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Xbox-Hq.Com :: View topic - usefull combinations of Install-options of SID5.1 and XBMC
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 usefull combinations of Install-options of SID5.1 and XBMC View previous topic :: View next topic  
Xbox-HQ Newbie
Xbox-HQ Newbie

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Post Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 9:13 pm   
Post subject: usefull combinations of Install-options of SID5.1 and XBMC
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its a short time ago since I softmodded my classic XBOX for the first time,
and tried to install xbmc afterwards.
It's hard to choose the right combinations during install because both installers
offer the same install options:
Single Boot Softmod /Dual Boot Softmod

So I want to play xbox games and use xbmc too.
There is no need for me to connect to xbox live. (I think its closed now)
So I am getting error code 21.
But like I have done before, I will will read out the eeprom
and use xboxhdm to set up the hdd , to get a clean functioning xbox, that gonna be soft modded again.

So which installoptions should be chosen from SID 5.1
and which afterwards with xbmc installer to get xbox configured
like mentioned above?

Thanks in advance

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Xbox-HQ Newbie
Xbox-HQ Newbie

Joined: Feb 26, 2010
Posts: 2

Post Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 7:34 pm   
Post subject:
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So I emptied the xbox hd again and installed SID 5.1 with a
Single Boot Softmod 'Standard' and a UnleashX Dashboard, that is much cooler
than the EvolutionX.
As adviced on another site I downloaded XBMC-2.0.1-FINAL-FAT-T3CH.rar
and copied the XBMC folder of this package into the location
Even though the directory Apps did not exist , after creating an copying , starting the xbox it recognized the new installed application.
Things can be really easy .

p.s. emptying an xbox hd means :get the floppy with the eeprom.bin and use a prog to unlock the hdd and build the xbox hdd (like the factory original) an lock it again.

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