Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 6:26 am Post subject: proplem with aladdin live
i instaled an aladdin love chip on 1.0 xbox i conected all the d0 and the l1 l2and bt then when its turned on a a solid orange light apears on the power button then after like 6 sec it flashes red\orange and ascreen apears say need service can any one help
forahobby Administrator
Joined: May 22, 2003 Posts: 23947 Location: NSW, Australia
Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 7:09 am Post subject:
So what do you know about your modchip..?
After speaking with you in the VIP CHATROOM i noticed you didnt know a hell of alot about the aladdin chip you bought...
Thats not good.. Really you need to go and read some manuals or something to understand the features your modchip has before installing it.
I mentioned to you that you HOLD THE XBOX POWER BUTTON for 2 seconds or so to get the ALADDIN TO ACTIVATE.. If you DONT hold down the power button and just press it quickly your xbox should boot normally.
It sounds like your modchip may not be installed correctly..
Really it could be many things..
Try holding the power button for 2 seconds and boot the AIDELUXE in the xbox dvdrom drive and hopefully it will boot.
If you can boot the AID that means you modchpi is working and we can get it fixed pretty simple.
I waited for you to comeback to the VIP CHATROOM but i havent seen ya so hopefully you got it working.
sorry about not replaying to u my pc got frozed but by the way i took of some pins form the lpc cuz that wat they said on dont know if that was right and i have 1.0 mobo any help
forahobby Administrator
Joined: May 22, 2003 Posts: 23947 Location: NSW, Australia
Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 1:45 pm Post subject:
why dont you contact the distributor for
He has 24x7 support with his MSN:
he will help you.. I dont have experience with the aladdin live particularly.. I have installed a aladdin before though..
Anyway, good luck.. If anyone else has some tips please go for it.
hi how can i make my aladdin programer find my aladdin chip so i can flash it and i have 1.0 mobo should i solder the L2 or not and should i take three pins from the pi header please help
forahobby Administrator
Joined: May 22, 2003 Posts: 23947 Location: NSW, Australia
Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 3:27 am Post subject:
why dont you contact the distributor for
He has 24x7 support with his MSN:
ADD Aladdin to your MSN.. And ask for help.. He is great for support.
Personally ive never used the aladdin programmer but it cant be too hard..
thnx man but idid go already to and i ad aladdin to my msn and he is always ofline thnx any way btw am thinkin in buing a x 2.6 ce will it work on vergin 1.0 mobo thnx for ur help
connor2k Xbox-HQ Elite Member Xbox Version: V1.0 Modded: Xecuter3
Joined: Oct 01, 2003 Posts: 489 Location: Kansas City KS
Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 1:14 pm Post subject:
Yes it will work on a vesrion 1.0. I have an X2.3 installed on one now, so if you get it. I'll be able to help you more than I can with your Aladdin.
Good Luck. _________________ "Modding the world, one xbox at a time"
XBOX v1.0:
Xecuter 3
200GB Maxtor HDD
Evox Dash
MAHMOUD Xbox-HQ Enthusiast Xbox Version: V1.0 Modded: Xecuter3
Joined: Apr 10, 2005 Posts: 23
Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 6:43 pm Post subject:
now am thinking that theres nothing to do to make my xbox work am going to sellit on ebay as broken then a will get anew one
connor2k Xbox-HQ Elite Member Xbox Version: V1.0 Modded: Xecuter3
Joined: Oct 01, 2003 Posts: 489 Location: Kansas City KS
Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 7:47 pm Post subject:
I'll buy it if you want to sell it. _________________ "Modding the world, one xbox at a time"
XBOX v1.0:
Xecuter 3
200GB Maxtor HDD
Evox Dash
Aladdin V.I.P. Lifetime Xbox Version: 1.6C Blue Modded: Aladdin Extreme
Joined: Jul 07, 2004 Posts: 59
Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 8:04 pm Post subject: NOT always offline...
WHich chip do you have and what is the problem?
Aladdin V.I.P. Lifetime Xbox Version: 1.6C Blue Modded: Aladdin Extreme
Joined: Jul 07, 2004 Posts: 59
Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 8:07 pm Post subject: Pics
Take pics of your soldering and send them to me on MSN...
Also let me know what if any software you have used.
MAHMOUD Xbox-HQ Enthusiast Xbox Version: 1.6C Blue Modded: Aladdin Extreme
Joined: Apr 10, 2005 Posts: 23
Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 1:25 am Post subject:
i have aladdin live and i dint use any soft ware cuz i cant make my xbox work and btw i have aladdin programer and i cant make it work it alawys sasys not ditected and am willing in saling it for 55usd
Aladdin V.I.P. Lifetime Xbox Version: 1.6C Blue Modded: Aladdin Extreme
Joined: Jul 07, 2004 Posts: 59
Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 4:33 pm Post subject: don't sell it yet
You can send me pictures of your soldering I can tell you what is up... it for sure is not the chip... GUARANTEED...
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