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 New Game - Fursan al-Aqsa - Knights of al-Aqsa Mosque View previous topic :: View next topic  
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Post Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2022 3:35 pm   
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Fursan al-Aqsa Remake and Mobile - First Look Trailer

In this article I showcase the first look at Fursan al-Aqsa Remake, the updated version of my game (developed now in Unreal Engine 4) and Fursan al-Aqsa Mobile, the portable version of this remake to allow those players who can't afford a gaming PC to enjoy the experience of playing the MOST BASED GAME of all times.



It has been more than two months which I do not post a new devlog article here on IndieDB, but for those who are following me, you already know I have been very busy, working like crazy on Fursan al-Aqsa Remake. So these last months I dedicated myself to study Unreal Engine 4, and thanks to all the updated tools of the engine, I was able to get the basic game framework and gameplay systems working perfectly and I created these two new trailers to showcase the progress on Fursan al-Aqsa Remake Development.

As stated before, I am making two versions of the game, one for PC and other for Android (Fursan al-Aqsa Mobile). The portable version of this remake is to allow those players who can't afford a gaming PC to enjoy the experience of playing the MOST BASED GAME of all times. The game will be the same on two versions, but, just like the differences between the PC and PS3/Xbox360 versions of Fursan al-Aqsa "Classic", the Mobile is inferior in terms of quality, with low resolution textures and less visual effects, for the sake of allowing even old smartphones to run the game (think like a compressed version of the game to fit inside a mobile device). After feedback of many of my followers, I realized that the majority of middle-eastern gamers play on Mobile, so Fursan al-Aqsa Mobile is for those players. I mean, if you have an average gaming PC which can run most recent 3D games, there is no need to play the mobile version, since on PC you will have the best experience.

I plan to add more gameplay mechanics, to make the game more dynamic and fun to play. Now our hero learned parkour (as you can see on the trailer), I increased the jump height, and I totally removed the fall damage, so that means our hero will not be harmed even if he falls from a Skyscraper! I know it is not realistic, but this is fun. I am going to add other movements like vault jumping, roll, dodge, slide and wall running. I will still remake and improve the bullet time effect in Unreal Engine 4 among other things. I am looking to make some cool acrobatic action movements, very similar to My Friend Pedro. I want to make some INSANE action moments for Fursan al-Aqsa Remake, in sha Allah.

About the graphics, yeah, I have done a revamp on the graphics but even then, they are not my focus. My focus is performance, and I want to allow even average gaming PC's to run Fursan al-Aqsa Remake. I mean, the requirements will be the same as the "Classic" Version, except that the GPU needs to support Shader Model 5 (any video card which support DirectX 11 can run Unreal Engine 4 games). So this is the final graphics quality, but as for the animations, I will improve these animations, add some more character animations, and more weapons for the final version of Fursan al-Aqsa Remake.

The game on my new Laptop (Acer Nitro 5 with 8GB RAM and a GTX1650 4GB, Core i5), which I was able to buy thanks to Allah (God) and to you, players who bought my game on Steam, the game runs at 70-90 fps, smoothly without any noticeable frames drop down. A friend of mine who has an RTX GPU, the game run at 180-200 fps, so I think it is very well optimized. Because this I am not focusing in too much graphics details, or 4K textures, I prefer to focus on performance, specially for an action game, an intense shooter, like Fursan al-Aqsa.

Just something that I need to tell you, is that a group of Pro-Israel lawyers is trying to take down Fursan al-Aqsa

For all of those who played my game, you know that this game does NOT promote hate against Jews or the "Killing of Jews and Israelis". You all know that the point here is that Fursan al-Aqsa is the FIRST and until now the ONLY game who simply FLIPPED western media in the sense of how we, arabs and muslims are portrayed on videogames and movies.

By the way, my game has NO element of the jewish religion, there is no indication that the enemy soldiers in this game are jewish (by the way, I know many IDF Soldiers who are atheist), so this accusation that my game promotes violence against jews, or that this game is anti-Semitism propaganda, are nothing but FAKE NEWS.

