah, it is a reality.
I confess it has been a very hard journey, full of ups and downs, I even thought on giving it up many times, but the palestinian blood in my veins told me that a true fighter never gives up. Also because the underlying message of my game is very important to be said in the Gaming World, that RESISTANCE IS NOT TERRORISM, as this breaks too many cliches, specially the cliche Arabs = Terrorists.
In this long journey I got to know many friends, from this site and many other places, and something I never imagined, is that my history with this game has been an inspiration for many other people, specially because of my other project, UDK Ultimate Engine, the homebrew port I made of Unreal Engine 3 to the 7th generation of Consoles, Playstation 3 and Xbox 360.
So here my dear friends, since now I am on the final phase of my game's development, I won't be too much active on these forums anymore, but I will still publish some new trailers I make for my game. My focus now will be finish these 9 Campaign missions to release my game now in December, Insha Allah.
Again, I thank you all guys and girls who are supporting me since the beginning of this project, and I thank the forum admins here to allow me to keep promoting my game here. This game now is HUGE thanks to this AMAZING COMMUNITY.
Finally, after almost 10 years working on this game, since 2009, it is finally released on Steam!
I thought it would take more days for my game being approved by Steam Review Team, however, today the wait is over, today is a GREAT day for my life, for my dream of becoming a game developer.
Against all the odds, despite all the controversy around my game, despite anything, finally now my game is officialy on Steam, the biggest platform for digital gaming.
This is indeed a great achievement for my life. No arab muslim game developer before me was able to make a game about the Struggle of Palestinian people against Israeli Oppresion in a global scope like Fursan al-Aqsa, a game, that despite being a small indie game, but it has a very important underlying message.
As many of you know, I am a brazilian muslim, son of a Palestinian Resistance Fighter, and I always wanted to tell the history of my father, and the history of my people, the palestinian people and their resistance against oppression. Through this game I want to show to the whole World that Fighting for Freedom is NOT Terrorism, Fighting for Life is NOT Terrorism, Fighting for Protecting the Homeland is NOT Terrorism, Fighting against the Oppressor and its Savagery, which kills innocent children and civilians, is NOT Terrorism, that Palestinian Resistance is NOT Terrorism!
And today I feel I am close to accomplish this mission.
Again, I ask you all to please wishlist my game on Steam, as this helps me too much.
And if you did not download the demo yet, please, download it now from Steam.
After listening to many players feedbacks, I realized that not every player nowadays are hardcore players, that the world itself changed a lot in the last 20 years, and also did the gaming world.
We live in a very different times since the days of Goldeneye 007 for the N64, the biggest inspiration for Fursan al-Aqsa. While people back then could take months to beat the game because they were usually stuck with the game until the next time their parents buy them another game, the mass availability of games of all prices on digital storefronts nowadays means that people can just play a different game if something is too hard. In other words, people will also get bored easily if the game is too hard as well, especially if they have plenty of other games waiting for them.
So for this reason I did balance much better the difficulty of the game now. It is easier, but still challenging without being frustrating. I hope to reach now also the casual players who want to try something different, an action game which anyone can enjoy, not only hardcore players.
Here follows the list of changes, which were also added to full game:
1- I improved the post process effect, increasing the image contrast and brightness a bit, so players can see better important gameplay objects, like the security cameras, healthpacks and other pickups;
2- I added a small delay for the enemy soldiers, so it takes some seconds for them to shoot at the player after they spot him;
3- Now the Health Packs restore 25HP of health instead of 15HP;
4- Now each Headshot gives the player 10HP of health;
5- On each mission the player will have a Body Armor to pickup, and it is placed always close to the player entry point of each mission;
6- I reduced a lot the opacity of the on-screen blood whenever the player is injured, so it does not distract the player anymore;
7- Now to perform the knife kills is a bit easier, but you still need to get close enough to the enemy;
8- I made the security cameras range less unfair to the players, specially that one close to the corridor under stairs;
Now I am sure the game is much more enjoyable, without losing it's challenging aspect, but at the same time without being unfair for the players, neither frustrating.
I hope you enjoy it, Insha Allah.
Assalamu Alaykum - May the peace be with you.
P.S: My game was featured on one of the biggest gaming portals of Japan!!!
This is simply AMAZING! I have a strong feeling that this game will be a big hit on STEAM, as soon as I release it.
New Campaign Mission - Map Showcase
This is a Military Camp established in the Israel-Lebanon border region, known as South Lebanon Security Belt. This camp is used as a warehouse to store and distribute weapons and warfare supplies to IDF Forces acros all the Occupied Lands in Palestine. Your mission is to infiltrate this camp, destroy all their warfare supplies, eliminate all enemies and kidnapp an AV-8B Harrier to escape.
