Blair Witch is now available for digital pre-order on Xbox One
Date: Tuesday, June 18 @ 15:11:05 UTC
Topic: Xbox One

Story-driven psychological horror game Blair Witch' is now available for digital pre-order and pre-download on Xbox One.

Blair Witch

Blair Witch is based on the cinematic lore of Blair Witch. It's 1996. A young boy disappears in the Black Hills Forest near Burkittsville, Maryland. As Ellis, a former police officer with a troubled past, you join the search. What starts as an ordinary investigation soon turns into an endless nightmare as you confront your fears and the Blair Witch, a mysterious force that haunts the woods'

Developer by Team Bloober, Blair Witch is available to pre-order for $29.99.

Your darkest fears awaken when Blair Witch releases for Xbox One and PC on August 30th, 2019. Pre-order now!

For more information the upcoming Blair Witch video game, including the latest Xbox news, rumors and updates, follow @XONEHQ on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, download the XBOXONE-HQ.COM app for Android and until next time, game on!

Price: $29.99
Xbox Store: here
Platforms: Xbox One, PC

This article comes from XBOX-HQ.COM

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