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 aladdin support..........where are you? View previous topic :: View next topic  
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Post Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 2:02 pm   
Post subject: aladdin support..........where are you?
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Does the aladdin team support their chips?
I am not referring to diagrams and walkthroughs. I am referring to someone that can be contacted.
Just one person, just one!
I am soo pissed off because I have spent my time and money on this Advance XT chip and programmer and cannot get any support.
Resellers are allowed to state my XT can be programmed? How?
The 1 programmer from Alladin will not work.
No one from team XENO replies to my emails.
People that mod Xboxs dont have a way that works.
Does Aladdin want to loose buisnesS?
Someone please put me in my place.

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V.I.P. Lifetime

Xbox Version: 1.6C Blue
Modded: Aladdin Extreme

Joined: Jul 07, 2004
Posts: 59

Post Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 7:04 am   
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To date we have not sold even one XT... SO keep your pants on.
You really should contact whomever you bought it from.
A bit of advice, if you buy a chip from any place... use their diagrams, don't use other diagrams from other sites... There are copies with different installation methods.
For example, a copy Aladdin Live chip goes onto the lpt pins in a different way to the original.

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Post Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 7:34 am   
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[color=olive]At first, we should let everybody know that the aladdin xt is also very good chip for xbox v1.0-v1.6, it works very well, and can support 137G harddisk(with the m8 bios file inside),aslo can switch off itself( online game compatible),but it can not support the programmer! the programmer only can be used on aladdin live,(comes with sst49lf020 chip) .aladdin xt only can use the disc upgrade from the xbox consoles! if you also have any question,please send the mail to: master@szsource.com .we can answer your questions![color=green][/color][/color]


Post Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 7:40 am   
Post subject: aladdin xt vs xenium and smartxx
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At first, we should let everybody know that the aladdin xt is also very good chip for xbox v1.0-v1.6, it works very well, and can support 137G harddisk(with the m8 bios file inside),aslo can switch off itself( online game compatible),but it can not support the programmer! the programmer only can be used on aladdin live,(comes with sst49lf020 chip) .aladdin xt only can use the disc upgrade from the xbox consoles! if you also have any question,please send the mail to: master@szsource.com .we can answer your questions!

Xbox-HQ Newbie
Xbox-HQ Newbie

Xbox Version: 1.6C Blue
Modded: Aladdin Extreme

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Posts: 6

Post Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 1:04 am   
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well the problem I am having has to do with:
my xbox is a 1.6
my modchip has an evoxm8 1.0-1.5
I installed the chip corectly, when I tap the pwr button I get the normal bios, when I hold down the pwr 1 sec my chip attempts to load the M8 1.0-1.5 , when it cannot the xbox reboots and goes into the normal bios.

My little flaming cry post was pertaining to the fact that tere are sites out there touting the programmer as XT compatible.
Not with the software provided by Aladdin!
Also Aladdin and team XENO ignore emials to their support mail address and they dont even bother to warn buyers about resellers stating incorrect info about the programmer.

Now I have an Aladdin XT 4064 chip.
I cannot get the chip to load into flash mode which makes a flash boot disc not an option.
I have tried to program my chip with the aladdin lite software and the Ixia flasher but the XT 4064 chip will not even let windows XP see my hardware when I connect the parallel cable and usb adapter. My usb adapter is putting out voltage.
I keep running into those who can flash the 4032 chips with the programmer,and flash rom, but not the 4064.

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Xbox-HQ Newbie
Xbox-HQ Newbie

Xbox Version: 1.6C Blue
Modded: Aladdin Extreme

Joined: Nov 01, 2004
Posts: 6

Post Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 4:24 pm   
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"At first, we should let everybody know that the aladdin xt is also very good chip for xbox v1.0-v1.6"
"aladdin xt only can use the disc upgrade"

Well I find this very interesting because........
1) I installed this chip on my xbox correctly and it will not load into flash mode because my XT came with an EVOX M8 bios. If I had the Cromwell bios I could at least try the rom flashing. But owners of 1.6 XBOX's like myself are currently screwed if you bought an XT with the EVOX M8 1.0-1.5 bios.
2)This is NOT a very good chip for 1.6's. I have read nothing but complaints from all the people out there that bought this thing and need to program it. There are many posts from guys who do this as a side job and they are having major issues flashing the SST -a chips.
I've even ran into posts by those who know programming and are still having issues.

From what I've gathered at xbox-scene forums, there may be a program coming out called XFLASH ver3 that will allow this chip to be programmed via the alladin lite programmer.
This would only make sense since team XENO put the programmer slot on the XT. It would just make no sense for this slot to be there and it cannot ever be used.
But team XENO can bite it as far as I'm concerned. They are relying on the mod community to fix their error and I really dont get why they are still selling these chips without warning anyone on their joke of a website.

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V.I.P. Lifetime

Xbox Version: 1.6C Blue
Modded: Aladdin Extreme

Joined: Jul 07, 2004
Posts: 59

Post Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 10:53 am   
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Read in the forum for tips on ALaddin. I will not answer any questions about all Aladdin's copies and not copies. But please don't buy copies, they are only containing old code and originals are just as cheap.
I have nothing to do with those making the chips though I deal directly with both factories. I have installed hundreds of these chips in the last few months and have basically ironed out every single problem. Now believe it or not every chip from us works first time every time. We'll even supply with your own bios if you want. it takes no extra time for delivery.

There is also soon a new USB programmer which will do all Aladdin chips in about a minute. Like you I hope this one works better than the previous one. This one has different technicians behind it.

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