So what is the problem on having Israeli Soldiers as the enemies on a videogame? Why they should always be the "Good guys"? Why Russian Soldiers can be killed on games? Why Arab Soldiers can be killed on games? Why Afghani Soldiers can be the "terrorists" in games? But why USA Soldiers and Israeli Soldiers must always be the heroes?

Besides everything, you know that my games has a satirical tone, just like Mortal Kombat Fatalities. How can a Megalodon Shark be called by someone to come and eat a soldier in real life? How can someone double jump and fly in slow motion in real life? How can someone jump out from an airplane holding a RPG bazooka to shoot at an helicopter in real life?

I have great hopes that Steam will keep preserving my rights for Freedom of Speech and allow my game there, since it is making a commercial success on their platform, and the players reviews are very positive, and most important is that my games does NOT break any Steam Guidelines and neither any law of any country.

This Remake will be free for those who own Fursan al-Aqsa on Steam, so BUY NOW and get the Remake as a free update once it comes out, in sha Allah. Even in the worst scenario, supposing my game gets banned from Steam, you will still get the Remake, even if that means I will manually send the game's files to each one who bought my game on Steam.

Support Fursan al-Aqsa!


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Post Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2022 12:47 am   
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Fursan al-Aqsa Classic: Definitive Edition Update

Watch the trailer for Fursan al-Aqsa Classic Update: Definitive Edition. This update fixes many of the original game's shortcomings and flaws by adding some more modern gameplay features like escape time for security cameras, checkpoints, mission objectives indicators, radar and minimap to make the game more enjoayable for a modern audience, and not only hardcore old school players. In addition players now can choose among different playable characters.


The most BASED game of all times now is adapted for a modern audience of gamers with new features like on-screen indicators, detection delay for security cameras, increased player HP, checkpoints, and more.

After the release of my game on Steam, I was able to build a very nice and friendly relationship with Fursan al-Aqsa players, and by talking with them, listening to their feedbacks and suggestions, I realized that not all gamers enjoy hardcore shooters like me, rather, the majority of gamers of today are already habituated with more modern gameplay features which we, old gamers from the 90's, never experienced on our time as gamers (I am still a gamer today but I don't have too much free time to play games). And indeed, some of these "modern" features today are standard on the majority of games.

But before making these changes on my game Fursan al-Aqsa, I decided to play some recent games and shooters, like Ion Fury and others, and I realized that indeed, making things easier for the player is much better than trying to punish him. One example, I myself was able to enjoy Ion Fury just because the game allows the player to save the game at any time and continue from this last save. This is perfect for me because I hardly have much free time to play, and whenever I find a break to play games, I do not want to stay in example, playing 2 hours the same mission / level, because it is very hard to beat. I think it is much better have 1 hour of fun playing a game than having 5 hours of frustration playing this same game.

With that in mind I decided to make some changes (which you can see on the trailer above) on the actual version of my game which is on Steam (this is besides Fursan al-Aqsa Remake, which will be a new game given as a free update for those who own Fursan al-Aqsa on Steam), also because many players bought the game, played Mission 2, didn't get past Mission 2 (they got frustrated with the security cameras), then they give up the game and refund it, not enjoying the game at all.

I decided to call this last update as Fursan al-Aqsa Classic: Definitive Edition because I will not touch on this version anymore, now my focus will be on Fursan al-Aqsa Remake, however, Fursan al-Aqsa Classic will be available to play even after the release of Fursan al-Aqsa Remake (I will update the game launcher to allow players to choose which version to launch).

I hope that now with this last update this game will be enjoyable by a more modern audience, specially this new generation of gamers more habituated to games like Call of Duty and other modern franchises.

Assalamu Alaykum (may the peace be with you).

IMPORTANT: MINI MAP DOES NOT WORK IF YOU ENABLE MULTI SAMPLE ANTI ALIASING ON THE GAME'S OPTIONS MENU. This is a bug on UDK Engine itself, but you can set anti aliasing settings directly on Nvidia Control Panel instead of using this option in-game.

