xNeoRaine v1.2.11 - Xbox1 Neo Geo CD Emulator
Date: Thursday, April 14 @ 23:35:11 UTC
Topic: Xbox Emulation

A600 has released xNeoRaine v1.2.11, a port of NeoRaine for Xbox1. NeoRaine is a Neo Geo CD emulator.

This is a port for the Xbox1 of NeoRaine, the best Neo Geo CD emulator out there, coded by Emmanuel Anne (Tux).

If you like the emu, you can consider donating to him as a way of saying thanks for his hard work. Don't forget this is all possible thanks to lantus and the open source SDLx lib.

VIP Download: xNeoRaine v1.2.11
Xbox-HQ Hombrew: XNeoRaine for Xbox 1

This article comes from XBOX-HQ.COM

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