Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 11:30 am Post subject: New and about time i saved time and asked
Hey all, long time reader first time poster.
Usually there's more than enough info on here for anything i need and being busy i dont have time to post. So good work guys exceptional site
Today though is different, Trying to clone HDD's standard (softmoded) to 80G seagate, anyways all is good thanks to this site up to when i messed up lol
So all ready selected clone Master to slave, after a fairly long wait came up with the how would you like to clone it part, i pushed a then remembered about clicking the joystick so heres the eff up! i pushed cancel :O
Now im fairly stuck in a rut, i tried to re-clone and now its starting the script at the bottom of the (warning wipe your drive bit) and its stuck with
logical block 2. drive not ready for command Which is new from first time round, before it was just 0 and a code 5------ something or other
I know this does not make much sense lol and is very stupid of me! im not very tech minded i weld and cut trees down for a living for instence haha but is there something i may need to do since i started the process already?
Heres where its stuck
4.02 MB
398 Time(s)
19wilson67 Xbox-HQ Newbie
Joined: Jul 05, 2013 Posts: 7
Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 1:18 pm Post subject: Effed Even more!!
Ok guys, well here a good example of how being patient is a very good idea, All the time, so still had problems as above and now not paying attention im sure have locked my original hdd and of course turned it off, so now i really am up the creek without a boat never mind a paddle!!
certain its locked from hard drive as its the top option i believe, Anyway can someone pretty please point m,e in the right direction
1 Unlock original HDD
and 2 clone to my larger
Must mention everything was kooshty with the clone the first time and would have been done hours ago if i just had not pushed cancel :@
Please help i already have stress related alopecia i really cannot afoard much more hair-loss lol!
Amiga1200 V.I.P. Lifetime
Joined: Jun 19, 2012 Posts: 461
Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 3:12 pm Post subject:
^^ hair loss?
welcome to the party!
i've triple checked to see if the word "eeprom" was used here and it wasn't!
do you have the console eeprom.bin to hand?
if i'm not mistaken, that image linked looks like "chimp" which case, i'm not touching it!
too dangerous (and unstable as a program)
IF you have the following items to hand...
1, the console eeprom.bin to hand.. (i only can help if you have's VITAL)
2, a known compatible ide/pata computer...(with cd/dvd rom + a target hdd...
3, SPPV's BABYLON archive...(unpack and read all enclosed documentation before usage)
4, after all is said and done..(assuming success is achieved) PROFIT and enjoy!
in truth, as far as the subject is concerned, i have no idea....
i've tried "chimp" (if that's what the linked image is?) and it' blew up in my face...never got it to work (the lead I/O swap timing is f*ckin insane!)
i did find something from a place i no longer associate myself with...(and against my better judgement, copied it)
the sharer though is somebody i DO respect and the ONLY reason i'm copying the tutorial here is so that i may be of actual use (and that it may work?)
if you've tried this already of if i'm barking up the wrong tree (if it's NOT chimp you're using) then please ignore!
i'm sure somebody will some point!
TO BE CLEAR, i accept NO responsibility for losses and damages incurred, only linking this as i don't like to see folks up "shit creek" without a paddle...
USE AT OWN RISK! (otherwise, get your eeprom.bin to hand and get's EASY to use and no swapping/cloning is's a complete hdd rebuild)
Tobaccoo wrote:
DISCLAIMER: I'm not responsible if you end up messing up your xbox. BE CAREFUL when doing this, and ask questions if you have them. If you aren't sure about what you are doing, then don't do it.
This was written with a v1.6 xbox in mind, however this works for all versions.
What you need:
Chimp 2618:
GOTO (SPIT) TIZ if you need to download it! if you already have it...carry on!
A power source for your upgraded HDD:
Another xbox, external HDD housing, molex splitter, a computer, etc.
Torx 10, 15, 20 Screwdrivers
A softmodded v1.0 - v1.6 xbox
How to:
1. Burn the Chimp 2618 ISO to a DVD-R.
2. Remove the top of the xbox casing, to expose the DVD drive and HDD.
3. Set your new HDD to slave!
4. Hook up the new HDD to a power source and put the HDD on or near the DVD drive, since the IDE cable from the DVD drive dosen't stretch far.
5. Cold boot the Chimp DVD-R (AKA put the disc in, turn off the xbox, and boot up the xbox back up)
6. You will see a menu with 3 items or so, select CD/DVD
7. Before you go any further loosten the IDE cable to the DVD drive but do not remove it.
8. Select the version of Chimp you need. Normal Chimp if you are using the normal A/V cable, or Chimp 480P or Chimp 720P if you are using component.
