Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 2:33 am Post subject: Need help with Chimp...sorry to bother!!!
I am an Xbox noob and recently acquired a v1.4 Xbox with an xecutor2 chip. I have been playing around and had a blast learning so far. My venture right now is installing a 120gb seagate barracuda using Chimp 2.4. I can get through the first step in Chimp with no problem and both drives are recognized (even the new one down to the model #). I have the original hd set to master and new set to slave. When i go to step 2 (clone) in chimp I make it to the "BE WARNED" screen and hit yes...then nothing happens and it just sorta freezes. I have also looked and the hard drive is unlocked like its supposed to be. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
wes213 Administrator
Joined: Feb 04, 2007 Posts: 10520 Location: Harrisonburg V.A.
Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 3:30 pm Post subject:
The copy can take a long time, so how long did you wait?
bwoods118 Xbox-HQ Newbie
Joined: Feb 15, 2010 Posts: 8
Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 4:22 pm Post subject:
I waited a while and nothing happens...but i shouldn't have to wait because I never make it make it to the next screen where I select what I want to copy. In the tutorial, the next step is to select the "byte for byte" option and I never make it that far. That is the last step before the cloning supposedly starts. Thanks for trying to help me out and keep the ideas coming please!!!
bwoods118 Xbox-HQ Newbie
Joined: Feb 15, 2010 Posts: 8
Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 5:27 pm Post subject:
Or since I'm having issues do you think I would be better off using AID to start from scratch?
Why dont you just install the hard drive and use AID to format it and install whatever dash you want, then FTP whatever content you require from your original drive to your PC then back to your upgraded drive ? _________________
Thanks. I guess that will be my best bet. I haven't put much on the xbox and the only thing on there that I would like to keep are the games in the emulators. Does the emulator section on AID have games in there or is it just the player? Also is there anything else of importance that I should have my pc to transfer over to the new HD? I don't have any gamesaves and such...
I'm playing around with AID at the moment. So can I put my new HDD in and then run the disk? What exactly would need to be on the disk? (something from BIOS CD's???) I made one disk and left that off and it gave me error codes with the new HDD installed but when I put my old HDD back in i was able to run AID. So I'm trying to figure out how to get make a good disk to be recognized with my empty new HDD....
wes213 Administrator
Joined: Feb 04, 2007 Posts: 10520 Location: Harrisonburg V.A.
Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 4:25 am Post subject:
All you should need to do is install the new HDD and pop in AID, if the xbox can run AID with the old HDD it should play fine with the new HDD.
Seems when you use a new HDD it will take your xbox longer to launch the AID disk (something to do with the file caching i guess) but just do a chipped one click install and you should be good to go.
I'm playing around with AID at the moment. So can I put my new HDD in and then run the disk? What exactly would need to be on the disk? (something from BIOS CD's???)
When you have got the AID download you can just burn the .ISO file to a DVD -r and it should run, you only need to add BIOS files if you have not got a working bios on the chip already.
Thanks it took a while to load and I had to boot power from the eject button...that was my problem.
wes213 Administrator
Joined: Feb 04, 2007 Posts: 10520 Location: Harrisonburg V.A.
Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 2:22 pm Post subject:
Good to see you got it going man.
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