MP3 FAT-X Renamer
Date: Thursday, August 14 @ 06:46:46 UTC
Topic: Xbox Media Player

MP3 FAT-X Renamer 0.75b by CRP is a new Win32 application (coded in Delphi) which allow you to transfer (and synchronize) your MP3 collection from your computer to the Xbox's build-in hard drive.

The program has a integrated FTP-client that connects directly to XBMP's integrated FTP-server and transfers all the files and folders you select, but what makes this program unique is that is auto re-names all MP3 files (and the folders they are in) on-the-fly during transfer making them compatible with the FAT-X* naming convention.

The original MP3 files & folders remain untouched during this process. See the readme.txt for more information. (*Foot note: FAT-X, the Xbox file system only support 42 characters and do not support many foreign letters or odd characters (more info on this in the XBMP FAQ).

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This article comes from XBOX-HQ.COM

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