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Post Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 8:26 am   
Post subject: shadow c: problems
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hey sppv, Smile

im using pimped cd to hotswap and build a new c: and e: (leaving f: alone) then i ftp xbmc installer over to the machine and re-do softmod ( does this actually work in this case?) then from sid menu (system > boot softmod menu) i try any of the virtual c: installs (dual boot single, standard or hd) it fails before it begins with an error.

what am i doing wrong?

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V.I.P. Lifetime

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Post Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 10:59 am   
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Just hit ShadowC-UnleashX in the XBMC Installer menu. Just be sure you have your eeprom backed up and its in the E/backup/eeprom folder and it should go smoothly

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Post Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 9:53 pm   
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oh theres a newer version isnt there? ill download it tonight, thanks for all you do.

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V.I.P. Lifetime

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Post Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 2:10 am   
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No problem. Yeah theres been some issues with the way the SID shadow c worked, but far as I can tell I fixed all that in the 5.12 release and I used the same format in XBMC Installer3.2.2 and in AutoBuilderV5.

If you use the new ShadowC be sure to keep an XBMC Installer disc handy (the older editions will work) as its the only way to unmount the shadow c and access the real C drive. Remove the disc and shadow c remounts. What I call Shadow C Security. Prevents kids from messing up the XBOX via the softmod menu etc and also gives you that 300MB of space that would have normaly gotten used for the fake C in the old implementation. Theres no XBOX live so no need to try and make it look like a virgin XBOX. Shadow C's only purpose now is to keep the real C safe.

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Post Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 3:47 am   
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ok cool i just got autobuilder v5

i already have xbmc installer (the first directors cut not the unedited version Razz )

i wish there was an ultimate builder version, with emus apps and xbmc only for space and convenience it would double up as a live linux dvd with autobuilder and boot up as a game on xbox itself with installer( so it has a dual purpose, like the builders your releasing and a pc xboxhdm distro).

no skins included no roms etc and release packs you extract into one specific folder. i dont know youve probably gave it a thought already but i think it would be popular for frequent users.

edit: golly as im watching autobuilder extract its exactly what you did (PLUS SKINS AND ROMS!!!!!), man you are a legend. your tools always surprise me and im putting my foot in my mouth everytime a new one is downloading, i think autobuilderv5 is my all time favourite software.

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Post Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 2:00 am   
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On the user end AutoBuilder is very customizable.

If there is a new XBMC or you prefered an older build (3.2 seems to have haters) Just open the Files folder and replace the XBMC.

You dont want the ROMs or certain emus just open Files-Emulators and delete what you dont want. And just the reverse if you wanna add stuff (pay attention to size since it needs to stay 4.35GB or less).

Dont like some of the apps delete em, want others add em.

The same is true of skins for the various dashboards or trainers in the case of Evox

If your gonna add stuff just do a test run and see how big the ISO is and go from there. To free up room you can also delete the M$ backup folder since the files are not required for the mod but should be FTPed to the XBOX when the build is done.

The only folders that should be modified:UnleashX/Ava/Evox/XBMC-Skins, Evox-Trainers, Apps, Emulators, MS. If you stick to those folders, modifications should cause no ill effects to the installer or mod

And you can make it work somewhat on your XBOX, just throw the default.xbe from any game into the root of the linux folder and use Cxbox-Tools to make the ISO. You can then use filemanager to access the disc but it will not work as a linux disc. The reason is because the disc needs to be bootable on the PC which ruins it for hopes of dual-boot abilties

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Post Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 5:46 am   
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yea i was having the same issues with the older versions. i used 5.12 i think and it worked fine.

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Post Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 8:57 am   
Post subject: Shadow C
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I read on some other forum (don't know where anymore) that you said you don't need the Shadow C no more. Is that true? And could you explain this?

SPPV wrote:
If you use the new ShadowC be sure to keep an XBMC Installer disc handy (the older editions will work) as its the only way to unmount the shadow c and access the real C drive. Remove the disc and shadow c remounts. What I call Shadow C Security. Prevents kids from messing up the XBOX via the softmod menu etc and also gives you that 300MB of space that would have normaly gotten used for the fake C in the old implementation. Theres no XBOX live so no need to try and make it look like a virgin XBOX. Shadow C's only purpose now is to keep the real C safe.

But now I've read this, I think this is what you meant about not needing the ShadowC, right? And it is a great idea about not giving up the 300mb space. Well done.

I know someone who just bought a softmodded xbox for his kid. And they wanted to go online with it, and after that it went to the stock M$ dash. So I figure the softmod is gone now as in the C: is changed.
I've checked the xbox before they screwed it up, and saw that it had a SID5 softmod on it.

And I've read about people saying that SID has a flaw on the ShadowC.
But what about AID? I've been using the latest AID for my xbox.

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V.I.P. Lifetime

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Post Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 1:32 pm   
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Yep my comments about ShadowC were in regards to Live, and my personal view that people should know enough not to touch the C drive. Afterall its just like a Windows installation. No one in their right mind goes off half-cocked and nukes Windows so I always figured people would realise this is the same. But sadly you got kids, and people who dont really understand the XBOX beyond running an emu or something. So I figured Id update/fix the ShadowC and re-purpose it.

The ShadowC in AID is the SID ShadowC. It works by copying the SID saves to your XBOX then runs the Shadow C install script thats in the save. Bugs aside, the big issue with this is that the unmount can can be done accidentaly by a kid (since it was designed to run from HDD, and all files are there) and leave you unprotected, which is why I implemented Shadow C Security to prevent, or at least make it less likely to happen

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Post Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 1:39 pm   
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So, what should I use instead of AID.
I mean where can I find your ShadowC Security.
In your Autobuilder and where else?

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V.I.P. Lifetime

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Post Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 2:10 pm   
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XBMC Installer 3.2.2. Thats the best way since you would need it or the previous version to unmount it anyways. Just make sure you have your eeprom in the E/Backup/EEPROM folder. Pop in the disc and hit ShadowC-UnleashX and it will nuke the old mod and install the new ShadowC. If you happen to already be running a Shadow C just use the Disable ShadowC in it and it will unmount and reboot allowing you to install the new ShadowC

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Post Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 2:45 pm   
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I think I have to download XBMC Installer 3.2.2 then.
Cause you are not releasing anything else no more. And I understand.

Is the XBMC in your installer the same as in AID?
I am talking about the content and the UserData.
For example the HDD Movies, HDD TV ... which is very convenient.

In the past I have had unmounted or disabled the ShadowC (I think with AID) to install everything from scratch.

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