Xbox 360 HD DVD drive hitting States for $200
Date: Thursday, September 28 @ 02:54:20 UTC

Just as expected, Microsoft is bringing out their Xbox 360 HD DVD add-on for a mere $199.99 in the US, while they're shipping the drive for €199.99 in Europe and £129.99 in the UK.

The drive will also be bundled with Peter Jackson's King Kong and the Xbox 360 Universal Remote. The combined price of an Xbox 360 and HD DVD drive in each region adds up to basically the same price as a PlayStation 3, which doesn't give Microsoft much of an edge for console buyers who haven't bought a next-gen console just yet, but gives them quite the price advantage for current Xbox 360 owners. It looks like Japan FTW on this one, since they're getting their drive for roughly $170, and have a solid November 17th release date, while Microsoft is targeting mid-November for the US and Europe.

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