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Post Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2022 11:15 pm   
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Fursan al-Aqsa - Dreamhack Beyond Indie Showcase

The most BASED game of all times is part of DreamHack Beyond indiegames showcase! Come watch the most BASED gamedev on Steam playing Fursan al-Aqsa Game this Sunday 10/16 4:00 pm (GMT-3) / 12:00 pm (PDT)!

This is a Indie Games Showcase event featuring many different and AMAZING games from all around the globe. It's an honor for me having Fursan al-Aqsa showcased on such a big event.

To watch this livestream just check my game's store page on the day and time of the event:

I will play this new update, the Definitive Edition, to showcase the new improvements and features.

According to those who played, now the game is much easier and fun to play, as you can see here on this user review:

So I hope to see you there, in sha Allah.


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Post Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2022 7:56 pm   
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Fursan al-Aqsa Remake Devlog: Combat Overview and Artificial Intelligence

Check out this new trailer for Fursan al-Aqsa Remake, showcasing the updated enemies AI and the first combat overview.


Buy Fursan al-Aqsa Classic now on Steam and receive the Remake as a free update:

Now my friends, I need to be sincere with you. Please, buy my game on Steam to support me, otherwise I will need to give a break on this project, because, unfortunately, bills don't stop to come all months.

If the sales remain low, I will have to give priority to my job. I would love to dedicate more time to this project, to be able to finish as fast as it is possible, however, in reality it is not that easy. I tried to make a living from game development, but it is VERY hard. Fursan al-Aqsa has 7250 wishlists on Steam, and, if only the half of these whishlists converted to sales, I would be able to dedicate my full time on Fursan al-Aqsa Remake. Anyway, I will try my best to finish Fursan al-Aqsa Remake Demo.

The biggest problem with my game is indeed the political message, which makes many, too many gaming websites simply refuse to cover my game. I sent thousands of messages and emails for sites like IGN, Gamespot, Kotaku, Game Informer, PC Gamer and many others, but they never answered me or talked about my game. For an indie game, it is extremely hard to get noticed without media coverage. And many of these websites fear displeasing Israel and Zionist Groups, like IGN:


So, without proper media coverage, any game will stay on the limbo, getting known by only some few people. Even then, I am happy that the purpose of Fursan al-Aqsa was achieved, praise be to Allah, that this game went against the stream, this game exposed the hypocrisy withing media, the double standards for the so called "freedom of speech", which exists on both movies and games (and in general media work). I know Fursan al-Aqsa already entered on the video games history, even though it did not receive the deserved recognition.

May Allah bless you!

Nidal Nijm.

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Post Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2022 5:08 pm   
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Fursan al-Aqsa Remake: Brutal Combat Gameplay

Take a deep dive into the frenetic, gory and bloody Combat Mechanics of Fursan al-Aqsa Remake, the most BASED and REDPILLED game of ALL times, created by Nidal Nijm, the most BASED game developer on Steam:


Buy Fursan al-Aqsa Classic now on Steam and receive the Remake as a free update:

Mobile Version Combat Gameplay:

INSANE Explosions Gameplay:

This trailer shows the core gameplay of Fursan al-Aqsa Remake, the updated combat mechanics and also the updated enemies AI and the updated Zionist Soldier Model (the 1st variation).

You can notice a HUGE difference and improvement on the enemies behaviour, thanks to this AMAZING kit I am using for Unreal Engine 4:


This is one of the most advanced Artificial Intelligence Frameworks for Unreal Engine, as it is based on behaviours. So you setup different behaviours and reactions for the enemies, alongside situations to trigger these behaviours, like what the enemy should do if he sees you, if he hears the bullets, or if he hears other enemy dying close to him, what to do if the players gets out of his sight, patrol, investigate, and many other cool things. But as always, I changed a lot this AI Framework, added many new functions and extra features (I improved the AI hearing and peripheral vision), and I also integrated with this another Locomotion System:


I used from this system mainly the Ragdoll Physics and some of the movements (since I added some new animations) to make the enemies animation a bit different from the player's animations (just like in Fursan al-Aqsa Classic). This way makes the game's animations more appealing and varied.

