Microsoft Japan Exec Says PS3 'Too Expensive'
Date: Monday, July 31 @ 20:45:07 UTC
Topic: Xbox 360

He'll consider an HD-DVD 360, too, if people demand one.

It's old news that Xbox 360 isn't performing well in Japan, so let's instead focus on what's being done to change the future. For reference, Microsoft sold 1,427 Xbox 360s July 17th through July 28th, according to the latest Media Create numers.

One, Xbox Japan general manager Takahashi Sensui spoke with Japanese newspaper Mainichi Daily News deemed PlayStation 3 too expensive, and claimed Xbox 360 can provide everything Sony's machine has to offer at a lower price. Despite the looming launch, however, there do not appear to be plans for a price cut in that territory -- but expect one if Blue Dragon doesn't perform up to par this winter.

Additionally, Sensui weighed in on the thought-dead HD-DVD issue. Microsoft maintains they have no plans to produce an Xbox 360 SKU bundled with an internal HD-DVD drive, but Sensui points out the obvious, and states they'll consider such a scenario if consumers demand the feature down the line.

Don't worry, though, even if Microsoft does produce an HD-DVD Xbox 360 eventually, regular DVD will remain the go-to format for games. Any changes Microsoft makes to the hardware will simply be an added benefit for the movie viewing experience.


This article comes from XBOX-HQ.COM

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