Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2018 3:26 pm Post subject: Old Xbox boot but wont load games or MS Dashboard
Hi all,
I've found back my xbox first gen and I've tried to use it again.
It starts and works till i try to load any games.
Last time probably i've use it was more than 15yrs ago, and was working.
Right now, even if i'm trying to load the dashboard from EvoX it freeze to the LOADING...
I've follow some of the instruction here ([]
clean the cache (i'v to find a computer with ethernet port)
update the clock: wont let me load MS dashboard
Any ideas or suggestion will be appreciated!
SCARFACE Administrator
Joined: Feb 06, 2007 Posts: 2470 Location: Minnesota, USA
Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2018 12:58 am Post subject:
Does it load to any of the dashes ms or evox? Any error codes? Maybe check and make sure the hd cables and all that are hooked up good sometimes they wiggle out does the hd make a clicking noise? _________________ The one the only Scarface!!
SPPV V.I.P. Lifetime
Joined: Sep 13, 2010 Posts: 2644 Location: Kamloops BC Canada
Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2018 1:06 am Post subject:
Grab Babylon and install it on your PC and run it. Pick XBOX-DVD Installer. It will create an ISO file, burn this to DVD-r at 8x. Once burned put that disc in your XBOX turn it off wait a few seconds then turn it back on. If it boots go to File Manager and take a screen shot of the E and C drives and post them so we can then advise you on how to best fix the XBOX.
Mat97 Xbox-HQ Newbie Xbox Version: V1.6b Modded: Babylon3 GS
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Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2018 10:54 am Post subject:
Thanks guys for the quick answer!
I'll attache here how does it looks the configuration settings and what it loads.
I've followed your suggestion Scarface, checking the component and all the cables and connectors are okay, and no loose. HD do not clicks, it makes the the reading noise as i load a game, but after a sec all it gets quite.
And i've no error code.
As i load both a game or i try to launche the Microsoft Dashboard from the menu in Evox dashboard (EvoX splash screen 1.jpg) it stuck with the image Evox Loading.jpg)
I've tried to change some of the settings in the evox but without any luck.
And not sure if the date that now is set on 1/1/2002 could be a problem...
@SPPV: i'll follow your suggestion aswell as i'll get the chance to have a cd slots (bad new laptop without tools)
I'll keep you posted!
ArchAngle V.I.P. Lifetime Xbox Version: v1.6 Modded: Xecuter 2.6 CE
Joined: Oct 03, 2014 Posts: 367
Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2018 3:42 pm Post subject:
I'd go with what SPPV suggested. It look like an old softmod, the HDD is locked and the BIOS shown is a retail one but you do need to check and confirm that it is first.
Installing a more up to date softmod may fix whatever the problem is so do that if it is all you want to do.
I'd would suggest switching to the UnleashX dash instead of continuing with EvoX. The problem with the EvoX is that it dos not have a file manager. A lot of stuff that could be fixed or at least checked using it are not open to you unless you've installed a third party one in Apps eg. BoXplorer or a second dash, like UnleashX.
If you don't have such tools available the only other option is via an installer disc ie. SPPVs Babylon, AID or any other installer rescue disc. You may be able to FTP though so that might be an alternative solution.
The free space on F:\ means a bigger HDD was fitted so its not the original HDD. With only 9GB left free the F:\ drive must either be pretty full or the HDD (with what?) or is rather small ie. 20GB.
I couldn't see anything obviously wrong in the screenshots provided. It looks like the dash is the last version of EvoX: v3935. I don't recognise the skin and I'm perplexed by some of the menu entries like "!?Settings?!", "Spin DVD" and "Aggiorna BIOS".
These must be particular to the 'softmod'. The latter seems to mean refresh BIOS in Italian, presumably the equivalent of flash BIO if it were an English/US EvoX dash. But if it is an Italian PAL console why is the rest of the menu in English? BTW never touch that flash BIOS option unless you know what you're doing.
One thing I did notice is that the X, Y and Z drives are not empty. This probably means that the last games you played left temporary stuff there. Sometimes clearing the cache which will clear that and other temporary files can help. So that advice you've already come across is good.
