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Post Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 6:09 am   
Post subject: NMS TSOP Flasher & Auto Installer 3.0
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NMS TSOP Flasher 3.0

Download Link:

Original Discussion Thread:

Demonstration Video:

IRC Discussion Channel:
EFnet #NeMesiS

Is a quick and easy way to TSOP flash and install XBMC. Designed to be noob friendly it has a simple yet effective way of creating a platform for new modders to start working with. I have standardised iND 5004.67 as the default BIOS which contains a config file to customise various features without having to reflash. Below is a quick Demo video:

Note that not all the steps taken in this demo video are required I just wanted to illustrate some of the features it has, a basic tutorial can be found below.


Brief Tutorial Process:

Assuming you already know what version xbox you got and have the points bridged.
Also assuming you have an exploitable game with NMS TSOP Flasher Exploit loaded on memory card.

NMS TSOP Flasher Exploit 3.0

1) Transfer TSOP Flasher and savegame for your exploitable game to xbox HDD.
2) Start the game and launch NMS TSOP Flasher (MA & AUF will have a launcher to redirect to TSOP Flasher)
3) Once TSOP Flasher 3.0 has loaded you will see your xbox details including kernal and bios version.

4a) non Winbond TSOP - will be resized and flashed by Evolution X.
4b) Winbond only TSOP - will be flashed by Raincoat.

5) Once either method is complete the xbox will shutdown.

6a) From here you could move straight onto the Auto Installer after TSOP flashing.
6b) Alternatively you can reload the exploit and use the "prepare HDD" option. This will format f&g partitions, install evoxdash to c:\ and TSOP Flasher Tool to e"\apps\ allowing you to FTP files over. This could be utilised if you dont have a burner or compatible media.

NMS Auto Installer 3.0

7) Once Auto Installer 3.0 has loaded there will be the 3 following options;

8a) Install XBMC - This will install XBMC & EvoX to c:\ and Apps to e:\apps\
8b) Retail HDD - This will format all partitions except e:\ and then install XBMC, EvoX, xboxdash to c:\ and Apps to e:\apps\. (recommended after 6a or 6b)
8c) Upgrade HDD - (continue to 9)

9a) Prepare HDD - This will format all partitions and then install XBMC, EvoX, xboxdash to c:\ and Apps to e:\apps\.
9b) 250Gb+ HDD - For large drives you will need to reformat g and/or f partitions.

10) After your install method has processed, remove any media from tray and reboot your xbox console.

Alternatively if you have a softmodded console and dont require an exploit I have included a application version "TSOP Flasher Tool"


Future Revisions:
1) If possible I would like to update or replace raincoat with gentoox loader for auto size feature
2) If possible it would be nice to have some sort of presets on XBpartitioner 1.3 for commonly sized HDDs between 250Gb & 2Tb for quick and easy HDD upgrade.
3) Detailed from start to finish tutorial

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Xbox-HQ Experienced
Xbox-HQ Experienced

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Post Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 8:53 am   
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nice work Smile

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Joined: Feb 05, 2006
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Location: Tennessee, USA

Post Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 5:10 am   
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Nice job. I built a similar tool years ago. Glad to see someone else keeping the tsop method going. If I can just find a xbox again.
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