Other new feature I implemented is the new Super Headshot, which blows up the enemies' heads with a Cinematic Camera. To perform the Super Headshot you simply need to perform a headshot while in bullet time. Super Headshots now give player 30HP of health, while Normal Headshots give player 15HP of health. However, for keeping the gameplay balanced, there is a cool down time on both the Bullet Time and the Super Headshot.

I already remade the Knife Kills (Stealth Kills) in Unreal Engine 4, and now it works perfectly, it is easier to perform, and it is not buggy as on the classic version. You just approach the enemy from behind and press V. But you need to approach him without too much delay, because if you stay too much behind him, he will feel your presence, turn around and shoot at you! I will add the front kill animation as well. The knife kills give player 50HP of health!

Added the Wall Running, which makes the player invincible for some seconds, and also the automatic health regeneration (1HP by second), there is no need for health packs anymore. So removing the healthpack means the best way to gain health is killing the enemies, so this will turn the player in a killer machine haha!!! So you must kill to survive!!!

The next step now will be finish the demo mission, since now the basic game framework is done. I hope now in the end of December to release Fursan al-Aqsa Remake Demo on Steam and Fursan al-Aqsa Mobile Demo on Playstore, to allow you have a taste of what awaits on the full game.

Last but not least, the Indie of the Year 2022 competition has just began on IndieDB:


And since Fursan al-Aqsa Classic Definitive Edition (the last update) fixed the biggest problems of my game (security cameras logic, mission objective indicators, mini map, checkpoints and so on), I think now Fursan al-Aqsa is very enjoyable on its actual shape, so you can enjoy it while waiting for Fursan al-Aqsa Remake, and I kindly ask you, PLEASE VOTE ON FURSAN AL AQSA MAYBE IT CAN BECOME AMONG THE BEST INDIE GAMES OF 2022, which in turn will give the visibility Fursan al-Aqsa needs to be a trully successful indie game.

Thanks and until next time!

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Post Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2022 9:44 pm   
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Fursan al-Aqsa Game made in the list of Top 100 Indie Games of 2022 at IndieDB. So vote for making it among the Top 10 Indie Games of 2022!

Steam Winter Sales and Top 10 Indie Games of 2022

Hello dear friends!

Fursan al-Aqsa Game made in the list of Top 100 Indie Games of 2022 at IndieDB:

Now it is competing on the top 10 of 2022!

Just scroll down to Third Person Shooter Category and click on the red button to vote!!!

Maybe if my game makes among the top 10 of 2022, this can help it to get some visibility to increase the sales, in sha Allah. As a muslim I do believe that the ultimate success and blessings is in the hands of Allah (God), but sometimes, specially now in our era of social media, we all know that just one post about a game may get viral and may make that game become a hit and success, like this game here:


After this tweet post here, a gameplay video uploaded by a Netflix employee, which reached almost 6 millions of views:

The game got coverage from almost all gaming websites and many youtubers and streamers on twitch, and I am sure this helped the game to sell a lot. So maybe something like this can happen to my game, only God knows... While this does not happen, I will keep trying, in sha Allah (God's willing).

And on next tuesday begins Steam Winter Sales and I will give a HUGE discount for Fursan al-Aqsa:


As you already know, buy Fursan al-Aqsa Classic now on Steam and receive the Remake as a FREE Update over the base game. I kindly ask for those 7.367 users who have my game on their wishlist to please, buy my game to support me! Every copy sold trully helps me!

Also, as I commented before, I applied for getting a remote job of character animator in the games industry because my game's sales on Steam are going slow and they are not enough for me making my living. I have great hopes that the Remake will be more successful, in sha Allah (God's willing), but I need a fixed salary, incoming until I finish the Remake, which I think I need from 8 to 10 months. So with a remote job I will be able to work on my game in my spare time, but I will work with peace of mind and be more productive. Working distressed fearing for the future of your family is very bad, indeed...

