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Post Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 6:15 pm   
Post subject: Need help with C-Xbox Tool v2.0.6
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Plz someone could post a SIMPLE tutorial about how to make Multigame Disc, i read all the "tutorials" i found but i did not manage to make a multidisc. Is not clear what "type" of game must use: iso or files/folders and what is the structure of the folders from the new project(multidisc), how should be aranged? everything i do the same message apear "Media files are not completed or missing" Sad , plz someone HEEEEELP (sorry about my english)

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Post Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 5:36 am   
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heres a quick run down..

There are various ways you can get multigames running with menus and without.. I normally just make them without menus and have my dashboard look up D:\Games everytime the machine boots..

EVOX is very simple to setup like this bit im about to type for you.. Most other dashboards will auto lookup anyway im sure.

Anyway onto a very very basic tutorial probably best used for Evox.

1. Backup your original games. eg. crimson skies, burnout (2)
(I use DVD2XBOX to remove and protection from the files.)
2. Copy the backup files from the xbox hdd to your PC.. You will need to know how to ftp..

for this example i am going to make a multi game disc of Crimson Skies and Burnout..

3. On my PC i now have the full backup of my original games. heres the structure..

C:/Xbox Multi Test
C:/Xbox Multi Test/Games
C:/Xbox Multi Test/Games/Burnout/
C:/Xbox Multi Test/Games/Burnout/default.xbe
C:/Xbox Multi Test/Games/Burnout/...etc...etc
C:/Xbox Multi Test/Games/Burnout/..etc..etc
C:/Xbox Multi Test/Games/Crimson Skies/
C:/Xbox Multi Test/Games/Crimson Skies/default.xbe
C:/Xbox Multi Test/Games/Crimson Skies/...etc...etc
C:/Xbox Multi Test/Games/Crimson Skies/..etc..etc

ok.. So that's a example..

4. Start any XISO tool and create a .iso of the folder C:\Xbox Multi Test
5. Once you have created your iso burn the .iso file to a dvd-r that you know will work in your xbox dvdrom drive.
6. Hopefully most newer dashboards will automatically pickup on the multigame disc.. If not you can just go through the folders using XBMC, avaluanch etc etc

With EVOX DASHBOARd you only need to edit the C:\evox.ini on your XBOX DASHBOARD and add a new entry similiar to this:

AUTOADDITEM "Multi Game Discs", "d:\Games\"

You will see other lines in the evox.ini file so its easy to copy from.

hope that helps someone

cya guys


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Xbox-HQ Newbie
Xbox-HQ Newbie

Joined: May 18, 2006
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Post Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 7:42 am   
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thanx for your tutorial, unfortunately your tutorial dont have a menu (like Craxion or Cxbox tool have) and that is what i want, i folow your tutorial and i made a disc that dos not boot (no menu no default.xbe, no disc boot), to play the game from that disc (first i put on the HD) i have to enter in XBMC/My Files/F/games/and than in that "multi game" and search from "default.xbe" for the game i want to play(UGLY) Sad , anyway thanx for your help. I just want a SIMPLE and CLEAN tutorial for "C-XBox Tool 2" (all i do the message "media files are not completed or missing" apear) could someone help, plz, thanx in advance and sorry for my english

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Post Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 2:05 am   
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Im still a bit of a newbie on XB but I read about any forum that can help me learn more and and more to my box. I have tried c-xbox tools earlier without success. I used MXM and my xb would not launch it. I used MenuX and it saw it and would launch the menu. My second attempt I put Painkiller and WW2 combat on a disk. Painkiller loaded np but WW2 would not load up. I opened XBMC and played both disks with np. The INI change forahobby spoke of didnt work for both disks. So until I read a better way of launching mutli disks I will Use my FAVORITE XB program... XBMC.!! Very Happy Very Happy


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