9. Once you selected the Chimp of your choice, when it says initrd and a green [ok] appears, IMMEDIATELY take out the DVD IDE cable and put it into your new HDD. You only have a few seconds to do this. If chimp boots up before you have done this put the IDE back in the DVD drive, restart your xbox and repeat steps 6-8.
10. If you hotswapped the DVD to HDD properly, use option one to scan for HDDs aka Scan Physical IDE Devices. Scroll up and down and MAKE SURE BOTH HDDS SHOW UP ON THIS LIST. If not repeat 5-9.
11. If both HDD's show up, go back to the main screen and select option 2 aka Clone Master to Slave. Your HDD info you want to upgrade to should be on your screen. Select Yes then do Full Disk aka Byte by byte. It will take a little time to copy everything from your original HDD to your new one.
12. Once the cloning process is complete, select option 3 aka Lock Slave. Lock from the Motherboard. At the main menu select shutdown.
13. Disconnect your new HDD and set the drive to Master now instead of Slave. Reconnect your IDE cable to your DVD drive.
14. Remove your old HDD and replace it with your new one. Boot up your xbox to make sure it is working properly before putting the xbox case back on.
15. Make sure to enjoy
A special thanks to Idotsfan for making this for all us 1.6 xbox users!
^^ my disclaimer!
i in NO WAY endorse this item nor will i even care if another staff member nukes this response....(well, i'm kinda hoping for it really, never liked chimp..too dangerous)
good luck! _________________ to all my friends... farewell and all the best to future prosperity... and remember, be excellent to each other!
SPPV V.I.P. Lifetime
Joined: Sep 13, 2010 Posts: 2644 Location: Kamloops BC Canada
Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 3:57 pm Post subject:
If you want to clone an HDD do yourself a favour and go the PC route (xboxhdm or Norton Ghost V7) both can do a bit by bit clone of the HDD and are way more user friendly than the via xbox methods
19wilson67 Xbox-HQ Newbie Xbox Version: V1.6b Modded: Babylon3 GS
Joined: Jul 05, 2013 Posts: 7
Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 8:30 am Post subject:
amiga1200 wrote:
^^ hair loss?
welcome to the party!
i've triple checked to see if the word "eeprom" was used here and it wasn't!
do you have the console eeprom.bin to hand?
if i'm not mistaken, that image linked looks like "chimp" which case, i'm not touching it!
too dangerous (and unstable as a program)
IF you have the following items to hand...
1, the console eeprom.bin to hand.. (i only can help if you have's VITAL)
2, a known compatible ide/pata computer...(with cd/dvd rom + a target hdd...
3, SPPV's BABYLON archive...(unpack and read all enclosed documentation before usage)
4, after all is said and done..(assuming success is achieved) PROFIT and enjoy!
in truth, as far as the subject is concerned, i have no idea....
i've tried "chimp" (if that's what the linked image is?) and it' blew up in my face...never got it to work (the lead I/O swap timing is f*ckin insane!)
i did find something from a place i no longer associate myself with...(and against my better judgement, copied it)
the sharer though is somebody i DO respect and the ONLY reason i'm copying the tutorial here is so that i may be of actual use (and that it may work?)
if you've tried this already of if i'm barking up the wrong tree (if it's NOT chimp you're using) then please ignore!
i'm sure somebody will some point!
TO BE CLEAR, i accept NO responsibility for losses and damages incurred, only linking this as i don't like to see folks up "shit creek" without a paddle...
USE AT OWN RISK! (otherwise, get your eeprom.bin to hand and get's EASY to use and no swapping/cloning is's a complete hdd rebuild)
Tobaccoo wrote:
DISCLAIMER: I'm not responsible if you end up messing up your xbox. BE CAREFUL when doing this, and ask questions if you have them. If you aren't sure about what you are doing, then don't do it.
This was written with a v1.6 xbox in mind, however this works for all versions.
What you need:
Chimp 2618:
GOTO (SPIT) TIZ if you need to download it! if you already have it...carry on!
A power source for your upgraded HDD:
Another xbox, external HDD housing, molex splitter, a computer, etc.
Torx 10, 15, 20 Screwdrivers
A softmodded v1.0 - v1.6 xbox
How to:
1. Burn the Chimp 2618 ISO to a DVD-R.
2. Remove the top of the xbox casing, to expose the DVD drive and HDD.
3. Set your new HDD to slave!
4. Hook up the new HDD to a power source and put the HDD on or near the DVD drive, since the IDE cable from the DVD drive dosen't stretch far.
