XboxMediaCenter (XBMC) 2006-05-13 CVS T3CH build
Date: Sunday, May 14 @ 00:59:06 UTC
Topic: Xbox Homebrew

This T3CH-compile is a complete snapshot of what is in CVS at the time the build was compiled, with just a few small additions. XBMC (homebrew database) is in a FEATUREFREEZE at the moment. If you want to report bugs, please do it the PROPER way, see here.

Here's the added/changed stuff from the changelog since the 2006-05-05 T3CH CVS release:
* added: wma codec to paplayer (builtin).
* added: daap protocol to add network location dialog.
* added: shoutcast,, soundtracks and replaytv to add media source.
* changed: VoiceMasks.xml to System/ and Kai(info)Vectors.xml removed from CVS.
* changed: don't show zoom overlay in slideshow when viewing comics.
* changed: libcurl will now follow 2 redirects on connection
* changed: samba now allows domainuser type usernames. smb://workgroup;domainuser@computer/share. workgroup is the workgroup of the computer (only needed for computername to ip lookup), domain is the logon domain of the user
* changed: removed hardcoded ip's. a DNS server is now required for all internet access in xbmc.
* changed: default log set to NOTICE instead of ERROR.
* changed: moved screenshot-, recordings-, playlists- and trainerpaths from xboxmediacenter.xml.
* changed: Rss feed setup to UserDataRssFeeds.xml, Keymap.xml to UserDataKeymap.xml, SystemLCD.xml to UserDataLCD.xml, SystemPartymode.xml to UserDataPartymode.xml
* changed: Removed old thumb code.
* changed: Background thumb loader for My Programs + changed My Programs + Kai thumb location.
* changed: you can now alter trainer settings while kai is running. upon launch you will be asked to choose between kai and trainers.
* changed: when viewing a .cbr/.cbz, move to top left corner on image change.
* changed: Cleaned up more thumb related code (Picture thumbs are now in UserData/Thumbnails/Pictures/0..F/)

Noteworthy, XML and Script changes in this build:
* SF CVS had yet another infamous outage, so fewer changes than usual.
* Please note: Support for skins with versions < 2.0 has been removed
* Includes Chokemaniac's 'Project Mayhem II' skin upgraded to 2.0 'Reloaded' by Smokehead.
* Needs repeating: Team XBMC has started to move towards a new setting system. I can't explain it all here, but I can say this much - you will have to move some of your old folders, if you don't want to start fresh. I suspect there will be even more changes soon, so you might want to wait with upgrading till things stabilizes a bit. Music and Video libraries may need rescanning to get the thumbs. More info here and here
* Removed hardcoded ip's. A DNS server is now _required_ for all internet access in xbmc.
* Moved files: Keymap.xml to UserDataKeymap.xml, SystemLCD.xml to UserDataLCD.xml, SystemPartymode.xml to UserDataPartymode.xml, VoiceMasks.xml to SystemVoiceMasks.xml, KaiVectors.xml REMOVED
* Keymap.xml: Volume now works in VideoPlaylist/MusicPlayList & MyFiles. MoveItemUp(2), MoveItemDown(5). MyFiles : Highlight(1), Copy(4), Move(7).
* XBoxMediaCenter.xml: Rss feed setup moved to UserDataRssFeeds.xml ; Removed screenshot-, recordings-, playlists- and trainerpaths from XBoxMediaCenter.xml (xbmc prompts for path first time).

Keep in mind this is a CVS snapshot of the current development tree. It's not an official (stable) point release. Use only if you know what you are doing.

Official Site:
Download SourceCode: here
Xbox-Hq Homebrew Database: here

This article comes from XBOX-HQ.COM

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