Even though I understand about all areas of game development, but I think that characters animation is my strength, and as so I built a portfolio and would like to showcase here some work of mine which many of you have never seen.

In example, this is a very old cutscene animation (the first cutscene) I made for my game, Fursan al-Aqsa, but in the end I decided to don't add on the game now, maybe in a future DLC or even another game. To be honest, I made this animation more as a study for myself, and I think this animation looks cool, and it serves to showcase my skills with character animations:


Also here is the compilation of ALL cutscenes I made for my game, the actual version on Steam (almost 11 minutes of cutscenes):


And here is something I made just for fun (and I think it looks hilarious), on the time I was porting UDK Engine (the engine I used to develop my game) to PS3 and Xbox360. You can see this has the same game menu and interface logic of Fursan al-Aqsa, because I used this build of the engine (my custom build) to develop Fursan al-Aqsa:


And for those who have never seen my game running on PS3, here is, the first 5 missions running on my PS3 with HEN (Homebrew Enabler) installed:


So that's all for now my friends.

May Allah bless you!

Nidal Nijm.

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Post Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2023 1:28 am   
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Fursan al-Aqsa Remake Demo Release Trailer


This is the official release trailer for Fursan al-Aqsa Remake Demo, the most BASED and REDPILLED game of all times developed by the most BASED game developer on Steam, me, Nidal Nijm.

Fursan al-Aqsa Remake is a brand new version of the iconic game Fursan al-Aqsa: The Knights of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, the game which made Zionists cry out for mommy!

This demo can be downloaded from Steam, IndieDB and Itch.io:




As for those who own Fursan al-Aqsa on Steam, I updated the game launcher with a new button to launch Fursan al-Aqsa Remake Demo.

If you do not own my game yet, do not miss the last days of Steam Winter Sale to buy Fursan al-Aqsa by 50% OFF and get this Remake for FREE, once it is finished!

Some observations about this Demo:

1- I forgot to add the command to return to main menu whenever the player does not get any rank on this mission.

2- I forgot to teach players how to do knife kills (I assumed you know because of Fursan al-Aqsa classic), just get on the enemy's back and press V once you see the icon "Finish Him". For the full game I will add more executions, not only with knife, but also with pistols and rifles, in the best John Wick style!

3- I made Fursan al-Aqsa Remake a bit easier than the Classic version because many people did not enjoy the overly hard challenge of Fursan al-Aqsa Classic. Think on this demo map as something like a Tournament Map, E-Sports (hunting zionist) to train your skills and train how to perfect the new gameplay features like Wall Running, Headshots, Super Headshots, the updated Bullet Time, Knife Kills and also exploding Grenades on Air!

So I kindly ask you to play this Demo and give me a sincere feedback.

Until next time!

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Post Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2023 7:04 pm   
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Fursan al-Aqsa Mobile Release Trailer

This is the release trailer for Fursan al-Aqsa Mobile, the most BASED game on Playstore!


The most BASED game of all times now comes to Android to piss off Zionists and let them Seethe and Cry! Get ready to smash Zionist Thugs on the Go! Fursan al-Aqsa Mobile is a world-class Free to Play MOBILE-first experience, down to its core and it comes with full Google Play Integration (Player Stats, Achievements and so on):

Get it now for FREE on Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.NidalNijmGames.FursanAqsaMobile

Please, download, play and leave a sincere user review and rating on Playstore!

PS: For the best experience and to increase the BASED factor it is recommended to play this game inside Buses and Airplanes.

I know no one likes Ads in games, but be sure that whenever you watch or click on the Ads I integrated inside Fursan al-Aqsa Mobile, you will be helping me TOO MUCH, in sha Allah!

I plan to release new missions periodically, and for each mission I will add some achievements, to make the game more enjoyable while players wait for the next mission. I am also thinking on doing the same for Fursan al-Aqsa Remake on Steam, release new missions one by one instead of waiting 10 months to release all missions together.

