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 Softmod buggered my hd? View previous topic :: View next topic  
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Post Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 6:57 am   
Post subject: Softmod buggered my hd?
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I have a HD I was soft modding, I had the eeprom and everything appeared to go smoothly...
but I booted to an error on the first try with the xbox, and now the computer cannot format the HD to start over or unlock it using tools. I have the eeprom.still but a brick hd for the xbox and pc alike... granted the bios on the pc sees it fine, smart tests fine, but no access to the partition table with windows or linux on a pc and my unlock tools wont read it either because the bios doesn't access the partition on boot so the boot cd wont either.
What can I do?

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V.I.P. Lifetime

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Post Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 7:26 am   
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Google it you wont be dissapointed.

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Xbox-HQ Newbie
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Post Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 7:13 pm   
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Before I embark foolishly based on the first reply I got and nothing more:
Can I get anyone who actually uses the same tool (XboxHDM2.2 final stable release / usb edition) instead of someone promoting a tool they made themselves and are still developing?

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Post Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 7:31 pm   
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anffdraco wrote:
Before I embark foolishly based on the first reply I got and nothing more:
Can I get anyone who actually uses the same tool (XboxHDM2.2 final stable release / usb edition) instead of someone promoting a tool they made themselves and are still developing?

SPPV made babylon himself, I haven't used it to mod an xbox yet, but I can tell you that he has already released it and should work fine for you. Others have tried and love it.

I can personally vouch for his Autobuilder 5.1 program for softmod HDD upgrades, if you prefer to use something a little older.

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Xbox-HQ Newbie
Xbox-HQ Newbie

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Post Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 7:34 pm   
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I heard 2.2 final similarly promoted only it's final release for a good solid 3 years and not still in development.
9 months later, it still won't build me a hard drive and has produced for me 3 lovely bricks.
I've learned from that.
Forgive my mistrust of online software proclaimed great... by it's author and his friends;
I'm looking for help with the tools I'm using. Going back to square one with a disassembled stock xbox and starting over, is not an option.
I'm looking for help with my mod using my tools I presently have, which a lot more than 2 people swear work flawlessly--not somebody elses.
No disrespect to any programmers on this site, but considering you really are just trying to promote your own tool... why don't you just start charging a small fee?

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Post Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 9:40 pm   
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anffdraco wrote:
I heard 2.2 final similarly promoted only it's final release for a good solid 3 years and not still in development.
9 months later, it still won't build me a hard drive and has produced for me 3 lovely bricks.
I've learned from that.
Forgive my mistrust of online software proclaimed great... by it's author and his friends;
I'm looking for help with the tools I'm using. Going back to square one with a disassembled stock xbox and starting over, is not an option.
I'm looking for help with my mod using my tools I presently have, which a lot more than 2 people swear work flawlessly--not somebody elses.
No disrespect to any programmers on this site, but considering you really are just trying to promote your own tool... why don't you just start charging a small fee?

SPPV's autobuilder program is basically a port of XboxHDM. From my understanding the basics of both programs are the same.

SPPV and the developer of it XboxHDM know each other from xboxscene. The xbox modding community is pretty tight knit, it seems to me.

Anyways going back to your original problem. If you have a blank HDD you want to format and partition with your xbox's EEPROM file, then autobuider v5.1 should work just fine for you. I've used it plenty of times myself with great success! As long as I followed SPPV instructions...

He also built babylon from the ground up. It should work just fine for you since it's a newer, more updated program.

P.S. In my experience SPPV is the shiz at softmodding tools. Take advice from him is my suggestion, he's the master! Not to mention one of the only softmod developers left for og xbox.

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V.I.P. Lifetime

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Post Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 6:58 pm   
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LMAO. Yeah its good to worry about new shit. Heres the thing your missing though in this whole scenario. Babylon can work fine with XBOXHDM2.2. XBOXHDM is just the delivery system. All Babylon does is compile the softmod files for you and uses XBOXHDM1.9 for delivery. But you can very easily copy the files to your XBOXHDM2.2 The issue is most likely with the files that get put into your XBOXHDM folder and used for install.

Chances are you used Kingroach Ndure to make your install files. Which many have issues with because it uses a very old type of softmod as a backup which requires kernel specific fonts etc. Thats usualy where people go wrong. Babylon doesnt use that approach. Its a straight NKP softmod.

And of course Babylon, SID, AID, AutoBuilder get promoted here, its our website. You arent gonna go to a Coke factory and see Pepsi getting pushed lol. And no I will never charge a small fee for it. I make my apps to help people, not make money. Ive been in this game for a decade. Ive seen the deficincies in the older apps, made using old tech, before many breakthroughs were made. My only goal is to make things as easy as I possibly can for the end user. I dont promote to get famous or back slaps, I promote to get people to use the easier methods and get that XBOX modded or fixed nice and quick instead of having to spend hours or days helping them fix something that shipped broken.

No longer supported, or still in active development is inconsequential. That doesnt change the quality of things. Theres loads of programs no longer in development. Final release so to speak that just suck. Vista anybody? The fact you have a couple of paperweights already means either your using a bad softmod pack, XBOXHDM2.2 just isnt compatable with your PC (its quite common although for most it just wont boot) or theres a user error somewhere. Im only suggesting changing your softmod files (which you havent told us which one it is), or else using XBOXHDM1.9 (disc based) with your current mod files.

If you want to continue using that softmod pack with XBOXHDM2.2 then I suggest asking the people who made it for help. Its obviously not one of our releases or your response wouldnt be what it is. Which incidentaly for future refrence isnt a good way to start out when asking for help.

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