Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 11:53 am Post subject: Copy to HDD from DVD, but with a twist...
Hi Guys,
I know I can copy the game disc with DVD2XBox, no problem, tried, works like a charm.
Getting full ISO images seems really hard these days.
Anyway, I've downloaded a huge package with "HDD Ready" games in it.
Unfortunately, right now, I don't have a UTP cable home, but I'd like to try a game from that pack.
Can I just burn the folder, then, copy it to the HDD with the UnleashX file manager? Would it work?
ArchAngle V.I.P. Lifetime Xbox Version: v1.6 Modded: Xecuter 2.6 CE
Joined: Oct 03, 2014 Posts: 367
Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 4:12 pm Post subject:
You're taking about burning a game folder as an ISO 9660 Data disc; trying that comes with all types of Xbox/FATX weirdness, which can vary with dash, even dash version.
My advice is not to.
Instead what you should do is find the game folder you want, make sure it is unzipped/unRARed and the folder is single level ie. game folder name > actual game contents.
Some downloads are mistakenly double packed or unpacked into: game folder name > game folder name > game content. The opposite can occur too ie. the game contents are packaged loose in the zip/RAR folder.
Anyway check for that first then use either Qwix or the C-Xbox Tool PC tools to create a XISO from the folder. Burn that to disc in the usual way for ISO disc images preferably with ImgBurn.
The disc media must be DVD-R unless you're certain about your Xbox's compatibility. The game can then be played from disc or installed on the Xbox using DVD2Xbox which you know how to do.
Qwix or C-Xbox Tool create the XISO very quickly even from a big (4+GB) game.
Last edited by ArchAngle on Sun Jan 13, 2019 4:53 pm; edited 1 time in total
encoder Xbox-HQ User Xbox Version: v1.6 Modded: Xecuter 2.6 CE
Joined: Jan 09, 2019 Posts: 13 Location: Hungary
Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 4:49 pm Post subject:
ArchAngle wrote:
You're taking about burning a game folder as an ISO 9660 Data disc; trying that comes with all types of Xbox/FATX weirdness, which can vary with dash, even dash version.
My advice is not to.
Instead what you should do is find the game folder you want, make sure it is unzipped/unRARed and the folder is single level ie. game folder name > actual game contents.
Some downloads are mistakenly double packed or unpacked into: game folder name > game folder name > game content. The opposite can occur too ie. the game contents are packaged loose in the zip/RAR folder.
Anyway check for that first then use either Qwix or the C-Xbox Tool PC tools to create a XISO from the folder. Burn that to disc in the usual way and then the game can be played from disc or installed on the Xbox using DVD2Xbox as you know.
Qwix or C-Xbox Tool create the XISO very quickly even from a big (4+GB) game.
Yeah, I was afraid of something like that.
I've burned out Breakdown from that HDD ready folder, will see.
"Unfortunately", I'm from Mac, so can't use those tools, but will take a look if they have a Mac alternative.
encoder Xbox-HQ User Xbox Version: v1.6 Modded: Xecuter 2.6 CE
Joined: Jan 09, 2019 Posts: 13 Location: Hungary
Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 5:04 pm Post subject:
Qwiz works with a WineBottler, just managed to ake an ISO out of the folder, will see, burning it right now.
Fingers crossed
ArchAngle V.I.P. Lifetime Xbox Version: v1.6 Modded: Xecuter 2.6 CE
Joined: Oct 03, 2014 Posts: 367
Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 5:10 pm Post subject:
Using a Mac does throw a spanner in the works as apart from FTPing the only other option is copying the game folder to a flash drive.
You need a USB to Xbox adapter for that and a Xbox compatible <4GB flash drive. But even then you'd need the PC Xplorer360 program to do the transfer. Believe me even if that was possible for you it would take several hours to copy any original Xbox game even if you've compressed it to considerably less than <4GB.
So not a solution. FTPing seems to be the only way in this case.
You really don't have spare ethernet cable?
encoder Xbox-HQ User Xbox Version: v1.6 Modded: Xecuter 2.6 CE
Joined: Jan 09, 2019 Posts: 13 Location: Hungary
Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 5:24 pm Post subject:
ArchAngle wrote:
Using a Mac does throw a spanner in the works as apart from FTPing the only other option is copying the game folder to a flash drive.
You need a USB to Xbox adapter for that and a Xbox compatible <4GB flash drive. But even then you'd need the PC Xplorer360 program to do the transfer. Believe me even if that was possible for you it would take several hours to copy any original Xbox game even if you've compressed it to considerably less than <4GB.
So not a solution. FTPing seems to be the only way in this case.
You really don't have spare ethernet cable?
Qwiz worked, burned out, running. Simple is that
Yeah, FTP is the future, but right now (Sunday afternoon) I don't have the cable, maybe tomorrow.
What I have, is a bunch of blank discs
Xbmcmodsforxbox Moderator
Joined: Aug 13, 2018 Posts: 612 Location: United States
Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 8:35 pm Post subject:
I would get the cable and ftp all of the games you have it would be much simpler
ArchAngle V.I.P. Lifetime Xbox Version: v1.6 Modded: Xecuter 2.6 CE
Joined: Oct 03, 2014 Posts: 367
Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 2:48 pm Post subject:
encoder Good to read you found a solution that has worked.
Agree with Xbmcmodsforxbox though: if you have the Xbox set up permanently or can easily enable it to FTP it is always the way to go.
Having said that for small stuff like skins, icons etc in fact many things under 100MB I actually use Xplorer360 and a 4GB flash drive. It is quicker for me than FTPing.
I have to switch cables and change from Static to DHCP as my default FTP set up is a direct console to console connection between my two most used Xboxes.
Worth mentioning here that it is an under-reported feature of UnleashX's fantastic file manager that it has a built in FTP browser. It makes copying stuff between two Xboxes a real doddle.
I'm also still a fan of burning games to disc media too: a DVD-R costs only a few coins yet you have a permanent backup of the game and can use DVD2Xbox to install it with any ACL patching required as part of the process.
FTPing to the Xbox anything with large numbers of files/folders is rarely problem free in my experience. If you factor in the time it may take to get those few errant files that 'Failed To Copy' re-queued the difference between disc burning/installing and FTPing in practice is often not as great as you would think.
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