alexhore Xbox-HQ User Xbox Version: 1.1 Modded: progress
Joined: Nov 23, 2009 Posts: 14
Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 11:19 am Post subject: PC DVD drive fitted but not reading certain media. XBMC.
Hi all thanks for the help so far! My media centre is looking quite cool right now.
Just to clarify I don't play xbox games on it.
I went to the effort of hacking up a pc dvd drive soldering all the tray in and tray out eject and cd ready points and it works a dream. I did this expecting to be able to play all the dvds in my libery I have previously burnt knowing the drive can read them but unfortunately the xbox will not read them and I know full well the drive will.
Is there a bios I should be using or something that will enable all types of blank media to be played?
More importantly did anyone ever get round to making a plugin of some sort to control drive speed as when playing retail dvd's it sound like a bus spinning on the tip or a dremel as it runs at full speed without need.
I have seen the table that shows which xbox drive will play what but no mention of PC Drive capabilities.
If anyone wants help fitting a PC Drive I may be able to help (will no longer play games though!)
Many thanks
alexhore Xbox-HQ User Xbox Version: 1.1 Modded: progress
Joined: Nov 23, 2009 Posts: 14
Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 12:02 pm Post subject:
Getting there with the speed issue.....
I know I need to install something like IVMAN (link below) and get it to issue the "hdparm -E4 /dev/dvd" command every time I instert a dvd but this is way over my head !
Does anyone know of a setup guide for IVMAN with a focus on xbmc if possable?
Please help.
alexhore Xbox-HQ User Xbox Version: 1.1 Modded: progress
Joined: Nov 23, 2009 Posts: 14
Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 12:48 pm Post subject:
Ok so now I know that I can assign a perticular key using $HOME/.xbmc/userdata/Keymap.xml to perform a perticular action but I dont know how to add the action.
alexhore Xbox-HQ User Xbox Version: 1.1 Modded: progress
Joined: Nov 23, 2009 Posts: 14
Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 2:23 pm Post subject:
Ok so I think I have a solution.....
I want to drop the speed of the dvd drive after sticking a dvd film in to watch like having a shut up button which is good because if its a data dvd or im ripping a dvd film the last thing I want is to drop the speed!
Since the buttons are used for different things depending on the window your in I will have to choose the right file to edit. I have xbmc setup to auto play when a dvd is inserted and so I could do with setting on of the buttons to issue the command while watching the film.I am under the impressions I can literally drop an executable command into the keymap....If its works ill kiss my own ass.
I need to edit...... VideoOSD.xml .......Which I believe is the keymap used while watching a Video?
Change if it exists?
<keyname>hdparm -E4 /dev/dvd</keyname>
eg..... if button 9 currently paused (I know it doesnt).
<number9>hdparm -E4 /dev/dvd</number9>
Pressing 9 while watching a dvd should now hopefully drop the drive speed to 4x.
Fingers crossed Ill try this weekend and report back and also take my findings to the other forums full of people fed up with the whirling noise.
alexhore Xbox-HQ User Xbox Version: 1.1 Modded: progress
Joined: Nov 23, 2009 Posts: 14
Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 3:20 pm Post subject:
Think I got the wrong file and im told it should be VideoFullScreen.xml.
Ill give it a go and if thats does not work ill try changing the keymap.xml
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