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Xbox Version: 1.4
Modded: Xenium Ice

Joined: Mar 28, 2005
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Post Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 3:51 pm   
Post subject: Complex tools help
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I'd like to extract an Iso from my original or XBOX HDD. When I'm inside complex tools I choose ISO SUBMENU. At this point I see two options EXTRACT AN ISO. and BUILD ISO. I obviously want to build ISO but it want let me choose that option it will only let me choose the extraction. HELP!

I'd like to create an ISO from my Xbox HDD. I open C-Xbox Tool 2 I click create iso. I click add ftp folder. then I click the button to open a list of my games to choose the source folder. This is where I run into a problem. When I pick a game's folder then click start it gives me an error message saying "cannot find file/directory : (at this point it list the name of the first folder inside the game's folder)" To create an iso I want to make it out of the entire folder right?

xbox v1.4
Xenium Ice

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Post Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 9:24 am   
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Im not familiar with COMPLEX lately but i have used it many many moons ago..

If you want to do something very similar but using your pc try QWIX.. Heres a tutorial which may help.. You can create .isos on your pc directly from your XBOX HDD or XBOX DVDROM.. There are plenty of other methods too.

Create iso Using QWIX from your Xbox HDD:



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Xbox-HQ Enthusiast
Xbox-HQ Enthusiast

Xbox Version: 1.4
Modded: Xenium Ice

Joined: Mar 28, 2005
Posts: 47

Post Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 4:41 pm   
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forahobby wrote:

Im not familiar with COMPLEX lately but i have used it many many moons ago..

If you want to do something very similar but using your pc try QWIX.. Heres a tutorial which may help.. You can create .isos on your pc directly from your XBOX HDD or XBOX DVDROM.. There are plenty of other methods too.

Create iso Using QWIX from your Xbox HDD:



Thanks for posting FH. I also have a problem with Qwix. It's very weird because I can FTP all day long through programs such as UltraFXP (I think the best one) and when I setup the connection on Qwix it says successful connection. And with I use the ping command I get a successful answer with no delay. I can't imaagine my problem is the FTP. But whenever I go to try to use Qwix it won't let me. When I try to choose the game folder to build an ISO it says "can't navigate F\games!" (OR whatever folder I pick)
It's very frustrating beause none of the tools out their to build an ISO either from my HDD or from my disk will work for me!!!

xbox v1.4
Xenium Ice

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Post Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 4:43 pm   
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hi bud,

I had it working just great on my pc.. But havent used in such a long time.. Maybe try looking for a older version if there ever was one.. I know it did work just fine for me for quite sometime.

I think also, on some of the larger ftp transfers it may only be having issues.
im sure you will get it sorted though.. Have a hunt through our new XBOX SOFTWARE section here:

Hopefully it will link you to some interesting downloads and info.

enjoy the ever expanding HQ


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Post Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 4:44 pm   
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What about this:


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