5. Cold boot the Chimp DVD-R (AKA put the disc in, turn off the xbox, and boot up the xbox back up)
6. You will see a menu with 3 items or so, select CD/DVD
7. Before you go any further loosten the IDE cable to the DVD drive but do not remove it.
8. Select the version of Chimp you need. Normal Chimp if you are using the normal A/V cable, or Chimp 480P or Chimp 720P if you are using component.
9. Once you selected the Chimp of your choice, when it says initrd and a green [ok] appears, IMMEDIATELY take out the DVD IDE cable and put it into your new HDD. You only have a few seconds to do this. If chimp boots up before you have done this put the IDE back in the DVD drive, restart your xbox and repeat steps 6-8.
10. If you hotswapped the DVD to HDD properly, use option one to scan for HDDs aka Scan Physical IDE Devices. Scroll up and down and MAKE SURE BOTH HDDS SHOW UP ON THIS LIST. If not repeat 5-9.
11. If both HDD's show up, go back to the main screen and select option 2 aka Clone Master to Slave. Your HDD info you want to upgrade to should be on your screen. Select Yes then do Full Disk aka Byte by byte. It will take a little time to copy everything from your original HDD to your new one.
12. Once the cloning process is complete, select option 3 aka Lock Slave. Lock from the Motherboard. At the main menu select shutdown.
13. Disconnect your new HDD and set the drive to Master now instead of Slave. Reconnect your IDE cable to your DVD drive.
14. Remove your old HDD and replace it with your new one. Boot up your xbox to make sure it is working properly before putting the xbox case back on.
15. Make sure to enjoy
A special thanks to Idotsfan for making this for all us 1.6 xbox users!
^^ my disclaimer!
i in NO WAY endorse this item nor will i even care if another staff member nukes this response....(well, i'm kinda hoping for it really, never liked chimp..too dangerous)
good luck!
I appreciate the patience to even reply to that mess above lol i even said i locked it when i ment UNlocked haha (what a day) Anyway yeh its CHIMP and it SUCKS! Thats actually the tutorial i followed and im 99% sure that it would have been a result if i hadnt messed up and canceled and then i could not get back to that point grrrrr so overall resulted in an error code 5 but suppose thats not imprtant
Now only prob i can see with all stuf needed is compatible PC with ide.....
I only have a laptop although i do have one of those IDE to USB cables, can that be used in the same way?
SPPV i think your right as well, CHIMP is very unfriendly and will not toucn again!
Now my Epprom.Bin may be a prob too argghh i have a load of zip files i used to softmod in first place, 2 folders 55530000c and 21585554 which contain loads of zip files including an epprom but its not .bin
So my guess is the xbox is destined for target range then
Amiga1200 V.I.P. Lifetime
Joined: Jun 19, 2012 Posts: 461
Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 3:16 pm Post subject:
^^ no, don't shoot the xbox...YET!
is the stock/default (seagate/western digital 8/10g) hdd still around?
does it still work if you put it back in the console?
you didn't format the hdd/use it on another computer did you? (hopefully NOT as you've f*cked it's chance0
if so, they maybe a chance to get the eeprom.bin afterall! (the computer, i'll leave to you! ask a friend to loan you theirs if they have one?)
to be honest, i've NEVER seen a file called just "EEPROM" before..that i can recall (strange it has no suffix/extension) i think SPPV can handle that question at his earliest convenience!
don't do anything drastic til a REAL professional can chip in more?!
if you still have the hdd that originally came in the console to hand, that's your gateway to getting the "eeprom.bin" right there! (and ultimately upgrading the hdd when you get by a compatible computer?)
as it stands (at the moment) usb enclosures/devices are a NO-GO!
it has to be internal to the computer.........for now at least! _________________ to all my friends... farewell and all the best to future prosperity... and remember, be excellent to each other!
SPPV V.I.P. Lifetime
Joined: Sep 13, 2010 Posts: 2644 Location: Kamloops BC Canada
Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 7:09 am Post subject:
Those folders are your gamesave exploit.55530.... is the Splinter Cell linker save and 2154 is the installer save. The eeprom file you are looking at is a dummy file. If your mod was done using SID open the 2154 folder and look for menu.xbe via filemanager and click on it. Use its eeprom backup feature and be sure to hit move eeprom to E. Now if you look in E\Backups you will see a folder called eeprom and it has all the files you need for locking/unlocking your HDD.
