X2: Wolverine's Revenge Developer: GenePool Software Genre: Beat 'em up Release: April 15, 2003 Page Views: 279,042
As with all mutants, Wolverine has unique abilities that set him apart from the rest of humanity deadly claws to defeat the greatest of foes, animal-like super senses to assist in tracking enemies, an enhanced mutant healing factor, and unbreakable bones to withstand devastating amounts of punishment and superior strength and reflexes for an added edge in combat. In X-Men: Wolverine's Revenge players will have to master all of these skills in order to defeat the sinister forces massing against them led by arch-villains Juggernaut, Wendigo, Magneto, and Sabertooth. Luckily, players won’t have to face the onslaught alone and can expect occasional backup from fellow X-Men including Professor-X and Beast. |