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Post Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 8:02 pm   
Post subject: Chipped retro consoles
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Thought I would say what I have on the retro consoles. I have a chipped PS1, chipped Sega Saturn and a dreamcast.

All great consoles and better than the 360 Razz

The hardest console out of the three to play backups is the sega saturn. The saturn was almost impossible to play backups. The Saturn has copy protection to prevent the Saturn from reading CD-R's

The only way to play backups on a Sega Saturn without issue is to mod chip it.

The easiest was the dreamcast. Nearly all dreamcasts can play backups without the need for a modchip. Some games needed a boot disk. Only later consoles could not play backups.

The PSX1 needs a chip as well to play backup and imports. I had my PSX1 chipped to mainly play imports. Tekken 3 jap was the best at the time. Very Happy

Last edited by Scom on Fri Oct 19, 2012 10:19 pm; edited 5 times in total

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Post Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 8:42 am   
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i have a big collection of Atari 2600, c64, 128d and Amiga 500 computers, genesis, nes, snes, dreamcast, but not a saturn yet

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Post Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 12:42 am   
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I tried to chip my PS1 four years back and it went horribly wrong. I got the chip as a free gift for ordering so many products from a now dead mod chip website. The chip didn't come with any instructions on how to install it though. All it had was the chip and some wires.

So I spent the next two weeks on the internet trying to find a schematic or installation guide for the chip with almost no luck. I found a few but they were for different versions of the PS1 mobo. I finally found one that was really close to my board, so I thought I'd give it a try.

What a mistake that was. I got the chip all wired up and hooked the PS1 up to the tv. The instant I turned it on the screen flashed and went black, and then I smelt a little bit of smoke. I knew it was dead. Luckily I had gotten my cousins PS1 for free a few weeks beforehand, so I still had one, but I had forever lost my PS1 I had gotten as a child.

Beyond that, the only other modded consoles I have are a PS2 and my old Xbox 360. I have the independence exploit on my PS2 and I flashed the firmware on my old Xbox 360 for the hell of it.


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Post Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 4:25 pm   
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dartht33bagger wrote:
I flashed the firmware on my old Xbox 360 for the hell of it.

Sounds the same reason we do any modding.


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Post Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 9:04 pm   
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Prehistoricman wrote:
dartht33bagger wrote:
I flashed the firmware on my old Xbox 360 for the hell of it.

Sounds the same reason we do any modding.

The thing was, I really didn't gain anything by doing it. I don't have a drive that rips games and I don't plan to ever create a backup. I just had it around and decided to do it just to do it.

Although, I think it is possible to turn my MS28 drive into a read-only drive so I could rip my games. I'd still have to buy those really expensive dual layer DVD's though.


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Post Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 4:00 am   
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iva wrote:

i have a big collection of Atari 2600, c64, 128d and Amiga 500 computers, genesis, nes, snes, dreamcast, but not a saturn yet

I have just about everything.. Mostly commodore 64/amiga since i used to program alot of stuff back in the good old days.. Here at home i have my c64 setup with like 5 drives, an amiga, all original commodore monitors, SNES, megadrives, xbox 1, 360's and two arcade machines haha. I have my chipped PS1 here somewhere and loads of dreamcast stuff.

anyone else collecting stuff?

dartht33bagger wrote:
Although, I think it is possible to turn my MS28 drive into a read-only drive so I could rip my games. I'd still have to buy those really expensive dual layer DVD's though.

The days of burning dual layer dvd's are over now that the xkey and other dvdrom emulation devices are out.. Basically you can backup your own originals by buying a 0800 flashed drive and keeping your xbox stock. The xkey modchip stores your dvdrom key on it and can emulate all the dvd's from any usb drive.. I was into dvdrom firmware flashing for years but its just a hassle to keep up-to-date with all the changes and new firmwares.

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