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 How can I create an unleashX Skin? View previous topic :: View next topic  
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Post Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 9:46 pm   
Post subject: How can I create an unleashX Skin?
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I've gone to different download sites and found a few skins that I enjoy. But being the curious sort, I am extremely interested in making a skin of my own.

I stumbled across this link http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/327703 and it explained in easy terms how to make a skin for the EVOX dashboard. I tried to implement the information from the tutorial to create a skin for the UX dash but, it didn't work.

I started looking through different skins I have downloaded, some are very complicated and others are as simple as 1 .jpg file 1 .xml file and 1 file named 'Square-10.xpr'

Now, I was able to load my own .jpegs into an existing skin that was already ftp'd to my xbox and I used the text editor to change some information in an xml document to get my images to work. However, since I was editing someone elses finished work the colors and text and such didn't quite match up.

So in short, does anyone know how to build skins - or can anyone link me to a skin builder program? Thanks

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Post Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 2:41 am   
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I don't know of any skin builder apps but some other HQ guys may.. Hopefully they leave a reply.. Smile

I would just grab a theme that you like and ftp that theme to your PC and do some editing yourself.. That's how i learnt to make my own skin for XBMC and customize it more.

It's all just trial and error i guess.. If you do happen to find any cool utils be sure to reply back.

enjoy the sites,


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Xbox-HQ User
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Post Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 8:46 am   
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I know this is a old thread but if anyone else is wondering about this check out a program called UX Architect. I haven't used it in year's so i dont know if it's still around but it always worked perfectly.

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Post Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 5:16 pm   
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Doomin wrote:
I know this is a old thread but if anyone else is wondering about this check out a program called UX Architect. I haven't used it in year's so i dont know if it's still around but it always worked perfectly.

No i havent heard of it.. Im wondering if we even have it in our downloads areas?? I hope we do.. If not has someone got a link??

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Xbox-HQ Freak

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Post Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 4:06 pm   
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ux architect Is a good program that can save you a lot of time and effort, I still preffere to build my skins editing the skin.xml by hand using the filemanager within unleashX.

I always thought I got ux architect from here, let me know if you still need it.



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