AMY Now Available on Xbox LIVE and PSN
Date: Sunday, January 15 @ 22:12:27 UTC
Topic: Xbox 360

Amy, a survival horror stealth video game developed by VectorCell and published by Lexis Numérique, is now available from the Xbox LIVE Arcade. The game is priced at 800 Microsoft Points. Check your Xbox LIVE region for availability.

Content: AMY
Price: 800 Microsoft Points
Availability: Check availability in your Xbox LIVE region
Dash Text: The city is infected! Walking corpses sniff the air, flaring out anything still alive. There is only one thing keeping you from running for your life. A special little girl holds your hand… You’re not going anywhere without her. AMY offers you a tense, innovative and immersive experience in survival horror gaming. Play two original characters who alone are desperately fragile, but united become a force capable of confronting the denizens of a living hell. Get ready to become infected.

Click here to add the free "AMY" demo/trial to your Xbox 360 download queue


For all of 360-HQ's previous coverage of AMY please visit the 360-HQ games database/hub linked below.

File Size: 1.55 GB
360-HQ Games Hub: AMY

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