19wilson67 Xbox-HQ Newbie Xbox Version: V1.6b Modded: Babylon3 GS
Joined: Jul 05, 2013 Posts: 7
Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 12:27 pm Post subject:
amiga1200 wrote:
^^ no, don't shoot the xbox...YET!
is the stock/default (seagate/western digital 8/10g) hdd still around?
does it still work if you put it back in the console?
you didn't format the hdd/use it on another computer did you? (hopefully NOT as you've f*cked it's chance0
if so, they maybe a chance to get the eeprom.bin afterall! (the computer, i'll leave to you! ask a friend to loan you theirs if they have one?)
to be honest, i've NEVER seen a file called just "EEPROM" before..that i can recall (strange it has no suffix/extension) i think SPPV can handle that question at his earliest convenience!
don't do anything drastic til a REAL professional can chip in more?!
if you still have the hdd that originally came in the console to hand, that's your gateway to getting the "eeprom.bin" right there! (and ultimately upgrading the hdd when you get by a compatible computer?)
as it stands (at the moment) usb enclosures/devices are a NO-GO!
it has to be internal to the computer.........for now at least!
Yeh i still have the origonal HD that i softmodded t hand, it has no holes shot through it yet lol
Thats where i really messed up as i UN- Locked it (i think thats right) and nowi get error code 5 when its i the original xbox
Good to hear though and your right patience and i will get a shop of a pc eventually.
SPPV - All the files you talk about are on my laptop so i cannot click on menu.xbe so i gather you mean when i get into my xbox? as i know the same files are on there.
So overall i should be ok when i get to a compatible PC to get the original back working and then from there i can tackle the ipgrade how i should have from the get go, via pc?
Oh and i also have a crystal xbox which will be getting all the same treatment but need to be successful at this 1 first lol
Cheers though guys keep up the good work ppl like you make these forums ticking over
Amiga1200 V.I.P. Lifetime
Joined: Jun 19, 2012 Posts: 461
Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 12:54 pm Post subject:
^^ anytime!
yes, he does...(.xbe = xbox executable)
if they're still on the xbox and you can still access them, you're GOLDEN!
if you can get to them on the xbox side, just go with what SPPV advised and all should be well! (if not, sorry to hear that)
i just recently picked up a crystal xbox with matching pad all for the bargain STEAL of 10 GBP STERLING....been looking for the official transparent housings since day one and now a have a full working spread!
if yours is still at the factory stock defaults (M$ da$h green) the mc sofmod exploit is the way to go...
if you have a COMPATIBLE usb card (4g or less) then the BABYLON archive also comes with a computer app to create a usb version of the mc exploit! (the usb version has MORE trimmings vs the mc version but they're BOTH still seen as "save files" by the xbox!)
do the initial softmod to the crystal xbox (NO chimp this time) and retrieve it's "eeprom.bin"....
remember that the "eeprom.bin" is fixed to the console it came from and NON-negotiable! (keep track of the eeproms from each console you're managing)
sorry i couldn't help more
good luck on sorting this miasma of bullshit out, it's NO fun when you have what looks to be a "temp brick"...the feeling is freaky as f*ck and wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy!
all the best! _________________ to all my friends... farewell and all the best to future prosperity... and remember, be excellent to each other!
19wilson67 Xbox-HQ Newbie Xbox Version: ??? Modded: ???
Joined: Jul 05, 2013 Posts: 7
Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 2:07 pm Post subject:
amiga1200 wrote:
^^ anytime!
yes, he does...(.xbe = xbox executable)
if they're still on the xbox and you can still access them, you're GOLDEN!
if you can get to them on the xbox side, just go with what SPPV advised and all should be well! (if not, sorry to hear that)
I hope to god there i can still access them, there there just like i said, think the hDD needs locked again to get back to the begining and start again lol
amiga1200 wrote:
i just recently picked up a crystal xbox with matching pad all for the bargain STEAL of 10 GBP STERLING....been looking for the official transparent housings since day one and now a have a full working spread!
if yours is still at the factory stock defaults (M$ da$h green) the mc sofmod exploit is the way to go...
if you have a COMPATIBLE usb card (4g or less) then the BABYLON archive also comes with a computer app to create a usb version of the mc exploit! (the usb version has MORE trimmings vs the mc version but they're BOTH still seen as "save files" by the xbox!)
do the initial softmod to the crystal xbox (NO chimp this time) and retrieve it's "eeprom.bin"....
remember that the "eeprom.bin" is fixed to the console it came from and NON-negotiable! (keep track of the eeproms from each console you're managing)
£10 Nice deal, i have to pay £17.50 to my tight little bro to get his off him haha but its there when i wan it, and yeh its all virgin Lol! and im 99.999% my usb card is compatable as thats how i done the initial softmod to the xbox messing me about
So this babylon that you have bigged up Once the crystal has popped its cherry and joined the darkside to put it one way, As you say grab its eeprom and store a copy safe, that way when i do finally get access to a PC i can do the both of them and no CHIMP buisness and hairloss?