And click on the button 'Nominate this game for an award'.
Fursan al-Aqsa is stronger than ever and I made a lot of improvements now in November, in this time I was offline, and I will keep offline, but just for the eye candy I am publishing now some new screenshots to keep your hype.
This is a brand new campaign mission, Camp Shizafon - School for Armored Corps. This Mission will be frenetic, and the player will drive a Merkava Tank to fight against other tanks and helicopters.
And this is a very cool feature I was working on, and now it is done. I made an external game launcher with a complete settings menu which allows to configure the game and even rebind some keys, something many players asked for it.
This is a teaser trailer for a brand new mission I just finished for Fursan al-Aqsa: The Knights of the Al-Aqsa Mosque® Campaign. This map is based on Shizafon Armored Corps Base, an Israeli Training Base located in the middle of the Negev Desert, in Southern Palestine Region. This base is mainly used as a Training Field for Vehicles Operations, which include military exercises with Merkava Tanks and Apache Helicopters. Your main mission will be to infiltrate in this base, hijack a Tank Prototype and use it destroy the entire base with all it's soldiers and military vehicles.
I hope you enjoy this new trailer, specially the Intro Cutscene, which I think it is trully insane, freaking cool and gruesome, in the best Mortal Kombat style. By the way, I had to reduce my game's resolution to be able to capture this gameplay at a reasonable framerate, 20-25 fps, however, the game, as you have seen in the demo, runs smoothly at high framerates, up to 500 fps.
Here follows some Behind the Scenes work:
Other great achievement for my game, is that for the third consecutive year, Fursan al-Aqsa was named in the Top 100 Indie Games on the IndieDB Indie of the Year Awards Competition!
Thank you all for this support! But you can still vote for the 2nd phase of this competition, to select the TOP 10 Indie Games of 2021:
Go to Upcoming Games - Third Person Shooter and vote on my game, please, as this helps my game to earn more visibility, which is essential now in this last phase, prior to release!
udkultimate Xbox-HQ Elite Member
Joined: Sep 12, 2019 Posts: 249 Location: Brazil
Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2022 9:43 pm Post subject:
This is the most INSANE action game trailer of all times!!!
Turn off the lights, grab the popcorn and enjoy the most INSANE action game trailer of all times!!!
Fursan al Aqsa - Mission 8 Teaser: "We are coming to free you, oh Palestine"
This is a teaser trailer for Mission 8, which I just finished for Fursan al-Aqsa: The Knights of the Al-Aqsa Mosque® Campaign. This map is based on INS Lavah Warship, one of the most important Warships of the Israeli Navy.
Your main mission will be to infiltrate in this ship, eliminate all enemies, assassinate the Israel Navy Chief, plant bombs to blow up this warship making it sink to the bottom of the sea.
I hope you enjoy this new trailer, specially the Cutscenes, which I think are trully insane, freaking cool and gruesome, in the best Mortal Kombat style.
Fursan al-Aqsa Mission 8 Map Showcase
Now our hero, Ahmad al-Falastini, the 'Arabic James Bond', needs to infiltrate INS Lahav, one of the biggest Military Ships of #Israel Navy, eliminate all Zionists, plant bombs and make this ship sink to the bottom of the sea.
udkultimate Xbox-HQ Elite Member
Joined: Sep 12, 2019 Posts: 249 Location: Brazil
Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2022 4:54 am Post subject:
Fursan al-Aqsa® Official Launch Trailer + Accolades
Finally, after many years of dedication and hardworking, also many sleepless nights, Fursan al-Aqsa, the full game, is available now!
Fursan al-Aqsa® is an Action Game which addresses the Israel x Palestine conflict from a Palestinian perspective, breaking the cliché of portraying Arabs as Terrorists. You will play in missions across Palestine with many objectives to accomplish, epic battles, powerful guns, vehicles to drive and more.
Obs: The console version of this game is a Homebrew App, which means it only runs on Hacked Consoles (PS3 CFW/HEN, Xbox360 RGH/JTAG). And even though the content is the same (Campaign + Multiplayer), the PS3 and Xbox360 versions of Fursan al-Aqsa are inferior to the PC version, regarding graphics and performance. Also the consoles version, specially the PS3 version of Fursan al-Aqsa suffers from memory overload, which, sometimes causes missing textures and invisible objects (rendering problems), sometimes some textures may become too much blurry, and so on. Also On both consoles, due a problem on accessing the console's hard disk file system to write the save data, I had to make all the missions unlocked by default, but if you play from Mission 1 the game will take you to Mission 2, Mission 3, Mission 4 and so on. So that means I tried my best, and even with these small bugs, you can play the game and enjoy the gameplay experience on PS3 and Xbox360. I'm proud of this achievement, and I'm sure that despite its flaws, Fursan al-Aqsa is the most advanced homebrew game ever developed for the PS3 and XBOX360.
