Xecuter2 4983 Bios Available
Date: Wednesday, April 07 @ 20:57:55 UTC
Topic: Xbox Bios

4983 Bug Fix

We were testing some X3 code in the 4982 bios and there was a part of our loader sequence that was not fully compatible with the X2 Lite mod. Therefore 4982 only worked on X2 Lite if you used it as a 1MB bios or on the second 512k bank of the mod. Users could not load XBE's from their hacked dashboard due to this bug - it's now been fixed. If you had this problem simply boot from disc with FlashX or EvoX to flash again - it WILL boot the disc even tho XBE from dash crashed beforehand.

Release Information

There was a few bugs with 4980 that simply shouldn't have been missed. It was hacked a little by members of the scene and 4981 became an "unofficial" release. Looking at this we decided to build an official release with a few adjustments and fixes.

What's New?
- Added ability to disable the No Reset On Eject Hack
- Added ability to disable the XBL Live Check Hack
- Added ability to disable the Clock Error Check Hack

All of these features including the "Disable IGR Hack" can now be enabled / disabled by a simple XBE app which is included with this release.

If anyone wishes to use the XBL Check Feature we STRONGLY recommend you update to the latest dash version (Live 2.0 5659.03) as the patch does not block a game accessing the live service to upgrade if you have an older version. Games like Sega GTO have the file Dashupdate.xbe You can either disconnect your mod and update or rip the file from the game and run manually after FTP'ing to your box.

This article comes from XBOX-HQ.COM

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