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 UnleashX skin.xml Info View previous topic :: View next topic  
V.I.P. Lifetime

Xbox Version: v1.6
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Joined: Oct 03, 2014
Posts: 367

Post Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2019 2:24 pm   
Post subject: UnleashX skin.xml Info
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Does anyone here know why a small but significant number of UnleashX skin.xml documents start with two odd characters?

A few include "aa" before the open angled bracket <skin name eg.:-

aa<Skin name="whatever">

Other skins, in fact more commonly than the double aa, start with "ï÷" eg.:-

ï÷<Skin name="whatever">

I've actually had to look up how to create the umlaut i and division sign and they are both symbols the Xbox itself does not apparently support. So what are they there for?

On a probably unrelated UnleashX skin matter has any one come across a UX skin that refuses to display and freezes the skin menu when you try to swap to it from the skin that immediately precedes it? However the skin will display when you swap first to the Defaulkt UX blue skin then swap to the same skin that caused the freeze.

I've had this happen with a VERY small number of UnleashX skin menu pair combinations but I have never been able to identify what the problem is.

My first thought was a corrupt main background image but if it was corrupt by does it work when swapping from the Default skin? Same problem with blaming the skin.xml - if there was something wrong with that it would not matter what skin you were swapping from.

What I've done in the past is simply rename such skins so they're not adjacent to other skins which provoke this problem. Also I've found that reworking the skin ie. editing/re-saving the skins image(s) file(s) on PC using a graphics program for instance saving as PNG rather than JPG sometimes fixes this behaviour too.

Similarly neatening up the skin.xml ie. not adding anything just minimal editing of the document to remove some unnecessary line spacing can work too.

But if someone can suggest an explanation for any of this I'd be interested to know.

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V.I.P. Lifetime

Joined: Jun 04, 2012
Posts: 192

Post Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2019 6:14 pm   
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What are some of the skins that have the extraneous characters at the start of the skin.xml file?

I'd like to compare them to versions I have or will need to find it I don't have it already.

I do have some skins that freeze UnleashX when I select them but I've never tried restarting and setting the skin to the built-in default and selecting the skin that locked things up to see if it works.

Do you have an example I can try?

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