berniethumb Xbox-HQ User Xbox Version: Xbox V1.0 Modded: SID v4.5
Joined: Feb 21, 2007 Posts: 11
Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 5:32 am Post subject: swapping softmodded HD's from one xbox to another
Thanks for all of your help 2 years ago. I recently removed my 120gig Seagate HD from my old xbox v1.0. I no longer have access to that xbox v1.0 but I do have the floppy disk with the unlock tools and the cd-rw with the xboxhdm iso that I used to create the hard drive.
I have in possession an xbox v4.0, it's 120gig hd just recently crashed. I do have the cd-rw iso used to create that v4.0 harddrive (both softmodded hd's from v1.0 and v4.0 are identical 120 gig seagates) from xboxhdm (but I lost the unlocking floppy- I hope this doesn't matter since the hd is trashed)
I was just trying to figure out the best way to put my old xbox's v1.0 120gig HD into my Xbox v4.0? I put that working 120 gig hd (from v1.0) into my pc with the v1.0 iso for the hdm and I put in the floppy with unlocking tools, but could not figure out how to unlock it and exit out of that program...
dartht33bagger Moderator
Joined: Apr 17, 2007 Posts: 5408 Location: Oregon, USA
Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 5:42 am Post subject:
Does your 1.4 xbox have a chip in it? If it does you can just unlock the V1.0 HDD and put it into the new xbox. _________________
berniethumb Xbox-HQ User Xbox Version: Xbox V1.0 Modded: SID v4.5
Joined: Feb 21, 2007 Posts: 11
Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 2:53 pm Post subject:
No, both xbox were softmodded and I no longer have the v1.0 xbox. I only have its 120 gig HD.
crackface47 Xbox-HQ Elite Member
Joined: Jan 30, 2007 Posts: 344 Location: GA, United States
Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 4:54 pm Post subject:
unless u can obtain the eeprom used to lock it, then it screwed, i have a 40 gig locked, and i tried everything to remove the password on it, even writing zeros to the hdd doesn't work.
berniethumb Xbox-HQ User Xbox Version: Xbox V1.0 Modded: SID v4.5
Joined: Feb 21, 2007 Posts: 11
Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 7:12 pm Post subject:
I have the floppy with the unlock code for the 120gig drive that was in my xbox v1.0 (I also have the code written down on paper). I even have the cd-rw that I used to create that 120gig drive from the orginal xbox HD v1.0 using Xboxhdm. On that cd-rw is the eeprom. I just cannot unlock that 120gig HD with xboxhdm and keep it unlocked to use my newer xbox's v4.0 cd-rw (remember that v4.0's 120 gig hd just crashed) to format that 120gig drive that I had in my old xbox v1.0 for the new xbox v4.0.
dartht33bagger Moderator
Joined: Apr 17, 2007 Posts: 5408 Location: Oregon, USA
Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 6:21 am Post subject:
Well you have 2 options. You can either get the eeprom off the floppy disk and make a new boot disk since it sounds like the floppy isn't working. Or you could use HDD unlock to unlock it: The only downside to HDD unlock is that it erases all data on the drive. _________________
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