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 World Of Warcraft modding! View previous topic :: View next topic  

Joined: Apr 17, 2007
Posts: 5408
Location: Oregon, USA

Post Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 11:49 pm   
Post subject: World Of Warcraft modding!
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Here is a tut on how to use mods in wow, they are all able to be used without getting banned, and are very useful.

Things you will need:
1. World of warcraft installed on your computer
2. Playable world of warcraft account
3. The mod files, which I have nicely given here-->
4. Winrar or similar program you can use to unzip the mods

(I'm doing this tut on windows XP so it may be different for Vista or another OS)

Download the zipped file to you're desktop and leave it there, you'll need it later.

Now to the modding part:
1. Open the start menu up and click on my computer.

2. Open up your Local Disk C:\ (or whatever partion wow is on). It will give you a warning, just click continue, you wont be messing with the OS at all.

3. Once in inside the C:\ it should have a few folders. You need to look for a folder called program files.

4. Inside the program files you need to look for the World of Warcraft folder, it should be close to the bottom.

5. Inside the wow folder you need to get into the interface folder, then click on the AddOns folder. The AddOns folder is where the mods go.

6. Go back to your desktop and drag your zip file into the folder, then extract the file.

7. You should now see a bunch of new folders in the addOns, move the zip out of there and you can close the C:\ now.

8. Boot up world of warcraft and sign into your account. Before you enter world look in the bottom left hand corner of the screen. You should see a button that says AddOns, you need to click on this, it will bring up a menu.

9. Click disable all because if you dont you wont be able to see anything on the screen when you start the game.

10. Check the things you want and press okay. You have to figure out the setup you want yourself but ill tell you my setup at the bottom.

11. Once you've clicked okay, enter the world. You will now have perfectly ok mods that you wont get banned for. This makes wow much easier to play with things like how long till you level, and how much money you have without opening your bag. Even how much durablity your armour has and how much it will cost to fix it!

Here is what my set up looks like (when i have the windows open):

Xp timer
 Filesize:  158.66 KB
 Viewed:  1097 Time(s)


Dungeon mapping
 Filesize:  138.53 KB
 Viewed:  1143 Time(s)



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