I thank you all for these years following my project, interacting with me, rooting for me, giving me words of support, and specially for playing my game's demo released last year on Steam, and giving me your precious feedback. Thanks to you, players and supporters of Fursan al-Aqsa, I was able to make this game even better than the Demo, fixing many bugs and shortcomings, polishing the game to make this one of the best Indie Games of 2022!
I hope you enjoy the full game, and please, write a small Steam User Review, because this is very important to help my game grow on Steam.
My last words are a request for help and support. As you may know, I am working solo on this game, without any financial help, or funding from a Publisher or anyone. I self funded this project with my incomings from my job of Web Designer. However, due the Covid Pandemics, I lost my work of Web Design, and now I have on this game, Fursan al-Aqsa, a hope for a new source of incoming, for me being able to spend on behalf of my family. So please, buy my game to support me. Each copy sold will help me too much.
About the game size
The download size of this game is just 9.8 GB. After the installation it grows to 18.71GB, because this game has modding support and all game's assets are decrypted. However, if you want to free some disk space, you can free 3GB if you delete these 2 folders and the files inside them:
The first folder contains the Story Videos in MP4 HD format, for all languages. I included them inside the game folder so players don't need to go to YouTube for watching the game's Story Videos. The second folder contains the game soundtrack in wav format, which I included after many player's requesting this to me.
Obs: Due the modding support, the first time you run the game, it will ask to rebuild the game's scripts. Just click on 'Yes' and after the rebuild finishes, launch the game again.
List of Improvements
* Improved overall game lighting with a fake HDR post processing effect;
* 9 Campaign Missions (including tutorial) with different environments ranging from Open Maps, Offices, Urban Environment, Bunkers, Military Camps, and so on;
* Varied gameplay from stealth, strategy, open combat, vehicles driving missions and so on;
* Many multiplayer maps;
* Full localization to English, Simplified Chinese, Portuguese-Brazil, Arabic;
* Custom game launcher with options menu;
* Craphics configuration;
* Rebind some keys;
* Added support for Ambient Occlusion;
* Added support for Motion Blur;
* Added support for Bloom;
* Added support for DirectX 9 MSAA - Multi Sampling Anti-Aliasing up to 4x;
* Added support to DirectX 9 Anisotropy Texture-Filtering up to 6x;
* Added complete control over Music and SFX volume;
* FOV selection menu;
* Select ADS mode between Toggle and Hold;
* Improved AI;
* Zionists sometimes commit suicide randomly;
* Improved knife kills precision;
* Improved bullet time;
* Reduced muzzleflashes;
* Improved bullet physics for all guns;
* Iron sights animation on first person mode;
* Fixed one of the worst bugs of my game, on which the guns didn't shoot the enemies whenever the player was leaning in a wall;
* Level unlock system;
* Updated training mission;
* Added Performance Mode for very old PC's which can't run 3D games very well;
* Original MP4 videos of the game's history to watch directly on you PC, so you can pause and read the text better;
* Game soundtrack;
* Steam Achievements coming soon;
* Challenges Missions coming soon;
* 3 New Campaign Missions coming soon;
forahobby Administrator
Joined: May 22, 2003 Posts: 23947 Location: NSW, Australia
Fursan al-Aqsa® Easy Mode, Modding Tools and Hebrew Language Support
After the request of many players who complained about the game's difficulty, I decided to add an 'Easy Mode' alongside the Modding Tools and Hebrew language support.
Since many players are not hardcore gamers, and since I want my game to appeal to as many players as possible, I decided to add an Easy Mode, as a custom MOD (instructions below), and take this oportunity to release the Modding Tools for the community, alongside many sample and crazy MODs.
The Easy Mode increases the player health to 200 instead of 100, increases to 50HP the healing amount of each healthpack, increases to 100HP the extra health given by the body armor, increases to 25HP the health given for each headshot, increases to 50HP the health given for each knife kill and doubles the health for the player's vehicles on the bosses battles.
Now with the Easy Mode more casual players can enjoy and beat the game. I tested it too much, and even on the Easy Mode, the game still has it's challenging factor, but now without being too much frustrating for not hardcore gamers.
We all know the importance MODs have for any game, and how it can be a true game changer and a reason for many games staying alive for several years to come. So thinking on this, I decided to release the tools to allow players to create and share MODs for Fursan al-Aqsa.