This is a similar approach to Early Access, but for new players who buy the game, they will have access to the full campaign of the Classic Version, and they will be able to play the Remake, periodically, mission by mission, and this Remake will be a free update.

A nice addition is that finally I was able to integrate Steam Online Subsystem with UE4. Now Fursan al-Aqsa Remake is fully integrated with Steam and I also added some cool achievements on the Remake Demo (only for those who own the game on Steam), so now you will have a lot of fun unlocking them.

Added to this, I made some small changes (listening to your feedback) which improved a lot the gameplay experience:

* Return to main screen if no rank earned;
* Increased bullets speed to 27000 (it was 9.000 unreal units);
* Increased the time for reset Super Headshots to 20s;
* Reduced the Super Headshots Cutscenes duration;
* Increased the health regeneration to 5HP by second (instead of 1 HP) because with faster the bullets the game became a bit harder;

If you have my game on your Steam Account, you just need to update the game for being able to unlock these achievements. If not, so please, buy my game to support me.

Cheers and until next time!

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Post Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2023 9:30 pm   
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Fursan al-Aqsa Remake: The Road to Jenin

Welcome to Jenin, the Symbol of the Palestinian Resistance. The Jenin refugee camp, also known as the Jenin camp, is a Palestinian refugee camp located in the city of Jenin in the northern West Bank. It was established in 1953 to house Palestinians who were displaced from their homes during the Nakba – the destruction of Palestinian society and homeland, and the exodus of Palestinians from their homes. Jenin refugee camp became a symbol of Palestinian resistance after a deadly large-scale raid conducted by the Israeli Occupation Army in 2002, during the Second Intifada.

This mission is also a tribute to the classic game Jenin Road of Heroes, the first 3D Game about the Palestinian Resistance made by Arab Game Developers, using a custom Game Engine written in Delphi Language. On this video you can have a sneak peek of the map, the upgraded visuals, lighting, ambience and more.

Buy Fursan al-Aqsa now on Steam and get Early Access to Fursan al-Aqsa Remake.

OBS: Steam Spring Sale began and Fursan al-Aqsa is discounted!


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Post Posted: Wed May 31, 2023 6:49 am   
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Fursan al-Aqsa Remake - Jenin Road of Heroes Update

This is the biggest update for Fursan al-Aqsa Remake until now!!!


I added a brand new Mission, Jenin Road of Heroes. This map is HUGE, bigger than the previous map. Also this mission allows for vertical gameplay and use of the wall running technique. The combat here takes a urban warfare style, on which both the player and the enemies can hide and seek through the map (there are many buildings with interiors).

This update introduces a new weapon, the dual UZI SMG, also an update on all guns animations (both for 1st person and 3rd person mode). Alongside now there are grenade pickups on both missions (Camp Ariel Sharon and Jenin).

I added many new achievements for both Jenin Mission and Camp Ariel Sharon, so you will have a great time revisiting the previous mission because I created a unlockable skins system for Fursan al-Aqsa (earning Rank A on each missions unlocks a skin), and for each skin there is an achievement associated.

I also created a Mission Selection Screen, so now all of you can have a sneak peek of the new missions which will be coming in the next updates.

Apart from this there are other small technical updates, like custom footstep physical materials sounds for the player, an upgrade on the characters shaders and other details.

So I hope you all have a great time trucidating Zionist Soldiers!

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Post Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2023 4:15 am   
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Fursan al-Aqsa is 50% OFF on Steam Summer Sales 2023

See what people are saying about the most controversial game on Steam

Steam Summer Sales has began! Do not miss this opportunity!!!


By just 7 bucks you can get the 2 most freaking based indie games on Steam which are not available on Xbox Game Pass neither on Playstation Plus, but are coming soon to Epic Games Store.


Fursan al-Aqsa is an Action Game which addresses the Israel x Palestine conflict from a Palestinian perspective, breaking the cliché of portraying Arabs as Terrorists. You will play in missions across Palestine with many objectives to accomplish, epic battles, powerful guns, vehicles to drive and more.

