onlyforxbox Xbox-HQ User Xbox Version: old xbox Modded: Evo-X
Joined: Jan 26, 2021 Posts: 15 Location: Italy
Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2023 3:51 pm Post subject: use partition E for games,F is full
sorry for using deepl translator,
hello everyone,on classic xbox (first model) i have partition F full,i have space on partition E,is it possible to copy games to that partition and make xbox see them without difficult or dangerous modifications?
thank you all and hi
kaos_engr V.I.P. Lifetime
Joined: Jun 04, 2012 Posts: 194
Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2023 9:09 pm Post subject: Re: use partition E for games,F is full
onlyforxbox wrote:
sorry for using deepl translator,
hello everyone,on classic xbox (first model) i have partition F full,i have space on partition E,is it possible to copy games to that partition and make xbox see them without difficult or dangerous modifications?
thank you all and hi
You can. However, what size is the hard drive with F already being filled?
Most replacement dashboards configuration files are configured to look for games on the E, F and G drives (e.g., E:\Games, F:\Games, G:\Games, apps in E:\Apps or Applications, etc.).
Each game's content goes into a unique subfolder of these directories.
Once the E drive is filled a game may not start since it cannot create a game save.
onlyforxbox Xbox-HQ User Xbox Version: old xbox Modded: Evo-X
Joined: Jan 26, 2021 Posts: 15 Location: Italy
Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2023 8:44 am Post subject:
Exactly,if I copy a game to F it crashes the copy to 26%,if I copy the same game to E it copies everything,I don't know if that game will appear in the games list,do I understand wrong or are you telling me that the xbox would also see the game copied to E,and then I would see it in the games list as if it was in F,so it would be playable?
thanks for the help and bye
ArchAngle V.I.P. Lifetime Xbox Version: v1.6 Modded: Xecuter 2.6 CE
Joined: Oct 03, 2014 Posts: 367
Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2023 12:47 pm Post subject:
The question that need answering, as KE has already asked, is what size HDD are you using?
Che dimensione di hard disk stai usando?
Another question is how big is your F:\ drive and how big is your E:\drive?
Un'altra domanda è quanto è grande il tuo disco F:\ e quanto è grande il tuo disco E:\?
My guess is that you're using an EvoX dash with a basic info skin and no file manager. If you were using another dashboard or better skin you would know how much free space was on each drive and would not have needed to post.
Depending on the HDD the free space left on E:\ after a softmod is <4.5GB. That is enough for only a very small number of Xbox games. There are some Xbox games which are too big even for that amount of space and can not be installed to E:\ at all.
If you are still using the original HDD, which I think might be the case, the F:\ drive total space would only have been 2GB at most. The larger E:\ drive free space might then seem more useful than it is.
Until there is more information about the size of your Xbox HDD; if you have run out of free space the only useful advice we can give is to fit a bigger HDD.
Se proprio hai esaurito lo spazio libero l'unico consiglio utile che possiamo darti è quello di montare un HDD più capiente.
onlyforxbox Xbox-HQ User Xbox Version: old xbox Modded: Evo-X
Joined: Jan 26, 2021 Posts: 15 Location: Italy
Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2023 9:23 am Post subject:
I use the evo-x
I can't find partition sizes,maybe I should enter with the program I use to copy games? I don't know if it shows me partition sizes and occupied/free space
I did however find the space left free,from one of its see on E I have some free space
E 4.541.939.712
F 510.492.672
C 340.967.424
possibly what should i do to mount a bigger disk,i bought it already so used,i don't think you can disassemble the disk,clone it and then pour it on a bigger disk so that you can then enlarge the partitions with the usual disk managers,sorry but i don't know anything about xbox at all
always thanks to all and bye
uso la evo-x
non trovo le dimensioni delle partizioni,forse dovrei entarre con il programma che uso per copiare i giochi? non so se mi mostra dimensioni partizioni e spazio occupato/libero
ho trovato però lo spazio rimasto libero,da una sua utilityes...come vedere su E ho un po' di spazio libero
E 4.541.939.712
F 510.492.672
C 340.967.424
eventualmente cosa dovrei fare per montare un disco più grande,io l'ho comprata già così usata,non credo si possa smontare il disco,clonarlo e poi riversarlo su un disco più grande in modo da poter poi ingrandire le partizioni con i soliti disk manager,scusate ma di xbox non ne so proprio nulla
sempre grazie a tutti e ciao
ArchAngle V.I.P. Lifetime Xbox Version: v1.6 Modded: Xecuter 2.6 CE
Joined: Oct 03, 2014 Posts: 367
Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2023 2:20 pm Post subject:
The free space shown on E:\ is typical of a softmod or hardmod where little has been added to that drive.