If so sounds great to me buddy, i will still get coinops yet HAHA
amiga1200 wrote:
sorry i couldn't help more
good luck on sorting this miasma of bullshit out, it's NO fun when you have what looks to be a "temp brick"...the feeling is freaky as f*ck and wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy!
all the best!
I totally agree! Its like, well frustration is putting it lightly lets say. Also as ive gone from no knowledge of this sort of thing untill say a year ago, and now i say i have a VERY basic knowledge (although to my mates im a proper super geek at this stuff ) It feels like a huge Black Hole and thank my lucky stars this gagglef**k of a thread was answered, could so easily not have been haha.
Anyway cheers again, we will see how i get on in the next week or so as its a whole 23 Degrees (C) in sunny scotland and i do not want to miss the few days we call summer so al be out n about but watch this space and al let you guys know how i get on. N u never know a years time n both you might have to ask me for advice
Amiga1200 V.I.P. Lifetime
Joined: Jun 19, 2012 Posts: 461
Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 2:31 pm Post subject:
yep, enjoy while it lasts...the "pissing down cats n dogs" is due anytime...
i'm in NW england (lancashire) and it's hitting almost 30oC!
pretty good weather but i hope it doesn't get any hotter...*breaks out the gamma blocker SPF 9999999+*
get the R&R before the UK weather returns to "tits up/glacier" mode!
looking forward to your progess! (for better or for worse, at least this thread can serve a "learned" purpose to us all and the unfamiliar)
see you after the "good times"...have fun...but not too much "fun" though!
from a UK actor in the mummy film wrote:
...apparently, he had a very good time!
_________________ to all my friends... farewell and all the best to future prosperity... and remember, be excellent to each other!
SPPV V.I.P. Lifetime
Joined: Sep 13, 2010 Posts: 2644 Location: Kamloops BC Canada
Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 4:40 pm Post subject:
If you got E5 and dont have the eeprom.bin on your PC you need to do the following to get the eeprom
1)Hook the HDD to PC, boot xboxhdm, pick option 1 then type xbrowser. Now use it to browse the HDD for an eeprom.bin and copy it to a 2.5 floppy disc to use for locking.
2)Hook the HDD to PC, boot xboxhdm, pick option 1 then type xbrowser. Now browse the HDD for HDDKey.txt. Open it and copy it down. You can use that code in conjunction with DOS-Lock tools to lock the HDD.
19wilson67 Xbox-HQ Newbie Xbox Version: V1.6b Modded: Babylon3 GS
Joined: Jul 05, 2013 Posts: 7
Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 12:39 pm Post subject:
SPPV wrote:
If you got E5 and dont have the eeprom.bin on your PC you need to do the following to get the eeprom
1)Hook the HDD to PC, boot xboxhdm, pick option 1 then type xbrowser. Now use it to browse the HDD for an eeprom.bin and copy it to a 2.5 floppy disc to use for locking.
2)Hook the HDD to PC, boot xboxhdm, pick option 1 then type xbrowser. Now browse the HDD for HDDKey.txt. Open it and copy it down. You can use that code in conjunction with DOS-Lock tools to lock the HDD.
Cheers for that, And again i guess the IDE to USB lead using a laptop wont work ans as before need to be direct to the PC??
Amiga1200 V.I.P. Lifetime
Joined: Jun 19, 2012 Posts: 461
Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 2:54 pm Post subject:
^^ yep!
unless stated otherwise, a compatible ide/pata computer is required....
good luck all the same though.. _________________ to all my friends... farewell and all the best to future prosperity... and remember, be excellent to each other!
19wilson67 Xbox-HQ Newbie Xbox Version: ??? Modded: ???
Joined: Jul 05, 2013 Posts: 7
Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 11:05 am Post subject:
Cheers man i think shawshank has got to me a bit, i hope a little too much sumtime, God damn you Red!! LOL
Will let you know when a get started
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