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V.I.P. Lifetime

Joined: Sep 13, 2010
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Location: Kamloops BC Canada

Post Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 8:47 pm   
Post subject: AutoBuilder V5.1
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AutoBuilder 5.1
"Exterminator in the house, bugs are dead!"

Due to my limited tester base some bug with the various builds in 5 weret found until recently. If you already have 5 you just want the MediaFire update pack. If your an AutoBuilder virgin the full pack is for you.
I personaly tested all builds on my TSOP XBOX and Sotmod XBOX. This release is CLEAN:-D

5 to 5.1 pack http://www.mediafire.com/?nros92z7a79vn3o

Whats Been Fixed?
When building a chip installer multiple dashes being copied
When building an Ava Softmod copying files for XBMC and UnleashX as well

Whats been changed?
PoorMansGui is now the default interface instead of choosing between multiple exe's
Makes the linux ISO for you with no user input when its done copying the required files

Whats it got?
1)Choice between Chip/TSOP build, regular SID5.12 Softmod, SID5.12 ShadowC Softmod
2)Choice between UnleashX, Avalaunch, Evox and XBMC for dash (if XBMC isnt chosen its included by default as an app)
3)All the emus found in Emu Installer V3
4)Xtras USA ROM sets
5)Apps like Enigmah, OXM and DVD2XBOX

How To Use It:
1) Put the Files and xboxhdm folder on the root of your PC's C drive. Nowhere else.
2)Copy your eeprom.bin (if you have it) to xboxhdm\linux\eeprom.
3)Click the exe and follow the on screen prompts to chose build type, dashboard and emus and apps.
4)When asked if you want to install emus and apps type y and hit enter if this is to be a DVD-r image.
Type n and hit enter if you want a CD sized image.
5)It will automaticaly open xboxhdm folder and make the linux ISO for you
6)Burn the linux.iso it makes at 8x for DVD-r or 24x for CD-r with Imgburn
7)Hook the HDD to a PC, put in the disc and boot
8a)Pick option 3 if drive is locked and type unlockhd -a reboot and proceed to 9
9)Pick option 1 then type xboxhd
10)whenever asked if you wish to continue type yes
11)Pick option 1 Build HDD from scratch
12)Continue to type yes. (if this is a premodded non stock drive that contains files on F you wish to keep type no when asked to format F)
13)When its finished pick option 8 and reboot
14)Pick option 3 and type lockhd -a when asked if you are sure type y
15)Put the HDD in your XBOX and enjoy

Chip installer disc builds(watch 1080P fullscren)

(It also does regular softmod and ShadowC builds)

Trouble Shooting

My disc wont boot, why not?

A-Make sure to use quality media and Imgburn and always burn to DVD-r at 8x and CD-r at 24x.
Also make sure your PC is set to boot from disc

When I type reboot all I get is calling I2C Reset

A-Manualy power off the PC

Linux Locking Tools says my drive is frozen and cant lock it

A-Reboot the PC go into BIOS and disable auto-detection on the primary IDE.
If your PC does not have this option, boot the PC with only the power plugged to the HDD
and plug in the IDE cable once HDM has booted

Linux Locking Tools says it cant find my eeprom

A-Be sure the eeprom folder and eeprom.bin are both named in lowercase letters. Capitals
tend to cause this issue

When I click the EXE to make my installer the command window just opens and closes

A-This is caused by the Files and xboxhdm folders not being on the root of C. AutoBuilder looks
to C and nowhere else for the files needed to build the image.

ldots for writing XBOXHDM 1-1.9
ldotsfan for making HDM 2.2
Hobbs for always being Keeewwl
Legendary_Fire for always willing to be my sound board when hitting a wall
Destronger for continuing Iq and +T+'s work on FBL
Madmab for all the emus and supporting my various endeavors
Amiga1200 for always being willing to be a guinea pig
Boredguy123 for helping with distribution
DW5304 for hosting my files
XBOX-Hq for hosting and being my home site
Atreyu187 for always being Keeewwl
DJB for providing the base SID exploit for me to modify and update

http://www.xbox-hq.com/html/download-file-1401.html (direct)
http://www.xbox-hq.com (FTP)
http://www.underground-gamer.com/details.php?id=60855 (torrent)

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Joined: May 22, 2003
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Location: NSW, Australia

Post Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 4:07 pm   
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Another kick ass installer, nice work mate Smile.. I love all the newbie info you cover in your NFO.. It saves alot of questions.
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Xbox-HQ Enthusiast
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Post Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 12:25 am   
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Having a problem where anything I have on a flash drive automatically gets wiped when I connect it to the Xbox. Any help? This only happened after I made a new HDD with Autobuilder.

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V.I.P. Lifetime

Joined: Jun 19, 2012
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Post Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 1:12 am   
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^^ usb cards "flash drives" are hit and miss on the xbox! (< that's a rule of thumb)
i've NEVER had ONE usb card work for me yet a few do have them work!
make sure the "flash device" is 4g or less...NO MORE as it won't work!
if you look for "action replay 360" on XP (or is it AR explorer?) and prepare the "flash card" for the xbox through that...still NO guarantee that it'll work but the UI does it's job if the card is compatible!
sandisk cruzer 2g DOESN'T work, it's on the shit-list with many cards that don't! (the sandisk cruzer 4g works but i can't find one)
if you format the "flash card" to fat32 and then plug it into the xbox AFTER it's powered up, try a format in XBMC, the card volume maybe called "H:/ or I:/" " then if it's successful, use ar explorer to copy the "files" to it remembering to duplicate the correct mc structure found on a retail 8m mc!
this is all the insight i can give on usc devices on the xbox, i've had ZERO luck with them! (there was a usb card compatibility list SPPV was working on but i can't find it, my search terms must be out of whack?)

to all my friends... farewell and all the best to future prosperity... and remember, be excellent to each other! Wink

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Xbox-HQ Enthusiast
Xbox-HQ Enthusiast

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Post Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 1:18 am   
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I haven't had this problem with this flash drive before. It meets all the criteria to be accepted by the Xbox. It's some freebie half gig flash drive. I dunno what's going on. *shrug* I've been using Xplorer360 to transfer files to and from my flash drive and it's been working totally fine.

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V.I.P. Lifetime

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Post Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 2:52 am   
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If I had to guess Id say the USB is plugged in when you boot the XBOX which will auto format the USB.

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Xbox-HQ Enthusiast
Xbox-HQ Enthusiast

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Post Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 6:06 pm   
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That fixed it. Thanks, SPPV! I can't believe I didn't think of that.

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