This game has 2 versions, Classic and Remake. The Classic is a full game, with 9 Campaign Missions, up to 8 hours of gameplay, but it is a game which follows a retro old school hardcore style, and may not appeal for younger generations, but this game is iconic and full of memes and non sense bonkers action moments.

And Fursan al-Aqsa Remake is the natural evolution of this game, it is a brand new game which I am giving for FREE for those who buy Fursan al-Aqsa on Steam. The Remake version is indeed the "Palestinian Max Payne on Steroids". It has better graphics, better physics, improved enemies AI, new gameplay mechanics, and many other cool improvements. It has only 2 missions so far, but they will give you many hours of fun, because the Ranking System, Unlockable Skins and the Steam Achievements. Fursan al-Aqsa Remake is an Early Access game, on which I plan to release more content constantly.

So that's all for now folks.

All the best,

Nidal Nijm, a.k.a "The most BASED game developer on Steam".

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Post Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2023 6:50 pm   
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Fursan al-Aqsa Classic Episode 2 - The Battle of al-Aqsa Mosque

This is a brand new update for Fursan al-Aqsa Classic, the most BASED indie game on Steam!

Watch the trailer here:

Since I realized an increased interest from steam players on Fursan al-Aqsa Classic, the most BASED indie game of all times, and since Fursan al-Aqsa Remake is an Early Access game, so, whoever buys the game can at least play the complete Campaign of the Classic version, I decided to make a very nice update, to show some love to Fursan al-Aqsa Classic, since this game is simply iconic, due all the controversy and novelty around it.

I decided to release the so called and not too much expected Fursan al-Aqsa Classic Episode 2. What I can say now is that Episode 2 is what I wanted Fursan al-Aqsa to be on the day of its release, but was not able to do due my lack of experience with game development on that time. Now, more than one year after the initial release, I learned a LOT of things, and most important, I was able to build an AMAZING community around my game, made many friends here on Steam and got a lot of feedback and I am applying everything on Fursan al-Aqsa Remake, as you can see from the game progress and constant evolution.

One of the things I learned is how to setup Steam Achievements on Unreal Engine 3 (after I learned how to do this in Unreal Engine 4, for the Remake), and I added an Achievement for every mission of the Classic version, and believe me, it is worth revisiting it because the other significant update I made, the "Easy Mode", which is activated by selecting Ahmad Falastini Remake from the Characters Selection Menu. Yes, I added the new updated model of Ahmad al-Falastini, the most BASED game protagonist of all times in Fursan al-Aqsa Classic.

I replayed all missions from the Classic and unlocked all achievement, and believe me, now playing Fursan al-Aqsa is fun and not frustrating!!!

However, the biggest update on Episode 2 is the addition of 3 new Missions, 1 mission from the Campaign, the Battle of al-Aqsa Mosque, the true final mission of the game, which comes after the Iron Dome Control Center, and 2 Challenges Missions which will keep you entertained and will give you some cool Achievements.

Now I can say that this one is indeed the final update on Fursan al-Aqsa Classic, since with the Battle of al-Aqsa Mosque I already "closed" the game's narrative. Now the game continues on Fursan al-Aqsa Remake.

So if you did not buy Fursan al-Aqsa yet, grab it now and join the BASED Gamers Department!

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Post Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2023 8:57 pm   
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Fursan al-Aqsa Remake - Nablus Preview - The Lions' Den


This is a Work in Progress of the next mission I am working on for the most BASED indiegame on steam, the Batle of Nablus. I just finished the external area of the map (outdoor), but I still need to add lighting inside the buildings.

There are too many buildings on which the player can enter to make the combat even more frenetic than on Jenin Mission. By the way, this is the biggest map I made for this game, bigger even than al-Aqsa map from Fursan al-Aqsa Classic.

I still need some more time to finish this mission, as I want to add a new weapon, the Sniper Rifle, so you will be able to hunt down your enemies through the map.

I hope you enjoy this and until the next update, in sha Allah (God's willing).