One thing I'd suggest if you can gain FTP access is to try installing a Xbox game to the HDD. If that plays OK from there then you can be pretty sure the problem is with the disc drive. Updating the softmod is still recommended but if it is the disc drive, which would not surprise me at all, that won't actually solve the disc playing issue.
One problem with some EvoX installs I've done (as apps) is that the .INI file provided does not actually include the path to the MS Dash. Again, if you can gain FTP access, check the evox.ini file and that the MS dash .XBE
it is point at is actually there.
Mat97 Xbox-HQ Newbie Xbox Version: v1.6 Modded: Xecuter 2.6 CE
Joined: Nov 02, 2018 Posts: 9
Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2020 3:34 pm Post subject:
dearl all, thanks SPPV and ArchAngle!
sorry for my late reply and thanks, but work has been intense.
I'll try during this day to access via FTP to the Xbox, I've found and old Mac Book pro with ethernet port. I'll see what I can do.
I'll read around to update the softmod thought ftp.
For what I remember, it has also the UnleashX and BoExplorer and when I put the Xbox in the garage it was fully working with a good amount of games on the hd.
I'll check also the had as suggested to see if they are properly working.
Names such as been changed back in the days probably in the ini file but the bios should be English - for what I can remember.
I'll do some test and work and try to come back here.
Thanks a lot!
Mat97 Xbox-HQ Newbie Xbox Version: v1.6 Modded: Xecuter 2.6 CE
Joined: Nov 02, 2018 Posts: 9
Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 9:55 am Post subject:
Hi all, i've been able to reach the xbox trought FTP. Here some information answering to ArchAngle:
BIOS: as you said, probably it's the retail one, it has never been updated so far for as i know. And it's for sure a very old softmod.
HDD has been updated to be able to keep the Games directly on the HD.
Skin and infos has been changed back in the days with some custom skin.
I've cleared the X Y Z drive, without any succest to start any games
I didnt try yet to install a games to the HDD, but i've several games installed from the past, that back in the days work well. Any suggestion on how to install a game on it? Back in the days i was doing it with a pc...more than 10 yrs ago.
I can access to each of the HDD without any problem throught FTP, i suppose than the hdd still be working good.
I've look in the .INI files and it point to the MSDashBoard="c:\xboxdash.xbe" and that file is correctly in the c root.
So, as you've understood, i'm not an expert on this, and i'm worndering if there is a chance to do something to let the console play again the games i've installed on it.
With a Mac that has access through FTP to the xbox can i update (if necessary) the BIOS and install as suggested the UnleashX softmod?
Or do i have to go through the install cd?
This last option it's not a problem, but right now i've only access to a Mac, so will be hard for me in a while to use any pc.
@SPPV thanks for the answer, i've try to download the babylon 2 Built 6-13 but the zip gave me some error as i was trying to unzip on my mac.
So that's my situation right now. Thanks again for the past help and the future one!
Have a good one!
ArchAngle V.I.P. Lifetime Xbox Version: v1.6 Modded: Xecuter 2.6 CE
Joined: Oct 03, 2014 Posts: 367
Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 12:55 pm Post subject:
The obvious thing to suggest is to do a test install to the HDD using a genuine original Xbox game disc. Doesn't really matter what just so long as you have enough space on the HDD.
FTP the Xbox app: DVD2Xbox to E:\Apps or wherever your apps folder is located. Reboot the Xbox and boot DVD2Xbox. Insert the game disc and follow the very simple instructions DVD2Xbox has to install it to the HDD.
On reboot it should be listed in in Evox menus under Games. See if that works and report the result.
Mat97 Xbox-HQ Newbie Xbox Version: v1.6 Modded: Xecuter 2.6 CE
Joined: Nov 02, 2018 Posts: 9
Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 1:29 pm Post subject:
Thanks ArchAngle! i'll do and come back here!
Thanks for the help
Mat97 Xbox-HQ Newbie Xbox Version: v1.6 Modded: Xecuter 2.6 CE
Joined: Nov 02, 2018 Posts: 9
Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 1:48 pm Post subject:
Hi ArchAngle,
i've copy dvd2xbox07_8 into the folder F/apps/dvd2xbox07_8 and from the menu in the xbox, i can find it and as i launch nothing happen. Nor any prompt or any query looking for the dvd
I've the same image with the oval and Evolution X green logo, the same happen as i launch any games or the MS dashboard.
