Joined: Aug 21, 2006 Posts: 519 Location: Ontario, Canada
Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 4:43 pm Post subject: XLINK vs XBConnect?
I use xbconnect. I would like to know people's opinions on which is better, xbconnect or xlink kai. In xbconnect there is always the disappointment of finding a low ping, i dont know about xlink kai. Please post here what you like to use and find better. It will save me the hastle of installing xlink if it is not good. If there are any others please post here. THANKS
Last edited by Manik on Tue Aug 22, 2006 10:38 pm; edited 1 time in total
ren3gade Xbox-HQ Elite Member Xbox Version: xbox v1.0 Modded: MA- Krayzies 1.1 w/ Aid 4
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Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 7:53 pm Post subject:
I like Xlink because not much setup since it is built in XBMC.. All I had to do is d/l a small part for PC to be teh gateway and I was linked to server.. Only thing is theres not as many ppl as I would have hoped for (unless u played Halo2). I do find ppl played Farcry and some of teh newer games sometimes (painkiller). I open a server if nobody is hostin someone usually jumps in. Thats teh sweet part of hosting XB games we all have same system only difference is line speed. So as long as you aint hosting more then 4 or 5 ppl your line can handle it.
Greven Xbox-Hq Genius Xbox Version: Xbox V1.6 Modded: Xecuter 3 CE
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Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 9:50 pm Post subject:
When I used to use them I liked xlink much more than xbconnect _________________ Hotswap|HDD Upgrade|X3 Guide
forahobby Administrator
Joined: May 22, 2003 Posts: 23947 Location: NSW, Australia
Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 3:57 am Post subject:
Well XBCONNECT was the original one and only system link when xbox was young and then came many more like xlink etc..
XBC was great to start but slowly kept slipping behind as soon as XLINK was available.
Since the release of XLINK I always suggest it since it is totally intergrated into XBMC and if you have the right router or other equipment you can set it up to be a XLINK host very easily.
That way you dont even need a pc running.
there are still over 5 system link pc apps out there but i just dont get the time anymore to play much xbox.. I still ofcourse play the emu's and stuff ocassionally.
AngelosDracul V.I.P. Lifetime Xbox Version: Xbox V1.6 Modded: Xecuter 3 CE
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Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 12:02 am Post subject:
And with XLINK kai integrated into XBMC, you really don't have to worry about people hopping online with trainers enabled and such. It's got a switch, launch the game with trainers? Or launch without trainers and go on Kai. Keeps the gaming fair and based on skill, not who has the bigger trainer collection _________________ "That which does not kill you, only makes you stronger."
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Manik Xbox-HQ Freak Xbox Version: Xbox V1.6 Modded: Xecuter 3 CE
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Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 2:30 am Post subject:
thanks guys .. i used xlink kai, i not only noticed a huge difference in the actual gaming (lag-free) but i also noticed that it was a fair gameplay. I always wondered how i was always slaughtered and had no chance when i used xbconnect. People used trainers and stuff and i never knew bout it. Now i can actually p00n!!!!!
d22p13 Xbox-HQ Enthusiast Xbox Version: xbox V 1.2 Modded: xecuter 3 ce modchip
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Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 9:57 am Post subject:
xlink is a lot better then xbconnect i think its better set up and it looks a whole lot better then xbc> Still a downside i see in xlink is becuase thier more people playing halo 2 dont get me wrong thats good but it opens up more opertunities to modders using thier gay flying hacks. To bad xlink doesnt have a way to stop that like banning thier xbox ip.
wes213 Administrator
Joined: Feb 04, 2007 Posts: 10520 Location: Harrisonburg V.A.
Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 2:04 pm Post subject:
For sure xlink kai has got the edge on them all its all about the wrt54g running the kai for you no need to run it on the pc just use DDRT or the firmware i use thibor 15 c and your allways on kai.
Once a month or so you might need to reboot your router but that dont take long.
I had tryed XBC for 2 or3 days but it was just like kai. after kai took a fist full of downers.
Folks like what thay like but for me its an ez call XLINK KAI.
Joined: Dec 08, 2006 Posts: 2337 Location: Repping the (216) yo
Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 8:26 pm Post subject:
d22p13 wrote:
xlink is a lot better then xbconnect i think its better set up and it looks a whole lot better then xbc> Still a downside i see in xlink is becuase thier more people playing halo 2 dont get me wrong thats good but it opens up more opertunities to modders using thier gay flying hacks. To bad xlink doesnt have a way to stop that like banning thier xbox ip.
Thats why you only play in private rooms. Also, xlink moderators can ban a users IP. I dont think they would do it for trainers and mods though. _________________
xUnReAlx Xbox-HQ Elite Member Xbox Version: 1.1 Softmod Modded: UnleashX Dash - 40g HDD
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Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 9:31 pm Post subject:
i never tried XBC but i saw you had to pay for something and i jus went right to Xlink and im happy for that choice.
I've used both, and I prefer XLink , because it actually allows me to join games. XBconnect always gave me the "game not available" bs.
Oh, and don't knock modding until you tried it. People only hate it because you have the certain stupid people that use mods for cheating.
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