Xecuter 3_2913 Bugs
Date: Thursday, February 10 @ 04:53:04 UTC
Topic: Xbox Bios

Here is a quick update on bugs found and other info on latest X3 2913 Bios
First of all we neglected to update the changelog as per the D0 / Lframe release from ground hack. We found a glitch before 2913 went public and disabled it for further investigation. Basically on each softreboot the mod was disabling completely and unsigned code was unable to launch reliably. For the few who have seen posting saying it's impossible for us to control d0 / lframe with the bios and that we are lying etc etc you can test it yourself right now - there is an option in the menu called "Reboot With X3 Mod Disabled" - obviousley this feature releases d0/lframe from ground, fully controlled by software. We're working on a reliable solution.

Bugs discovered so far in 2913:

- Some gamesaves corrupt - fixed already in next build
- Custom partition table not reading correctly - fixed already in next build
- A few custom skin bugs - being worked on as we speak
- DVD Model version not reporting correctly
- VGA not working with some custommade cables on a v1.6 - we are waiting on testing these cables ourselves.

We hope to have a new build in the next day or so.
News-Source: http://www.teamxeuter.com

This article comes from XBOX-HQ.COM

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