Your F:\ drive appears to have about 500MB free space left which is OK but I would not add anything more to it.
The amount of free space on E:\ is potentially useful but, as explained, only for a couple of Xbox games. Then you're going to run out of space again.
I'd guess that if you made an E:\Games folder that your EvoX dashboard .INI file (its configuration file) will display the contents in the main menu.
So you could use it without any problems for a short time.
But really you should think about getting a larger HDD. You can buy a 1TB Seagate Barracuda for €45 and clone your old HDD to that using Chimp 261812.
There are a couple of additional expenses you may have on top of the cost of the HDD but the whole project should cost less than €60. With a ITB HDD fitted it is unlikely you will run out of space again.
onlyforxbox Xbox-HQ User Xbox Version: old xbox Modded: Evo-X
Joined: Jan 26, 2021 Posts: 15 Location: Italy
Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2023 4:18 pm Post subject:
the folder E:\Games already exists
I could exploit it by trying to copy a game and check if it is then seen with the other games in F:\Games
to do the work to the disk,I would have to clone the disk,then all the partitions,and then install the backup on a bigger disk,and I would be fine with the xbox the same identical as before,working and with everything I had before?
just with already bigger partitions or will i have to enlarge them with some disk manager?
last thing,imamgino will not be able to recognize SSD disks
again thank you for your time
ArchAngle V.I.P. Lifetime Xbox Version: v1.6 Modded: Xecuter 2.6 CE
Joined: Oct 03, 2014 Posts: 367
Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2023 11:40 pm Post subject:
If you have an E:\Games folder and you've just not been using it then there should be no problem. It does depend on how the .INI file is written but it would be most unusual if it had been set up not to use E:\Games as a source location.
As KaosEngr explained a dashboard configuration file is, usually, set up to include E:\, F:\ and G:\Games so copying a game to E:\Games should mean it is just added to your dashboard Games menu if it is in any of those locations.
You can not change the size of any partition once it has been installed on the Xbox and used. That means C:\, E:\, X:\, Y:\ and Z:\ are always off limits for that.
If you had not used F:\ or G:\ and there was free space available you had not allocated then you could change the size but only of those extended drives You can not re-allocated the free space on E:\ to F:\ if that is what you are thinking.
WARNING!:if you attempt to resize or reformat your existing F:\ drive you will lose forever EVERYTHING already on it.
The conclusion must be that you need a new HDD with more space so you can have a larger F:\ drive and G:\ if you use one larger than 1TB.
onlyforxbox Xbox-HQ User Xbox Version: old xbox Modded: Evo-X
Joined: Jan 26, 2021 Posts: 15 Location: Italy
Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2023 4:37 pm Post subject:
excellent explanation, but there are old 1 TB PATA disks, I've never seen any, it seemed to me that at most they could find 500 mb ones... or am I wrong?
Thanks again to everyone for the help
kaos_engr V.I.P. Lifetime
Joined: Jun 04, 2012 Posts: 194
Posted: Fri May 19, 2023 3:39 pm Post subject:
onlyforxbox wrote:
excellent explanation, but there are old 1 TB PATA disks, I've never seen any, it seemed to me that at most they could find 500 mb ones... or am I wrong?
Thanks again to everyone for the help
I believe the largest PATA drives were 750GBs. For more space, you need an IDE-to-SATA adapter (I suggest using one with the Marvell 88SA8052 bridge chip): Startech IDE2SAT2 or DeLock #62510, an 80-wire 40-pin 60cm long high-speed IDE cable and a 1 or 2TB SATA hard drive.
How is your console modded: soft or hard mod installed?
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