Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2023 1:00 am Post subject: original xbox with 0 memory
Alright, so I've had this original xbox (not modded) for a long time thinking that someone else would eventually have this same problem, but it seems like the only way to fix it is to give it a modchip or with a hot swap method, just making sure these are my only options.
So this xbox runs very slow and has 0 HDD space. as long as it is I'm able to navigate through the system, it shows no saves, no music and the second it catchs up and i press a or b buttons i get a error 21.
i think it has something to do with the dash or maybe the partition is corrupted. it has a seagate HDD and i also have another xbox around that is modded with the rocky5 but between the 2 xbox i only have one working DVD drive.
ArchAngle V.I.P. Lifetime Xbox Version: v1.6 Modded: Xecuter 2.6 CE
Joined: Oct 03, 2014 Posts: 367
Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2023 2:14 pm Post subject:
The fact you know the HDD has 0 space left suggests that it is already modded. If it is not modded you must have a hell of a lot of stuff on the E:\ drive to max that out; DLC?
Problems will occur if any HDD is used right up to its maximum capacity and the obvious solution would be to delete some non-vital content to get it working correctly again.
If modded, how?
If it is softmodded you could still install and use the cloning tool Chimp 261812 to copy the content to a larger HDD and lock it (essential for a softmod).
Notbox Xbox-HQ User Xbox Version: v1.6 Modded: Xecuter 2.6 CE
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Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2023 3:49 pm Post subject:
Wouldn't dlc show in memory and its showing nothing at all. With error 21 showing up I've been assuming that who ever had it before messed up with a softmod. Also I've tried running a game and it goes to logo screen for a few minutes then gives me the error message saying your xbox needs service
I was thinking about hotswapping it over to the other xbox while using chimp to see if it would fix it but I don't know how long it would take.
Notbox Xbox-HQ User Xbox Version: v1.6 Modded: Xecuter 2.6 CE
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Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2023 8:05 pm Post subject:
Tried chimp and used the fix error 16 option, as soon as it started i got a blue screen saying drq issue ( i think) hdb with multiwrite over and over again so after an hour or so i turned it off. The drive still works. Also tried unleash x return to factory state. It starts then gives me an error saying a file or files don't exist. So next I suppose I'll see if there's any utilities that I can use to fix the problem.
ArchAngle V.I.P. Lifetime Xbox Version: v1.6 Modded: Xecuter 2.6 CE
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Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2023 1:05 pm Post subject:
You have a modded Xbox that is for sure, maybe a messed up one.
If you're getting an UnleashX "... return to factory state" menu option that sounds like you have a Rocky5 XBSMT (Xbox Softmodding Tool) softmod.
I know there are some recovery options with that but I've not used a recent version myself so unfortunately I'm not the guy to be able to advise you on the best path to take.
Chimp not working could be because of the SATA > IDE adapter you probably used and also not using an 80 wire IDE cable too. But the Chimp clone to a larger HDD would not be any use if there are problems with the softmod rather than it just being a matter of exceeding a particular partition's capacity.
Any chance you can post some screenshots of your dashboard and, using the file manager, the E and C drive contents in particular?
Notbox Xbox-HQ User Xbox Version: v1.6 Modded: Xecuter 2.6 CE
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Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2023 7:42 pm Post subject:
I also forgot to add while I was in chimp I looked into drive information and it said that the console is either softmodded with evox or unleash x, the method I used was connecting the hdd to my other modded xbox and I wondering if there a way to look through drive contents on chimp and delete things that way.yes, I can post pics of the dashboard,
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Notbox Xbox-HQ User Xbox Version: v1.6 Modded: Xecuter 2.6 CE
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Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2023 11:30 pm Post subject:
Alright... well I've tried everything including slayers and hexan installing ms dash and nothing changes, still slow,no memory and still get error's either missing or can't delete default.xbe. so guess next up is hotswap to a pc using xhdm or modchip and see what happens. That won't be til next year sometime. I appreciate you archangel for responding to my post, i though i just try anything and everything before doing a swap or chip. I'll post again if anything changes. Thanks again.
Notbox Xbox-HQ User Xbox Version: v1.6 Modded: Xecuter 2.6 CE
Joined: Nov 24, 2023 Posts: 10
Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2024 1:45 am Post subject:
Update. ordered a usb to ide adapter, got it in today. Finally hooked up the drive to the pc, ran xbhdm 2.3 and tried to rebuild drive from scratch but it gave an error saying out of data to write cluster 1. Could of sworn it said 9.54 gb looked again.. nope 1.54gb on
I wondering if there was anyway to fix the drive so that I can rebuild,mod and switch another drive layer.not looking to get all the space back just enough to put a dash back, but I'm guessing that there's less than 1.54 space on the drive.
Not sure of how much I would need.
Also funny thing happen while trying to hotswap, after so many attempts my error 11 turn into an error 12. Never seen or read that one before.
ArchAngle V.I.P. Lifetime Xbox Version: v1.6 Modded: Xecuter 2.6 CE
Joined: Oct 03, 2014 Posts: 367
Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2024 12:43 pm Post subject:
I'm thinking now that the HDD is faulty, it is really the only thing that makes sense of the problems you're having.
The solutions are: either to get the eeprom off the Xbox using an eeprom reader, build a new HDD using FATXplorer on PC and lock it with that.
But doing this is really no easier than fitting a chip so the mod-chip solution is your best bet I'd suggest.
Notbox Xbox-HQ User Xbox Version: v1.6 Modded: Xecuter 2.6 CE
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Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2024 6:54 pm Post subject:
Ironically, enough I did use use fatxplorer for like 10th time, this time waited for like 15 min mins for it to load or find the drive, then formatted the drive to retail. The computer now says it has 9.54 gb on the hdd. Plug it back into the xbox and now I get an error 16. I think that might be some progress. Now I'm going to try chimp again to see if it can fix it.
But I'm going to start doing some research the best modchip for me.
I can't say I'm not learning alot
ArchAngle V.I.P. Lifetime Xbox Version: v1.6 Modded: Xecuter 2.6 CE
Joined: Oct 03, 2014 Posts: 367
Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2024 1:40 am Post subject:
Simplest and easiest to fit is one of the Aladdin type.
You will have to have some soldering skills, particularly if it is a v1.6 but there are plenty of guides out there.
If you can find somebody who is supplying genuinely Xbox flashable Aladdins rather than the most recent versions which can only be flashed by an external programmer it would be a good idea.
There are also apparently some 'fake' Aladdins out there which are marked as the flashable type but when you check they aren't.
They still work but you'll be stuck with the installed BIOS which is not always the best and can have quirky behaviour in some circumstances.
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