Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2022 2:10 pm Post subject: No Video Output
Hi there,
I think, I have a BIG problem on my hand and I don't know, what to do.
So, I tried to mod a Classic, that I got. First, to try it, I pluged it in and started it up. There was a high frequency tone. But it had video out. There was just the normal error, that something was faulty.
So I opened it up and found 3 blown capacitors near the CPU. I changed them, installed my xChanger, replaced the thermal paste on the CPU and GPU, put all together and plugged it in. AND the fuse blow. I was like... okay??
I then put it on again, it staid this way... and I tried it again. Now it was starting.... but not normally. It restarted 2 times. Short startup, like 2 secs and then off, on, off and on. But now with Green/red LED and no Video.
I thought "f#&@, I blow it". so I put it away for now. Today I wanted to try my modded Classic again (I did this one like 3 Month ago and it worked perfectly). I plugged it in. Normal startup but... no Video. (Same cable and TV as with the other one). I was like "is the cable broken?" so I canged it... no Video but now the XBox was Flashing Orange and Green... I canged it with a cable I knew works and.... On, off, on, off, on with no Video and Red/Green LED.
Did I fry my TV and then my second XBox with the TV?
Help :c
ArchAngle V.I.P. Lifetime Xbox Version: v1.6 Modded: Xecuter 2.6 CE
Joined: Oct 03, 2014 Posts: 367
Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2022 3:30 pm Post subject:
Are the two Xboxes softmodded.chipped or TSOPed?
The frag (green - off .green-off, flashing red/green) is generally an indicator of a hardware problem which can be anything - chip, MB component failure, faulty connections (damaged traces).
I had stuff like this when I first fitted an Aladdin chip. It was down to my soldering skills or lack of to be more precise. The LPC pin install was 'problematic'. Until I did a better job on the LPC pins it was a lottery whether the Xbox concerned would boot or frag.
With the damaged caps in your first Xbox I'd be looking for trace damage particularly near the caps you replaced and around the clock cap area. The latter might not have blown but leaked and that can cause big problems especially with Xbox v1.0 > v1.4.
Its very difficult to troubleshoot stuff like this as the error indicators are vague.
In the second Xbox the LED flashing orange/green is normal when an Xbox AV cable is not attached. That does suggest something is faulty in that respect. But the fact a known good cable with the same Xbox started fragging too is odd.
Risinghaze Xbox-HQ User Xbox Version: v1.6 Modded: Xecuter 2.6 CE
Joined: Oct 29, 2021 Posts: 14
Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2022 4:19 pm Post subject:
Thanks for the reply.
I did a Chipped Mod with the xChanger 2.5.
Yeah, I guess I will have to look it up again.
Maybe there are some broken lines (but I don't think so, because it worked the first time, when I tested it).
And I will look up the pins.
This high frequency tone comes from the powersupply. So I guess there will be the next problem.
The second xbox... works again. I just started it up, until it was flashing Green/red, then I pressed the eject button and the Chip Menu did come up. One restart later and everything was fine again... this thing....
Risinghaze Xbox-HQ User Xbox Version: v1.6 Modded: Xecuter 2.6 CE
Joined: Oct 29, 2021 Posts: 14
Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2022 1:22 pm Post subject:
I fixed it... it was the mod chip, that was fu**ing around.
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