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 XBMCID working fine, but not booting XBMC View previous topic :: View next topic  
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Post Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 10:36 am   
Post subject: XBMCID working fine, but not booting XBMC
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I have a hardmod XBOX 1( dunno what chip) with EvolutionX V+393?? (doesn't fit on the screen).

I burned the XBMCID v1.46 with the updates from 1.47. After starting the dvd, the software is working fine. All drives formatted and used the one-click install. After approx 15 min. the install is ready and says, to reboot.

But after reboot, I still am at the EvolutionX start screen with the two options: "Launch disc and system settings". This is not what i wanted, i wanted the XBMC dash or an option to boot XBMC.

I have tried it several times, have replaced the evoxdash.xbe with a custom made one, have made a evox.ini file, none of this seems to work.

Also, I found after formatting and installing it again that all files have the timestamp of today, except the evoxdash.xbe. The timestamp on that file is 14-4-2011.


My XBMC used to work, but I wanted a clean install coz, i thought there would be several (failed) installs on the disc.

Can someone help me? or point me in the right direction?

thnx in advance

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Post Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 4:17 pm   
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If you can get FTP access fomr your Xbox, please give us a small directory list.

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Post Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 7:19 pm   
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Xbox Version: 1.6 crystal
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Post Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 9:36 pm   
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So where is your evox location?

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Xbox-HQ Newbie
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Post Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 9:44 am   
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Dunno, maybe in some hidden part?

I have formatted every drive the XBMCID could access, but it still keeps starting up with it.

I's like this image, only with 2 options: launch disc and system settings



Thnx in advance

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Post Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 5:31 pm   
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I don't know what is wrong then. Format the HDD again and then try to boot without putting any files back in and see what happens.

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Xbox-HQ Newbie
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Post Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 7:44 pm   
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accidentally unlocked the HDD, so that is now inaccessible.

Going to dismantle the xbox and try to lock the HDD again.

thnx for the help so far.

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Post Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 4:06 pm   
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The HDD is unlocked after the Xbox is turned on and locked when it is turned off so you would need to swap another Xbox's HDD in there that the BIOS could unlock to then swap the IDE cable to get the Xbox to lock the other HDD.

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Post Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 5:57 pm   
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If his Xbox is chipped it should be able to run fine with the hard drive unlocked. Are you sure that your Xbox is actually chipped? Have you opened it up to check?

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