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Post Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2023 12:27 am   
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Fursan al-Aqsa Steam Autumn Sales, Steam Awards and Sniper Rifle Gameplay


Hello friends,

Another year is ending, and my game Fursan al-Aqsa is still kicking ass on Steam and elsewhere.

We are now on Steam Autumn Sales, and I have given a 50% off discount for the most BASED game of all times. By the way, these are 2 games bundled in 1, Fursan al-Aqsa Classic and Fursan al-Aqsa Remake.

Fursan al-Aqsa Classic, recently received the End of Life Update, Episode 2 - The Battle of al-Aqsa Mosque, on which I completed the story of Ahmad al-Falastini, the most BASED game protagonist of all times, and added a brand new mission, the real final mission for the game, alongside many improvement, and, most important, I was able to add achievements on the Classic Version, so now the game is completed.

As for Fursan al-Aqsa Remake, it is a brand new game, with better graphics, physics, AI, new environment, new mechanics, and, most important, a new game style. While Fursan al-Aqsa Classic plays more like a tactical shooter, on which every wrong movement can mean the failure of the mission, Fursan al-Aqsa Remake trully makes you feel a true BAD ASS ARABIC SUPER HERO, who can literally fly and run on walls.

I would describe Fursan al-Aqsa Remake as a High Octane Insane Non Stop Action Game, with many crazy moments and, especially, over the top cutscenes, just like the traditional Holywood Action Movies of the 80's.

But Fursan al-Aqsa Remake is something like an Early Access Game, on which I am constantly adding new content, missions, weapons, skins and so on. I don't have an expected time when I will finish Fursan al-Aqsa Remake's development, but I try at each 2 or 3 months release a new update (new mission with other new improvements on the game).

So I kindly invite you to both BUY Fursan al-Aqsa now at 50% OFF and also to vote on my game for the Labor of Love Award.


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Post Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2023 12:36 am   
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Fursan al-Aqsa Remake: Steam Winter Sales - Zionists Melting 😭

Fursan al-Aqsa Diapers Update and Steam Winter Sales

Fursan al-Aqsa will receive a SUPER Discount for Steam Winter Sales! Do not miss this AMAZING opportunity to play the most BASED indie game of all times. Also please, check the new DIAPERS update, it is fu****ng fun!


Steam Winter Sales begins tommorrow. This is the biggest season sales event on Steam, and, for this reason, I decided to give again a HUGE discount for my game (50% Off). Do not forget that you are buying 2 games in 1 package (Fursan al-Aqsa Classic and Fursan al-Aqsa Remake).

Both games are fun and unique, while Fursan al-Aqsa Classic plays more like a tactical retro-shooter, which makes you feel like a Palestinian Solid Snake, Fursan al-Aqsa Remake makes you feel like a Bad Ass Palestinian Max Payne on Steroids, by allowing you to kick ass of IDF Soldiers in the most creative and funny ways.

Here you can check the latest steam reviews for my game, from other gamers (these reviews are more honest than the reviews of sites like IGN and Gamespot):


Politics aside, this game is very fun to play, since it has some memorable and over the top action moments which will trully make you feel immersed in the gameplay experience, alongside with its unique Soundtrack, Classical Palestinian Resistance Songs which help to create the mood for this game. And if you check Fursan al-Aqsa Remake last update (Ultra Realistic Mode), you will have too many laughs 😂


I added diapers for the IDF soldiers and fart sounds, just like they do in real life 😂

I plan to make this a season update, and remove it on the next update, Nablus Mission, unless you want to keep this. The decision is up to you!

Last, but not least, I ask this for the almost 20k users who whishlisted my game, please, buy Fursan al-Aqsa now on Steam Winter Sales! This is the best moment to support my game, since now another campaign against my game started on Social Media, so supporting my game shows to these haters that this game has thousands of players and supporters around the world.

P.S: If you did not vote on my game yet, please, do not miss the last 3 hours of Indie of the Year Competition here in IndieDB:


Best regards,
Nidal Nijm, a.k.a "The most BASED game developer on Steam".

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