Due engine licensing questions, I am afraid I won't be able to share the full game editor for Fursan al-Aqsa, because I am using a custom build of the engine, which I did port to Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 some years ago, without EPIC Games authorization, however, even then, they were very kind with me. Instead of suing me in court, they allowed me to sign a custom engine license which allows me to use my custom build of their engine to develop my games, but they did not allow me to share from this engine, except the game itself with the files needed for it to run. In other words, I can not release the map editor and other engine tools, unfortunatelly.
However, thinking on this fact, and also thinking on a way to allow ANYONE to MOD my game, without the need to have advanced technical knowledge of gaming development, 3d animations, programming and the such, I have found a very easy way to allow you to make and share mods of my game. Yes, the modding tools are a bit limited, however, you can do a LOT of crazy and cool things, and you can change thousands of gameplay features, and the only tool you need to use is Notepad++. Yes, you heard it, you can mod Fursan al-Aqsa using just a simple text editor.
About the Hebrew language support, since many Israeli players are enjoying my game, I think that this is nothing more than just to allow them experience this game on their language. the game now is fully localized to Hebrew and I even remade the trailers in Hebrew language:
I would like also to thank all of those who bought the game in its full price to support me.
And the game that shook Zionists around the world is getting a Remake which is coming soon to Steam, Playstation 4, Playstation 5 and Android.
Buy Fursan al-Aqsa® Classic now on Steam and receive the PC Version of the Remake as a free update.
#FursanAqsaGame #STEAM #UnrealEngine
About the Remake, very soon I will begin to publish some screenshots and Work in Progress images. The Remake will be everything players expect from Fursan al-Aqsa. The Missions will be the same, the same maps, but there will be some graphical improvements, specially in regards the illumination and shaders from Unreal Engine 4. But my focus will be on improving the gameplay and adding modern shooter features, like weapon recoil, auto save, checkpoints, mini map, first person hands and animations, better enemies AI, new mission objectives, steam achievements, online multiplayer and more. Be sure that even if you played Fursan al-Aqsa Classic, you will enjoy playing the Remake.
udkultimate Xbox-HQ Elite Member
Joined: Sep 12, 2019 Posts: 249 Location: Brazil
Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2022 8:31 pm Post subject:
Watch the most BASED gamedev speedrunning the most BASED game
Let's piss off Zionists on this saturday! Come to watch the most BASED game developer on Steam doing a speedrun on the most BASED game of all times. And you can even earn a steam key for Fursan al-Aqsa Game!
This livestream will be more a tutorial on how to play Fursan al-Aqsa. I will play the game until the end, and will try my best to finish the campaign (9 Missions) in 2 hours, or maybe a bit more.
I invite you all to watch this live, it will be very fun, and after the stream you will understand that, once you learn how to play Fursan al-Aqsa, the game becomes a very addicting game to play and enjoy.
This is a live test I have done while setting up the streaming (OBS and my new Webcam), also the giveway system by nightbot (
P.S: However joins my livestream will enter in to a watchlist, the most BASED GAMERS of the gaming world! Also, I want to apologize for my informality and a certain lack of decorum, but I was just being myself, at home, working on my computer.
udkultimate Xbox-HQ Elite Member
Joined: Sep 12, 2019 Posts: 249 Location: Brazil
Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2022 3:04 pm Post subject:
Fursan al-Aqsa is on Steam Summer Sales
Buy the most BASED game of all times, which flipped Western Media and exposed the hypocrisy within the gaming Industry.
See what (based and redpilled) people are saying about Fursan al-Aqsa on metacritic:
Fursan al-Aqsa: The Knights of the Al-Aqsa Mosque® is a Third Person Action Game on which you play as Ahmad al-Falastini, a young Palestinian Student who was unjustly tortured and jailed by Israeli Soldiers for 5 years, had all his family killed by an Israeli Airstrike and now, after getting out from the prison, seeks revenge against those who wronged him, killed his family and stolen his homeland, by joining a new Palestinian Resistance Movement called Fursan al-Aqsa: The Knights of the Al-Aqsa Mosque®.
This game is greatly inspired by Hideo Kojima's Metal Gear Solid, Call of Duty Modern Warfare, Insurgency Sandstorm, Max Payne and Goldeneye 007.
Fursan al-Aqsa: The Knights of the Al-Aqsa Mosque® is a game which addresses the Israel x Palestine conflict from a Palestinian perspective, breaking the cliché of portraying Muslim and Arabs as Terrorists, Bandits, Villains and the Americans/Israelis as the "Good Guys" and "Heroes" of History. This is the first game in the games industry which addresses such a sensitive topic, in a realistic way, showing the other side of history, which is very unknown by people, mostly here on west.
So buy Fursan al-Aqsa to join the BASED gamers department!
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