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 Xbox dosen't recognize the softmod game saves View previous topic :: View next topic  
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Xbox Version: V1.3 (I Think)
Modded: Softmod Running Linux

Joined: Jun 18, 2014
Posts: 19

Post Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 1:52 am   
Post subject: Xbox dosen't recognize the softmod game saves
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So i decided to buy another xbox so i can play halo over LAN with my brother. But i also wanted to softmod the new (well new to me lol) xbox. The first time i softmoded i bought a memory card and game that had the game save pre-loaded on it. But My Dumbass teenager mind threw it away assuming i wouldn't need it again. This time i got a xbox compatible Sandisk Cruzer facet 4GB And formatted it to the xbox FATX format. So i used explorer 360 to open the drive and it lists it as partition 0. I transfered the Auto-Installer Deluxe UDATA files over to the USB. But when I plug the usb into my non modded xbox it recognizes the usb as as memory card but the game saves show up as corrupted only let me delete them and not copy them to the hard-drive. Plese recommend any program that can transfer game saves over to xbox FATX Format USB. Any help would be appreciated.
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Post Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 1:41 am   
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I believe you can transfer files to FATX formatted drives using xplorer 360. However, your Xbox will continue telling you the data is corrupt until a mod has been installed. The game save process you used before requires "Splinter Cell" (The original, not Chaos Theory), original "Mech Assault" or an old version of "007: Agent Under Fire"

Look at this web page: http://www.instructables.com/id/The-Easiest-Way-To-Soft-Mod-An-Original-XBOX/

Xbox Original
Version 1.6
Mod: Softmod
Dash: XBMC
HDD: 500 GB (Western Digital Caviar Blue)

Xbox 360
Version: Premium Phat
Mod: DVD Flash iExtreme LT+ 3.0
HDD: 20gb (Retail)

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V.I.P. Lifetime

Xbox Version: v1.6
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Posts: 367

Post Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 12:56 pm   
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Whatever those UDATA files you found, apparently, from an AID download, they were not the necessary Splintercell/Mechassault/Agent Under Fire game saves.

The AID download is for creating an ISO which must then be written to disc. Once done Windows or whatever won't be able to read it. So you can't, AFAIK, extract the games saves from it although they are on the disc.

I suggest you use that link ^ above to learn how to do a softmod and read the excellent AID PDF manual that should have come with your AID download too.

If you have another (soft)modded Xbox you could use that, run the AID disc and use the menu option to install SID (SC option) to that machine. Then copy those two game saves to your flash drive or memory card and from there to the new Xbox.

Otherwise you'll have to find the necessary Splintercell exploit/installer gamesaves in the wild. Install those to the Xbox HDD using Xplorer360 to get them onto your FATX formatted flash drive or memory card. The SC exploit/installer is still easily found with a bit of Googling.

As SlickStretch said you'll also need an original copy of Xbox Splintercell to enable the exploit.

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