I've noticed that the games is recognized as it is, when I load it in the cd tray:
Any suggestion?
Thanks for your help
ArchAngle V.I.P. Lifetime Xbox Version: v1.6 Modded: Xecuter 2.6 CE
Joined: Oct 03, 2014 Posts: 367
Posted: Wed May 13, 2020 1:40 am Post subject:
Sorry didn't see your message and new post until today.
Looking at those screenshots it seems you have a very peculiar evox.ini - what is that "get up" thing because I've no idea? Agglorna BIOS likewise and that Backup BIOS & HDD entry is not standard fare either. I assume it is a customised named menu entry for the Eeprom Backup menu option more commonly found. That also backs up the BIOS too.
My suggestion is that you find a fresh EvoX v3935 download and replace the existing evox.ini with the one from that.
There is some risk associated with this but the only alternative is to update the softmod using either AID 4.53 or Rocky5 Xbox SMT or HeXEn.
If installing a fresh evox.ini doesn't resolve the problems then you're going have to do something like that anyway.
You are sure it is a softmod and it has not been chipped or TSOPed? That 4977 kernel version and Unknown BIOS report, if it is a retail BIOS, is unusual too. It could just be the softmod's age but knowing exactly what we're dealing with is important.
Mat97 Xbox-HQ Newbie Xbox Version: v1.6 Modded: Xecuter 2.6 CE
Joined: Nov 02, 2018 Posts: 9
Posted: Thu May 14, 2020 3:35 pm Post subject:
Thanks a lot ArchAngle,
not 100% sure if it's softmod or chipmod.
I've replaced the exox.ini, and I've still the same result.
The menu has changed but still not loading the DVD with any games, nor load any games from the hdd.
I'll try to prepare AID 4.53 or Rocky5 Xbox SMT or HeXEn and see if when I boot it will recognize the dvd
kaos_engr V.I.P. Lifetime
Joined: Jun 04, 2012 Posts: 194
Posted: Sat May 16, 2020 12:28 pm Post subject:
Can you post the motherboard picture as a PNG or JPG file instead of HEIC??? my viewer doesn't like it and when viewed in the browser zoomed in bottom 1/5th of the picture gets cut off. Don't see a modchip when the entire picture is viewed but cannot tell if the TSOP write enable points have been soldered.
The BIOS version seen in the Evox screenshots of 4977 is an Xecuter 2 BIOS.
Edit: Downloaded the HEIC and found an online convertor to make it a JPG. Now I can see the rest of the motherboard. Doesn't look like it has been TSOP'd so must have a softmod installed that uses the Phoenix BIOS Loader to replace the stock BIOS/kernel with Xecuter2 BIOS/kernel.
Mat97 Xbox-HQ Newbie Xbox Version: 1.0/1.1/1.4/1.6 Modded: X2/X3/XST/Xenium
Since as Kaos_engr sorted out, it's some BIOS loader, I'm not sure if going with the basic installation on AID will work or would create some problem.
I was going to do the One-Click Installs SoftMod user> Single Boot with Virtual C
Will it work fine?
thanks for your precious help!
Mat97 Xbox-HQ Newbie Xbox Version: 1.0/1.1/1.4/1.6 Modded: X2/X3/XST/Xenium
Joined: Nov 02, 2018 Posts: 9
Posted: Thu May 21, 2020 11:45 am Post subject:
Hi, a small update.
i've been trying to use the DVD installer of AID 4.53 with the easier install for the soft mod.
I've unloaded the virtual c: as the pop us asked but it was giving me the error of not found. So I've made the backup of C and tried to install.
I got an error such as "file not found on E:\backup\MS and now when I'm trying to boot I have the first times err 14 and 13 and now for a while err 16
any suggestion?
[Edit] I've tried to boot from DVD with the also the HeXEn 2018.iso and Slayersfull337.iso without any success.
I've been reading different solutions for this error but I've not a PC or another Xbox, so any other solution that's not the hot-swapp?
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